Comments on: Sooooo… I Almost Gave Up On the Side of The Mountain Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:19:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Betty Barrett A great encouraging video. I’m on a diverticulitis healing diet and so far feeling great. Taking one day at a time.

By: Lynette Ballester Nice Video! I’ve been there! (in Bozeman I mean) – years ago when I was “healthy”. But hopefully, I’ll get there again – someday – to “Big Sky Country.” (You brought back memories of North Dakota childhood – and much happier and healthier days – but there is always hope!)

By: amanda What a wonderful story. Great video. I’m so moved and I was laughing so much at the end. This is truly inspirational and just the thing to deal with the anxious thinking that is always lurking in the background…. As always I have to thank you both so much for all you have done. It is now exactly two years since I started my journey with SCD and about 1yr 8months since I found your web site and you have helped so much with all the ups and downs on this journey…. x

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Chris.

Awesome, thanks for watching Chris.


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Olivia Bartlett.

Some good old fashion grass fed beef jerky and an Epic Bar (bison and bacon):


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Alyse Rynor.

Thank you Alyse, keep working hard!


By: Olivia Bartlett Thank you Steve & Jordan for this inspirational video–a daily need as a bowel disease sufferer (8 yrs). After a flare a month ago, I dropped back to week 1 day 1 and the flare protocol. Now I’m on the road to health again. Each day without symptoms is the best positive reinforcement and healing! What I want to know is: what did you eat on that long climb??? This would be useful info for those of us who like to be active in the outdoors!

By: Alyse Rynor Hey Guys! That was great! Such good inspiration!! It’s certainly a lot more fun to slide down a snowy mountain then run to the bathroom. I’m climbing my mountain, too and am so appreciative of your help. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

By: Daniella THANK YOU BOTH!!!

you have given me some more hope for my own life…its hard but its not so hard if you really live in the now. step by step…i had to cry from your message because it was just what i needed after a long day…like i said on my blog entry today, we need to fight against poison and finally do what is needed for ourselves…and together we are stronger….i wish that my story is also shared with others and that my experience can help someone like me, i hope you dont mind; i will post my blog entry of today for all of you to keep the inspiration and the wantng to learn more about how to be a greater you!

kind regards to Steve, Jordan and every person reading this!

Daniella Lopez.

By: Chris Thanks for this inspiring video guys! Motivates me to keep going!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to judy hutton.

WOW, thank you Judy. Such kind words.

So grateful,


By: judy hutton To all of you who are struggling….take heed, the calvary is coming! What do I mean? The work that Jordan and Steve and so many others in the alternative camp who challenged conventional medicine and the “big pharm” have done and continue to do has made a difference. Everyone is paying attention so that the confusing, difficult and complex is developing a pattern. People like Jordan and Steve and others have done some tremendous work and helped (and continue to help) countless people. Very simply, change your food, change your life. Reduce inflammation, correct dysbiosis, build your flora, get tested at a competent lab, help others, have fun and above all, keep the faith. These are our goals, one step at a time. THANK YOU Jordan and Steve! You guys do rock:) Keep up the good work.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to KIM.

YES! You rock Kim. Keep working hard to take control of your health and thank you so much for watching.


By: KIM I fight for everyday,but it’s never easy,but seeling this video,it brings hope,and makes me pushing myself,well worth it,and happy to know there are others like myself,that made the choice to say,this is my life,and i am stroger then you know,i took my kife back,it’s not always easy,but it’s always worth it..
