Comments on: What Are You Feeding Your Brain? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:28:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maribel Rodriguez 1. I want to eat a regular, healthy meal and stop carrying my own meals whenever I go out.

2. I want to be able to travel to places like Europe without worrying what would I eat there. My job will require that I travel to France, for 2 weeks, and I panic just to think about it.

3. I want to stop feeling weird when I go out to do something fun with friends; lunch time comes and go to a restaurant and everybody order their food, and I have to eat what I have in my thermo (usually meat and veggies soup).

By: Rose O'Hara 1. I want to be able to eat more than chicken, salmon, chicken bone broth, ghee, celery, green beans, carrots, banana, prunes and papaya. I want to be able to eat SCD yoghurt for the probiotic benefits.
2. I want to be able to travel with foods I can carry easily like baked nut products.
3. I want to be able eat out by ordering a simple meat dish and steamed vegetables.
4. I want one easy Bristol 3 bm a day.
5. I want enough energy to take me through the whole day without having to lie down and rest.
6. I want to feel ‘normal’ – not always thinking about ‘getting better’.
7. I want enough energy to add a new social activity to my life – like dancing.

By: Kristin I want to be able to wake up and feel good. Not spending my day in the house due to bathroom trips, I want to be able to enjoy my meals with out pain and be stress free

By: eva beagan 3 ways my health will go forward:
1. A complete clearout (and feeling it has all gone) after breakfast
2. no more bloating and feeling like someone has poured concrete in me
3. being able to sleep through the night and wake up refreshed and not depressed about the day that lies ahead
