Comments on: How to Enjoy Memorial Day Cookouts Eating Real Food Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 21 Sep 2023 17:32:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: 20bet Your article gave me a lot of inspiration, I hope you can explain your point of view in more detail, because I have some doubts, thank you.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Kelly.

Thank you Kelly, great comment! You Rock! Glad you’re feeling so good 🙂


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Kathy Ellenberger.

You’re doing great Kathy, hang in there.

Start tweaking with the four horsemen:

And get some digestive enzymes:

In good health,


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Nora.

Thank you for that Nora, great insights!


By: Kelly In reply to Kathy Ellenberger.

Hi Kathy,
Your story sounds a lot like mine!! I felt that I should have been much better than I was after 2 months on the diet too. When you go back on the intro diet do you feel better after the 3 days? I am by no means an expert on this diet, but I have read as much I can on SCD lifestyle (Jordan and Steve) the blog, the podcasts, emails and they suggest taking a enzyme with each meal(I got mine from GIprohealth – prozyme, they actually have an SCD starter kit that I would recommend. It has a multi vitamin, prozyem and a probiotic) and that has helped. My problem is I am not as consistent as I should be with all of them. I didn’t do the dairy, I just did the probiotic instead and being off dairy (except for hard cheeses that are legal on SCD) has helped tremendously!! I know what you mean about conflicting “studies” and science – it is hard to decipher what is true and what is not. I think if you can get to a place where you feel better, that is all that matters. I do believe that the SCD helped me tremendously and having “cheated” I can tell a huge difference! Consult with them to be sure, but I would try no dairy and incorporate a digestive enzyme and a probiotic. Also, ultimately, the diet needs to be tailored to you since everyone is different and even Elaine Gottschall said there is a small percentage that the diet does not work for, but I hesitate to even say that, because there is so much truth to the biology that she presented. Best of luck!! Hope things work out before your cruise!

By: Kathy Ellenberger I read the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle. Last night I read it for the 3rd or 4th time. Each time I find something I did “wrong”, but I am really trying! I have been on the GAPS/SCD since March 5th (about 2 1/2 months now. I have been very faithful! I have had horrible gas throughout the last couple of weeks worse than usual. I had diarrhea for 3 days after eating something “bad” one day. My first real cheat (potato chips and guacamole). I keep thinking my gut should settle down. I am going on a cruise in July and hoped to be MUCH better by then! I go back to the Intro Diet each time I feel bad, for several days. I was tested for Celiac’s and do not have it. I am making homemade yogurt every couple of days. I eat/drink it for breakfast. I haven’t had any sauerkraut yet. I’ve made my homemade chicken broth and have it for lunch. I am diabetic and my blood sugar numbers have been great. I thought I had a bladder infection or something but didn’t. I have ketosis however. I have read so many “scientific” articles that contradict each other. I am 5′ 1″ and weighed 138 pounds at the beginning. I just hit 118 yesterday. I am not even trying, but I can’t eat much of anything when I get diarrhea. I feel really frustrated and worried.

By: The Allergy Friendly Pantry Thank you for this encouragement! I was meant to read this today.

By: Nora What we have to realize is that we think about our own food choices a LOT more than the other people at the party do. Part of my memory of offering people cupcakes and stuff when I wasn’t sick is that if they said no, I was the one who felt kind of self-conscious. I respected that the other person didn’t want a cupcake and felt a little pushy. So everyone there is really thinking mainly about themselves, not about how awful and offensive your diet is. And if someone makes fun of your diet, it’s because they know that they could never get themselves to do it. They aren’t truly concerned one way or the other. The desire to preach to our friends about the diet comes from either idealism (I can make everybody I know healthier!) or insecurity (I have to defend my choice because it makes me look superstitious or uptight). Usually, though, people don’t even realize you’re different from them. If you keep quiet it’s amazing how few questions you’ll get about it.
