Comments on: Why You’re Losing Weight After Starting SCD and GAPS Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:20:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jennifer Hillis.

HI Jennifer –
If you have some time, listen to Steve and Jordan talk about losing weight on the diet and how to stop it in one of our old podcasts (around the 31 minute mark).

Here’s the link:

Also, here’s two articles Steve wrote about the SCD Diet, calories, and losing weight:

By: Jennifer Hillis Please advise my son has Crohns and is currently not on meds. He had an FMT approx 1 month ago w colonoscopy. He has significant inflammation but in very small area . We thought to try and heal area the SCD could help. He was 112.5 and now 108 . I am cooking all day Long and just so difficult for him to feel satisfied. He is 15 and needs all nourishment he can get ? Any suggestions thanks

By: Smocklady P.S. Due to my gut issues I became GF almost 20 years ago and am currently tweaking my version of SCD. The point is, your salt intake matters. Make sure you get enough!

By: nina This article has helped me. I researched the GAPS diet after no treatment from my doctor worked so far and been desperate to stop my condition. I knew I needed to stop all sugar, yeast and starch intake. I starrted last Friday, I was 10 stone. Now it is the following Saturday and I am 9 stone. Still feel faint and very hungry and find it hard to find enough food of the right foods to eat but I am learning and adapting. It is very interesting to hear about the sugar v water in our bodies and thats probably why I have lost a stone in a week.

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By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Kayla.

Hi Kayla,

Thanks for reaching out! It is very common for people to lose weight this quickly and as long as you feel like you’re not starving yourself keep up the great work! Here’s a great post to read for more in-depth info:

By: Kayla If you were technically slightly overweight to begin with, your family has been on intro with minimal weight loss (no more than would be expected according to your list), and you lost say 10 pounds in 12 days… would that be considered a good or bad thing? Am I not taking in enough calories (though I feel great) and headed for trouble, or is this a by-product of the diet I can be grateful for? I started it for digestive health/ fibromyalgia problems, not weight specifically.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Amy.

You are welcome Amy! Glad I could help. Keep working hard.

By: Amy I just wanted to say thanks. I’m on day 11 of SCD and lost 5 pounds so far. I am at the cusp of being underweight by BMI so the sudden weight loss was rather alarming. This article is exactly what I needed to read to keep going. I want to be healthy! Thanks for the encouragement and the education! 🙂

By: Kelsey I will take the weight loss, please.

By: Garcinia Cambogia Max supplement Very good article! We will be linking to this particularly great
article on our site. Keep up the good writing.

By: Bruce Simpsom Hi David. Coeliac with usual complications that UK NHS does not recognise so just fired my Doc! On GAPS diet since Dec. now 4 nights a week I wake at 2.30 in morning with headaches. Don’t know why. Forehead only eased by soluble paracetamol etc

Could this be due to low sodium. Original tests showed I was low in all minerals except potassium. GAPS is naturally diuretic diet and I am up at least 4 times a night! 135 lbs having lost about 20. If so, how do I increase sodium safely ?

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By: Steven Wright In reply to Katie Newville.

Maybe try avocado?

By: Katie Newville Hi, thank you for the article. We have finally gone into intro stage 1 of GAPS. I’ve been slowly introducing the food we can have for over a month now and my 4 year old son suddenly looks really skinny. I’m worried. I realize now that while introducing the food he was eating much less bc of refusing the soup and meat. He has Autism and is a very picky eater. We are finally eating fairly well and I have learned more of what he willing to eat. We are also talking with his nutritionist who is going to monitor his calorie intake. My question is, how do I get him more calories on GAPS Intro if I want to stick to the diet? People have said add beef tallow to the soups, but it’s kind of nasty and he won’t eat very much of the soup as it is. This is just so much harder doing it with kids.

By: Steven Wright In reply to David.

Vegetables don’t contribute much in the way of calories. Please use a free online calorie counter and eat at least 1800 calories a day as a baseline (that might not be enough either).

By: David Thanks for this interesting article.

I have been on the diet now for 11 weeks for dysbiosis. I have ups and downs, but generally I am seeing improvements. However, I have not progressed much beyond Phase 2 because of reactions to the vegetables and fructose.

However, I am concerned about my weight and lack of energy. I lost 5kg very quickly, and have continued to slide but slower. I am now at 62.5kg. I find that if I go for a brisk walk, after about 30 minutes, my muscles feel very weak.

Noting your comment above: Not actual fat or muscle mass loss.

I have lost most (all?) of my body fat. My clothes are all very loose – pants have gone down two sizes, ie, 10cm or 4″.

I am a bit concerned that the weakness in muscles is the muscle mass going too. 🙁

My first attempt was to just eat more, 4 or 5 meals a day. I think this is what slowed down the weight loss.

Following your advice, I have been adding oils and fats. Rereading the article tonight, I see I am probably not adding enough. Do the phase 1 and 2 vegetables contribute much?

By: Marina Great article. I’m really under weight from being so sick and the only things that have helped are alternative diets. I’m glad to hear about this as I was already speculating these changes may be due to the occurrence of toxins and adaptations of removing certain foods. Hope all is well and that everyone has the courage to maintain the SCD diet.
