Comments on: Are You Interested in Helping People and Getting Paid? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:06:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jeremy Cain Stanley.

HI Jeremey – I’d recommend looking into Trudy Scott’s resources as she is a leader in this area of health. Here is her site:

By: Jeremy Cain Stanley Thank you all. I’m wanting to help people with depression most of all, I can see where nutrients could play a big role in that. Does anyone have any up-to-date information on classes or programs I could get involved with to help? Books?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kala nelson.

Hey Kala – it is so awesome to hear you want to sue your gifts to help others 🙂

Please check out our site exclusively for practitioners like you – we share all our business advice there:

By: Kala nelson Hi I came across your page in search for a way to fulfill my purpose. I want to help people. I don’t want to live a life full of procedures that pretends to want to help ppl. I have been studying homeopathic health on my own for a while now, and I can’t seem to stay or want to stay at any job I find. I thought I just ed wanted to be at home and then realized once I started doing that I will never be happy working for anyone unless their business is truly to care for another being. I’m interested in what you guys are talking about maybe this is what I needed.

By: Kyle Surprised its only been five years. I found out about your site a year ago when I looked up what can cause 14 plus hours of sleeping per day and leaned about celiac disease with a huge list of symptoms she’s had since I’ve known her. Tests were positive and should have been diagnosed a decade ago instead she was constantly treated for symptoms and not the underlying disease. Even now doctors are not linking current issues with her celiac disease and it’s very frustrating. I tried explaining how celiac can cause hormonal imbalance which could cause frequent migraine issues. You’re site had the most in depth and easy to understand explanation of celiac disease and has been my go to source for information to try and help my loved one and others. Thanks for pushing through the hard times and I hope your successful in recruiting more people and changing how people live with these diseases for the better.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Rebecca.

Hi Rebecca,

Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing this with us and our community!

Very grateful to know that you’re planning to join Cynthia’s course. It’ going to be amazing. =)

Please keep us posted.

By: Rebecca Hi Steve,

Thank you so much for this post!

Not sure how else to say it but, it really spoke to my heart. I’ve been in a job for the past few years that is literally crushing my spirit. The thing is, I work in a prestegious firm and I’m good at my job which is very technical…but I desperately want to put my time and abilities into something I truly believe in. I’m passionate about health and have faced my own challenges. Many times I’ve thought very seriously about going back to school to study nutrition (even signed up once!), however options are expensive, lengthy, and in Australia the training on offer is very behind the times. I’m so excited for Cynthia’s course – oh my god, finally something that is cutting edge, with amazing teachers and a business lense over the top, where I can start helping people NOW rather than in 4-5 years time (after completing a woeful degree in the food pyramid!). Anyway, just wanted you to know your post filled me with such encouragement and reassurance that picking Cynthia’s course is right for me. Good to know someone has been in my situation…I can see the light!

Take care

