Comments on: Get Rid of Neck and Upper Back Pain Once and for All Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Sat, 20 May 2023 22:30:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: gate io kimlik do?rulama sorunu I am a website designer. Recently, I am designing a website template about The boss’s requirements are very strange, which makes me very difficult. I have consulted many websites, and later I discovered your blog, which is the style I hope to need. thank you very much. Would you allow me to use your blog style as a reference? thank you!

By: Susan George Realli nice blog everything explained very well.

By: Allen Michael I think the treadmill and standing desk is a great innovation to lessen back and neck pains. Although, I agree that it can come with new pains after a long period of usage, as we’re not meant to stay still in one place.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Saroja B.

Thanks for sharing, Saroja, and we hope you feel better!

By: Saroja B Being a mother of two kids and also managing the office work, is obvious that back pain is always a mandatory unwanted guest. Did not experience the neck pain though but never know how long I can be away from that. I just viewed that wonderful video about managing the neck. Will definitely follow that to be away from that pain. Thank you for sharing the data.

By: Harshvardhan Rathore Thanks for sharing these good exercises. The Video is amazing. I had neck pain problem 2 years ago, but after practicing yoga for six months, It had gone completely.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Melissa.

So happy to hear this helped you Melissa!!

You have the right attitude – curious, positive, lighthearted – to be very successful on your healing journey!!

By: Melissa Hello, I stumbled upon your site and was quite surprised to already feel the effectiveness of this exercise. About 12 years ago I was in a head-on car collision (wasn’t the driver), and was fortunate enough to not have had severe injuries. I went home sore that night thinking of how lucky I was to not have died. Unfortunately, at 19, I didn’t realize that my neck took the brunt of the impact (along with my brain smashing inside the back of my skull), so I went on with my life without any therapy, chiro, nothing.
Four years ago, along with 10 years of sleeping on my face nightly, I woke up in terrible pain. My neck finally screamed “help me”, and I made my way to the chiropractor.
The chiropractor did help, but the pain always came back. I am sure many of you out there can relate with that one. However, it got quite expensive, so like many other people, I stopped going and just dealt with the chronic pain.
So, enough of my story. I just performed all the exercises in this video, and felt immediate relief! I will be doing this every day from now on. I use my resistance bands for the head exercise, and it works just fine. In fact, I could go up in resistance if I do better!
Thank you for sharing this, maybe I will not have to be miserable while going to college.. 🙂

By: Traci D. Thank you for this post. I appreciate this information and the treatment. I also suggest anyone who are suffering from back pain or lower back pain to not to go with any surgical therapy. Regular exercise is always best to get relief from pain.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Amy.

Hi Amy, thank you for reaching out and sharing your thoughts with us, we appreciate it. You are correct that these exercises may not be the correct fit for each individual that reads this and it is meant to be a possible tool for some.

By: Amy Dear Steve,
Some of the recommendations in this video may not be wise for a lot of people.
As a certified trainer I was taught that people needed to be trained about how to do full neck extension and that full neck extension was contraindicated in some cases.
I was taught that it was not wise to force range of movement. In physical therapy school I learned more about why neck extension was a more vulnerable position. The muscles are more on the side of the neck than directly in front and the cross on diagonals. I was given and I also taught exercises to accomplish similar goals which I believe are safer and more incremental in progress. I am glad this guy is in such good shape that his body is up for what he is doing (if it is) but some people with posture issues have actually had degeneration over time, and taking the weight of the head into full extension may not be the best approach due to muscle condition and structural support. There are a number of good physical therapists and other professionals who have gentle exercises that do not have much risk. This is worth considering because there are a lot of women with conditions like osteopenia who may not be diagnosed for instance. Thank you for considering these thoughts.

By: joe Yes pain can be a horrible thing, we often do not realize how much a person does go through when they are suffering, I hope with new information we can help those suffering in pain

By: Dan Shuman Steve – thanks for a great website. I found you SCDL through Kris Kresser and like your content and approach. However, I’m a little disappointed in this recent post. I am a chiropractor and ART practitioner in Atlanta, GA. I’m secure in my approach to treating patients and I agree with your statement “Chiropractors are just like any medical consultant. There are great ones, good ones and lousy ones. It took me a bit to figure that out.” Chiropractic care is the second most utilized form of healthcare after traditional western medicine. Usually we are well versed and prepared to talk to our patients about musculoskeletal conditions as well as proper nutrition, importance of sleep and stress reduction. We normally encourage our patients to take an active approach in their own recovery so that they may establish and reinforce proper ergonomic and ergogenic habits. I do both in my practice. I like the cervical retraction recommendations above. I realize that you’re trying to sell something so you’re trying to attach value to the ebook by stating it’s cheaper than a visit to the chiropractor. However, your overall tone toward chiropractic feels like one of mistrust and you’re asking others to follow suit and that’s why I’m disappointed. Being skeptical about medical and chiropractic advice is prudent especially when prescription medications and lengthy treatment plans are all that’s offered. I think establishing and maintaining a professional relationship with a chiropractor or PT for that matter is vital to a person’s structure and thusly function. You’re asking people to move more which is great, but an eBook (or any ONE source for that matter) isn’t going to fix that’s person’s dysfunctions acquired over a lifetime. I hope people purchase the eBook and work on moving more, but I also hope they seek the advice of a trusted chiropractor to compliment their efforts, especially when pain persists or affects their lives negatively. Thanks again and take care.

By: Dr Susan McLay PT, DPT, OCS Get yourself a “movement plan” from a licensed physical therapist. The amount of shearing force in the above exercise would be detrimental to most folks with arthritis and downright dangerous to elderly with vertebral or carotid artery stenosis. This also doesn’t address the regional interdependence of a shifted posture, not limited to us occipital forward bending motion, scapular and thoracic spine mobility, & posterior hip tightness. A “quick fix” that is very limited in addressing the full problem. Fixing forward head posture is really important, but as any good physical therapist or chiropractor knows the causes are multifaceted.

By: Beatrix Willius Been there, done that.

For me it was that I couldn’t sleep because of pain in the upper chest area. Doctors, massage, remedial gymnastics, pain killers: nothing helped. Then I found a book by Thomas Hannah. I looked for a physical therapist using his methods. That guy saved my life! It took a while and was a lot of work, but it was so worth it.

By: Fel excellent blog and information, sometimes we don’t realize how much pain and suffering a person may go through with neck pain, may we keep striving to move forward
