Comments on: Join Us LIVE on the Real Food Summit — Troubleshooting Your Diet Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 28 Jul 2021 19:36:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tammy R. Hi,

I am eager to do the intro – the SCD. I’m curious to know why you are recommending grape juice which is so high in sugar. I have pretty bad SIBO/candida problems from years of IBS, mercury toxicity, etc. and have avoided sugar like the plague.


By: Steven Wright In reply to Laurie D. Warner, MA, CNC.

@Laurie – The best brand we’ve found is listed on our recommended products page. But you dose it 2-3 times per day without food, try for a month and see what happens. And thanks again for sharing your original comment, taking HCL on any empty stomach or with a low/no protein meal would cause most people awful burning from my experience. I’ve done it, not fun. Here’s a post I did on it:

By: Anne Blanton I listened to your session on the Real Food Summit and was totally fascinated with the information. I was extremely sick last summer with a bad gall bladder (it was removed), pancreatitis, GERD and even had to have my esophagus stretched. To top it off I have two lesions on my pancreas that they are watching closely as pancreatic cancer runs in the family. I have had stomach issues ALL of my life. In the late sixties and early seventies the doctors told my mother I was just a picky eater and was wanting attention. After leaving home I began to notice what caused the issues and what didn’t, but continued to eat things I wanted – sick or not. After last summer I knew I had to do something. My new medical doctor advocates a “plant based” diet for my issues. As soon as I took dairy out of the picture, I began to improve. If I slip and eat ice cream (my nemesis), I get sick. Quality beef and chicken don’t seem to give much issue. Eggs are not good. You made so much sense. I have spent over an hour today reviewing your website. Thank you so much for all your hard work.

By: Laurie D. Warner, MA, CNC In reply to Steven Wright.

Thanks for this information. Where would one get this, and how is it used?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Laurie D. Warner, MA, CNC.

@Laurie – Thanks for stopping by I love hearing how other people solve the same problems so I really appreciate your comment! I plan to read your article here in a bit. But I just wanted to tell you a quick story that we’ve found very interesting lately for these same group of people who cannot tolerate HCL but have low acid levels. Mastic Gum – It seems to really help several cases in a row now. It takes away any burning/GERD/heartburn they were experiencing and all levels of health are rising.

By: Laurie D. Warner, MA, CNC hi, I enjoyed it much. I also felt the need of mentioning how to individualize it all. I found your experiences helpful, especially about the four horsemen! I had not encountered this. I also do this type of education. My article in Wise Traditions discussed restoring fat digestion (Copper-Zinc Imbalance, Spring 2007). I work mostly with Chinese Tongue Diagnosis and GAPS Diet for these students.
I wanted to tell you about my experience with stomach acid, when I could eat almost nothing ( as I describe in the article). I could not tolerate HCL in any form, lots of burning. Long a fan of Vermont Folk Medicine, I kept thinking of cider vinegar, though the Candida protocols all said vinegar is death. It was a key to my recovery! (The dogma on “fermented foods” has changed now; we know the difference between real and fake).
I used some vinegar in my soups, and it took months, but it improved my digestion enough I could use some Chinese herbs, and eventually regular digestive products.
The Chinese “cold spleen” condition (white tongue or less severe, white coating) can make the stomach so sensitive it cannot tolerate HCL.
I am working now with someone too sensitive to use vinegar. I suggested she use Celestial Seasonings Mandarin Spice Tea. Very gently warming, and her tongue has improved a lot.
Anyway, I would say with the cider vinegar, real foods can help restore stomach acid. Cheers, Laurie Warner

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Rachel B.

Thank you Rachel, I’m so happy that you enjoyed it.


By: Rachel B I loved your presentation! You’re is the first one that I’ve listened to that spoke about a custom diet and HCL and I appreciate that so much!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Aglaee.

Thanks Aglaee, we had a blast doing it!


By: Aglaee good job guys! 🙂
