Comments on: The Best Gut Health Advice I Could Possibly Give You Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 01:04:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marcia Just what I needed to hear!
I truly believe I’m a fighter! I will never give up! But…sometimes you need a reminder 🙂
Thank you Jordan.

By: Julie Thanks, Jordan and Steve, for going before us and breaking through the barriers that brought you into health. I am a hospice RN and that is an amazing fit for my life right now, but I hope to overcome my own health struggles and maybe in the future use it to empower others to be survivors. Amazing timing to encourage us with this message!

By: Barb Thank you for that great video. Just what I needed to force myself to go on this really strict diet. Mindset is very imp. and I think one of the most imp. Been struggling with severe food allergies and MCS for 20 years. Not been fun. I think my major problem is leaky gut. I just don’t know if I can just drink turkey broth for weeks and not much else but I’m going to try it!!! Thank you for your great site. Blessings, Barb

By: casey Jordan,

You. Are. The. Man.

I am a survivor!

By: Sheena Muse Thank you so much for this! Brought tears to my eyes. I’m a survivor! You are awesome!

By: Heidi Thank you so much! I’m glad I heard this before my doctors appointment yesterday because it really helped. I’m still pretty young so it’s been extremely difficult lately with the multiple health problems I’ve been dealing with and this just helped motivate me even more, because I am a survivor, even when all I’ve felt like doing until yesterday was giving up. This was incredible. Thank you again! It helps me keep on keeping on.

By: Terry Thank you for the inspiration. I am recently diagnosed MTHFR combination hetero. I suffer from IBS and depression that is very debilitating. I am currently on SIBO treatment with a ND, and back on the antidepressants just to get out of bed. I am hopeful that some of his will be resolved very soon. I am a survivor!
Thanks for believing!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Cathy Drysdale.

Hi Cathy, thank you for reaching out! It is often those times when we feel like giving up the most that a break through is about to happen. Don’t give up the fight!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Alicia.

Hi Alicia, thank you for reaching out! Keep on fighting, we believe in you!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Alexia mews.

Alexia, thank you for reaching out! Way to never give up, we believe in you!

By: Alexia mews Thank you for that heart filled messaged! I love you guys 🙂 I have been fighting for 10 years and Iv never giving up on my hormone and gut problems, even in my darkest times! Iv learnt so much about my health that I’m now doing my health coaching course to give back to those who feel lost and are struggling!! There is always a hidden blessing with every crisis! ??

By: Rhonda Thank you Jordan for your inspiring message. I am going on 10 years fighting my health battle and never had any significant improvement until finding you and Steve. I have learned so much this year, you guys know more than all of the doctors I’ve seen put together. Please know because of you I am finally seeing a change in my health and thank you for connecting me with Brie.

By: Alicia I’m a survivor. Thanks for the reminder. I’m sure we’d all agree that it’s something we should hear and say everyday. 🙂

By: Cathy Drysdale Sometimes I wonder what it is like for anyone that ever wakes up and feels like getting out of bed, does not feel miserable and like a truck ran over them?! Some days are not as miserable as others but when I get on a roll of feeling like every part of my body is on fire and my head is killing me it seems impossible to try and figure out how to feel better and take a couple of weeks to not feel impossibly miserable. How do you spend any quality time with my husband, my grown kids and my 23 grandchildren and work my full time job when all I want and feel like doing is nothing?!! I think gluten has a lot to do with it and I know my gut is not right but honestly it doesn’t seem like anything I do makes any difference and what is the point of living like this? Thanks for your encouragement! Cathy

By: Tui I am a survivor.
Thank you for the wake up call!

By: Michal Hi
It gives energy and this more then just worlds
Best regards

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Hollis.

Haha… gee, thanks Hollis!

– J

By: Hollis Dang Jordan you are one dreamy dude!

Thanks for putting your self out there like this!!!

By: dan As more time goes on, I realize more and more that this is where it is at… Staying in the game is everything, and it could very well be that resolving the “stresses” of how each person has been living and processing life, especially the “unconscious” ones, and evolving with the changes that need to happen in these areas, is the ultimate limiting factor in finding the path to wellness… Folks need to make sure they continue to love themselves no matter how challenging things may feel, and the patterns that likely faciliated the origins of the health challenge can get in the way of this, which keeps the cycle going… Thx to the two of you for your examples of determination and commitment, and recognizing that the stress component is as significant as anything else…

By: Cheryl Thank you. Yes, I am a survivor! I have
finally started feeling better and feeling
normal again for the first time in 7 years.
I could not have done this without you and
Steve. I have followed your advice exactly.
Journaling was a great help to identify daily
what my body did not like. I survived!!!!!

By: Jen M. Ahh! Got me all misty eyed. Your blogs and posts helped me heal. It’s a hard path, but thank you for continuing to help people and assist in them fighting to get their lives back, just like I did. I remember the days of not being able to get out of bed like they were yesterday. Once you make that choice, and feel that power and control in your hands, they’re no turning back. It’s the best feeling of freedom to not feel confined in your body, stagnant to the point of feeling frozen. You are truly an inspiration! I needed to hear this today, and I know a lot of people need to be reminded that this is a choice and that they ARE strong enough. Life is beautiful!!

By: Erwin Crean Wow! you’re almost getting evangelical in your delivery. But the ladies seem to like it 😉

By: Elise I am SURVIVOR, Like you and everyone else here! Thank you for your awesome support, and that you believe in us Jordan! Keep up the good work!

Peace & Love E

By: joann thank you Jordan sooo much for your heartfelt message~ It is what everyone needs to hear..we are all survivors..but may I add that we can do all things thru Christ who strengthens us if we just depend on Him. I am blessed by your message today!

By: Leah Powerful video. What comes from the heart – hits the heart.
Bulls eye.

The BEST thing I ever did for my health was:
1) totally gave up sugar – even brown sugar. Now I use stevia to sweeten my tea.
2) totally gave up white flour products. I only eat whole wheat products.

It was REALLY hard, but guess what? The pounds just flew off without even exercising!
Yes yes yes I miss a lot of things – mostly desserts, but once you start to feel better, look better and get THINNER – you won’t go back to eating foods that destroy your health. And I mean DESTROY your health.
Good luck to all of us!!

By: Maite Hello Jordan! Thank you very much… you’re amazing! And yes, I’m a survivor , I can do this 🙂 … I started work with last summer and I’m really grateful to know you and Brie…because I deserve HEALTH…

By: Monica Thank you Jordan for the words of encouragement. You SCD guys ROCK!

By: Tina Thank you Jordan! I really needed to hear this tonight. I am a survivor whose feeling a little discouraged today about my process. I put my disease into remission by following a paleo diet. Still know my body is reacting to something after everything I’ve done, it’s so frustrating. I won’t give up though until I find the answer! Thank you for your encouraging words.

By: julie In reply to Jordan Reasoner.

Thank you for your wonderful encouragement!

By: Marjorie Tears swelled up listening to you! I go back and forth wanting to give up! I get tired of all the supplements and food sensitivities, tired of remaining homebound for fear of what reaction I will have when I eat! Tired of the mood swings caused by food! Miss the foods I used to love, esp. comfort foods! Tired of paying every dime
I have for supplements and office visits with little results…BUT….you give hope!!!Thank you Jordan and Steve! I want to do the Leaky Gut program but don’t like meat that much…. you mentioned you have to like meat…. 🙁

By: Lee Thank you Jordan for the wonderful words of encouragement. I have followed the SCD Lifestyle for over a year and had many setbacks, but continue to hope for a breakthrough. I am an 80 year old lady with several autoimmune issues, but will never give up. Thank you for your uplifting words.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to sophinah.

You are a survivor Sophinah… we’re here for you. Never give up. Never stop fighting. You can do this 🙂

– J

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Lisa Yappel.

Ahhhh, I LOVE it Lisa – you’re amazing! So grateful you watched this tonight… we’ve got your back. Know you can do this!

– J

By: sophinah i was meant to hear that today, been having a good cry an felt like i had fallen apart, i guess we hear what we are meant to hear at the right time. Thank you spirit guided man

By: Lisa Yappel Thank you, Jordan. I am so exhausted. Today I felt that I can’t keep going and I am so tired of doing all this. Now, I know, I am a survivor. Thank you.

By: Melinda Good One Jordan!

We need more cheerleaders like you in life!

I keep for “D”‘s posted on my computer to look at daily. I just added one more from your encouragement for the really bad days…Dig Deeper! Yep! Good advice.

Dig Deeper

By: Chrissie The perfect message at exactly the right time. I have been struggling and eating the wrong foods even though they made me feel sick. Thank you.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Dawn.

You’re amazing Dawn! Thank you for being part of this community, you and your daughter are such a gift!

– J

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Christin.

Christin – my heart goes out to you, hang in there… you are a survivor. Never forget!

– J

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Sal.

No thank you Sal… I’m just grateful you took this message to heart today. It was meant for you!

– J

By: Sal Thank you SO much Jordan! What you said is exactly what I needed to hear tonight. I’m old, and it would be very easy to just give up, but people like you make people like me want to keep trying 🙂

By: Christin Thank you so much for this. I have had another flare up. It started june 16. Still sick. Colon is miserable and continues to swell; especially as soon as i seem to be on the upside, then bam. My last appointment i finally broke down for the first time ever and told my dr i just want to know what it is because i have a husband and a nine year old daughter that i homeschool. I told him they are the only reason i just can’t lay there and waste away. Ive lost 30lbs this round. Im exhausted, i think about giving up during my most painful times. Then i look at my daughter (a miracle child who i was pregnant with, with cancer) and think…i know this is excruciating and sometimes i cant eat or even walk. But i have to keep going for her. I cant imagine giving up and her losing me due to lack of trying. Thank you again. This more than a much needed message. I feel it was almost divine.

By: Lynn Thank you for that awesome pep talk. I needed that!!

By: Dawn Thank you for that uplifting message Jordan! I needed to hear that tonight. I will never stop fighting the fight to bring back my daughter’s health! She is surviving and I am surviving too! Thank you so much for your support!
