Comments on: How to Find The Root Cause of Your Digestive Problems Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 03 Dec 2015 21:18:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Lynn.

Hi Lynn – Steve and Jordan recommend The BioHealth #401H GI Pathogen Screen and the Doctor’s Data Parasitology x3

By: Lynn I noticed that you no longer recommended Metametrix in a prior post. Has this changed? Is this test better now?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to david.

Hi David, thanks for reaching out! It sounds like you need to alter your diet and begin identifying the foods that cause you symptoms. Secondly, you may have an underlying issue going on and a good place to start would be this customized quiz to get a better idea of what may be going on:

By: david I have constant burping and oral gas almost every day , but its most active at night after dinner 2-3 hours later. I get constant oral gas being releived from my mouth and some reflux. I take hydrocloric acid enzymes with bromalin, papin and so forth in it as well but only one when I eat protein food. This has been going on for six months.
I also drink apple cider vinegar with Mother , diluted in water every day , but the symptoms just remain. I can drink coffee, eat spicy foods with no problem. I was just in China and had bull frog every night with hot chili sauce in old. No problems with the food , no ulcers, only after I eat the symptoms start, always 1-3 hours later. Also have big crazy gas from some foods that last for hours.
What do you think?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Diane.

Hi Diane,

Thank you for reaching out! The doctors found on the page do not see people in person, but rather via skype or telephone.

By: Diane Where is Dr. Stephanie Davis located?

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Sean O Grady.

Hi Sean,

Thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear that your son has been through so much. Getting healthy truly is a journey.

In regards to our recommended practitioners, there are many reasons why we recommend them but one of the major ones is that they were trained by Dr. Daniel Kalish in his Functional Medicine Mentorship. Another is that they know what it’s like to be really sick and regain their health.

Like you said, there are no guarantees, but part of our mission is to provide the best products and resources that would help us if we were to go back in time and try to help ourselves when we felt helpless. Stephanie and Brie are amazing at what they do and are helping people turn their health and lives around as we speak.

By: Sean O Grady I am on my own journey to the fullest health I can reach. I have met some good people along the way and changed my health dramatically. Two years ago, because of his own emerging health issues, I invited my youngest son along. He has been to numerous doctors and “functional health” practitioners. He’s had tests galore. We’ve spent thousands of dollars on consultations and clinics, with highly recommended professionals. Now, after all of this and various therapies, diet changes and supplements, he has the same symptoms he started with. He desperately wants to feel good and be rid of the fatigue (and acne, etc.) that plagues him, but no one, so far, has even made a dent in his symptoms. I came close to booking a session with one of your recommended practitioners, but am honestly scared to. Will this be one more appointment we can’t really afford that goes nowhere? I know there are no guarantees, but we don’t have the money to continue to experiment with finding someone who can help him. He is optimistic, but feeling hopeless at the same time.

By: Naturally Sigh….. It is a wonderful thing to find adults who are able to understand that there is actually a real healing process when it comes to this thing. I’ve worked for 5, long years to get my 10 year stable, and symptom free.

I agree with you when you say it’s important that you peel back the onion. You have to take the time to figure out where this all started. And sometimes, it takes some real peeling to make that happen. And once you begin to peel, you have to treat one at a time until you get the results you are looking for.

I’ve become interested in helping parents treat their kids who suffer from IBD. Kids are much more likely to overcome this rather than adults, because adults are so set in their ways. They’ve done certain things for years, so most of the time they refuse to believe that their mere, everyday actions play a huge part in their sickness.

So far with treating my son, his intestines have become healthy, and he is scheduled for a ostomy reversal. All things take time, but you have to really be dedicated, and you have to be the captain of your own ship.
