Comments on: The Lucifer Effect on Health and Well-Being Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:21:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa In reply to Steven Wright.

Thank you, Steve. I checked out the link, and you have some GREAT information there. I’m not ready to sign up for one-on-one consulting yet only because I’m just not ready to spend more money on something that that may or may not benefit me. I just had my 90 day blood test today, so I’ll have a better idea or what kind of progress I’m making.

I know I can’t get around spending money to get better, but I want to spend it as WISELY as possible. Regardless, after reading the info on that page, I know I have some soul searching and back tracking to do. I remember the main symptom that popped up from one day to the next: I start having allergic reactions to fruit and alcohol out of the blue Aug
28, 2011. Allergy tests showed I’m not allergic to fruit though. I need to think back to what was going on in my life at that time….

Thank you so much for the great advice. I know where to turn if the person I’m currently working with can’t help me get over these hurdles.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Lisa.

@Lisa – You are so brave seriously! Remember this is just as much a journey of self discovery and transformation as it is a health transformation. What you shared above applies to soooo many people. You are defiantly not alone. It gets easier if you keep making changes. But as soon as we start settling progress typically stops.

Sounds like you could use some different opinions on your case. We work with 1-on-1 with people like you here regardless if you work with us, this is more of a confirmation that I think at your deepest truth you know you need to find someone else to help you. If that’s us great, if not great, just keep choosing!

By: PN It’s true that sometimes getting caught in that corrupting environment can make someone act in ways that those around them dislike and hurt them. But what’s even more troubling is the times when they actually end up rewarded more, not less, for becoming that more cutthroat Machiavellian person.

By: Rick Lamb this is the root of it, right? the truth – most of us prefer the comfort of the beautiful lies to the pain and work that often flows from the terrible truth. Thanks for a great piece of writing here Steve.

By: Lisa Steve– I soooo needed to read your Lucifer Effect blog this morning! I’ve been on an SCD diet since late Dec 2012, and while I’ve made improvements in some areas, still some things seem to be worse. I was at a family get-together yesterday, and one of my closest friends (after a few beers) openly expressed her opinion of how ridiculous it seemed to her that I seem to be getting worse even after all the time and money I’ve spent trying to get better. She said she wasn’t criticizing ME, but rather the nutritionist I’ve been seeing “who doesn’t seem to know what the hell he’s talking about.” Hmmm….

Honestly, I’ve wondered if there’s someone who could help me more than this guy, but
he seems to just have me following the standard protocol for dealing with leaky gut. I’ve already been to doctors who couldn’t help me and who never even questioned my digestive process, so I figured it was worth it to follow this person’s direction. I didn’t start the SCD with the hopes of being fixed overnight, and I figured it would still be a long process of trial and error. I also new that the social aspect would be a huge challenge at times too, AND IT IS.

So many times I feel like a minnow swimming upstream against white water rapids. Of course there’s the constant barrage of marketing and advertising EVERYWHERE for all the bad stuff. Then there are the co-workers that I spend most of my waking hours with who were once my lunch buddies and who think it can be so fun to playfully taunt me and try to tempt me with their unhealthy crap. They’re not malicious in any way, but some days I JUST DON’T NEED THAT! Then there are kind, well-meaning relatives and friends who encourage me to “cheat” because “it’s OK.” And the honest truth is, a big part of me DOES want to give in at times — I DO want to go out for drinks and pizza and burgers!!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought “Man, I just need to change my environment completely! I need a new job! I need a support group to join!” But THEN I think, “Even if I did all that, maybe I’d still have my biggest problem with me –ME!!”
So I haven’t quit my job, and I still have the same circle of friends, but I think what makes the most sense is to at least seek out some people who are truly committed to an SCD diet for some fellowship.

I’m due for my 90 day blood test at the end of this month, and that’s going to be a major deciding factor on where I go from here. I’ve had a huge problem with inflammation. My C-Reactive protein was 2.75 in December when I started all of this.
I know there’s no way I can expect loved ones to get what I’m doing. I know I’m going to have to be strong enough to feel like a lone wolf at times. Still, with blogs like yours, I know I’m not a lone wolf — the pack is just spread far and thin from where I am. Thank you for the opportunity to reach out.
