Comments on: Soft Protein Bars Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 03 Feb 2015 00:49:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Angela In reply to Jordan Reasoner.

It is the fiber in Almonds that is the problem, just like pistacios. They have FODMAPS in them. So do lots of SCD legal foods! So I have had to do an extreme combination of SCD and FODMAP free diet.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to boispw.

I think that would be fine. The general rule I hear is 3-5 months but not really based on anything solid.


By: boispw Can I freeze these bars? If so, how long would they keep?

By: Tricia Arieta Hello
I am wondering if there is an estimate on the carb content? I am looking to manage this number as well and just found the SCD lifestyle. However, I used to eat Atkins bars (which were very irritating) moved to “Kind” bars, which have lots of nuts and really am low on options for “snack food” which I find is most challenging when starting out…thank you sooo much for this recipe!!

By: S I make the Super easy homemade Larabars at this site…
Thanks for the alternative recipe.

By: Cathy I don’t have a food processor, so I pre grind my seeds in my coffee grinder(it is only used for seeds).I sometimes use cranberry’s instead of the raisins and I freeze them with chopped dates for ten minutes. It takes more time, but they mix together nicely in my blender. This recipe really saved me when I had to go to California from NY in a family emergency. I Wrapped smaller pieces in parchment paper and stored them in the fridge in the hotel. I always had something to eat that I knew was safe.

By: pam I am assuming that the pumpkin and sunflower seeds are without shells. Looking forward to trying this recipe.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Beverly B.

You’re welcome Beverly, I’m so happy to hear that!


By: Beverly B These bars are wonderful! My son loves them, he has been gluten-free for the past 3 years and it difficult to fine healthy snacks for him. Thanks for the recipe – it’s so easy.


By: Carol Frilegh Seeds are permissible after 3 months of no symptoms.
Any seeds are OK as long AS LONG AS YOU ARE FREE OF ANY SYMPTOMS including tiredness, aches and pains, sore feet, rashes, these non-specific symptoms which indicate the presence of a leaky gut and a gut wall which is not completely healed. The addition of nuts and seeds may bring back diarrhea in many cases.

By: Keeley Some dates are higher in fructose than others.
You’d want to use the lower fructose version. Can’t
Remember off the top
Of my head which
Is variety is the better
Option (ie
Lower in fructose)
Just google it

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Heather Jacobsen.

Great question Heather. It’s not that almonds are bad for you, it’s that they commonly trigger symptoms for people with IBD in the beginning stages of healing.

It could be related to the phytates or the omega 6 content. I think the main problem is moderation. Too many people start a diet like SCD eating way too much almond flour and it aggravates symptoms. Particularly in people with Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease.

In good health,


By: Heather Jacobsen So, what is the problem with almond flour. Almonds are a healthy, protein packed nut, so how are the bad for you if they are ground into a meal?

By: lisa truitt Sounds tasty. Thanks for the recipe. I have thought for some time without taking the time to do it, of making different nut butters from pecans, or sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds. I don’t know if they will all work well or not, but they sound yummy and I’d like to try. It would seem that they would work as well as almonds or peanuts. This is off topic, but I would like to present an idea. Have you guys ever thought of doing a fun, vacation like gathering of people on the scd? I mean something like Jimmy Moore does with his yearly low carb cruise? If you aren’t familiar with it, you can go to livinlavidalowcarb and check it out. I have thought about going on this cruise, but the people there still are not that much like me and don’t have the same needs. I have never met anyone else who is on the scd. Heck, I’ve barely met anyone else who has an IBD. My husband has a cousin that lives hours away that has UC, and I know a few people who say they have IBS, but they must not be anything like me, because they still eat fairly normally and do ok. I really like the idea of meeting and connecting more with other people who can relate to one another. I really appreciate your website. I consider it my support group in a way, even though I’ve never actually met you. It keeps me going when I’m feeling discouraged, and helps me trouble shoot when having problems. I don’t feel so alone and can see that even if they are not right here around me, there are so many other people going through what I am and we can help each other and get better.
