Comments on: Bacon Pemmican – The Ultimate Paleo Travel Food Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 01 Jun 2018 20:27:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Nathan.

HI Nathan – I can’t say we’ve had them in extreme heat so I don’t know! Sorry:)

By: Nathan How well do these hold up to the heat? I work in Southwest Texas desert and it’s been melting my Clif bars and I’m also looking to go keto.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Kit Sirius.

Hi Kit – yes you can eat it straight from the freezer or store it wrapped for a few hours before it becomes too “melty” to eat – as Steve discussed in the article!

Hope this helps and you enjoy the pemmican! Let us know how you like it

By: Kit Sirius Hi Everybody,

I’m interested in trying this recipe but have some confusion as to how to prepare it after its frozen, can you eat it frozen or do you defrost it somehow first? If you do defrost it how is that done without it melting etc? Am I the only one confused about that? It may be because I haven’t been eating meat for like 15 years or so and I have just forgotten about how to cook it etc.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to marlene.

HI Marlene, freezing is really the best way to preserve this recipe.

By: marlene How can I turn this recipe into long term shelf storage, instead of freezing it? Thank you.

By: ToniH I don’t like cooking all the bacon. I mean I like bacon sometimes, but I use more bacon grease (and ghee) for cooking. I buy mine on Actually, I just go to the site now for hot belly bacon grease. For me it’s more convenient. I do use coconut oil, but not as much as the bacon grease and ghee. Sometimes I use both.

By: VibeRadiant I made this yesterday and I would add to line the dish with parchment paper to aid in the ease of removing the bars. Other than that this stuff is delicious! Yum!

By: Bacon Pemmican (not for the fat phobic) | wheatlessinottawa […] you know on the internet, one link leads to another and another and eventually I came across a recipe for bacon pemmican and decided to try it […]

By: VibeRadiant I just made this using lard instead of the coconut oil and I have to say that this was blissfully delicious! OMFG!!

By: Karl Hmm…..I have some pork lard from US Wellness Meats. I wonder if I can use that to supplement the coconut oil? Coconut oil is almost always liquid in my house (in Hawaii) so I’m afraid these would be pretty soft if left out.

By: Salem So, I’ve read that pemmican (at least when it is made without carbs, which is how my hubby likes it) stays good indefinitely (or at least for a REALLY long time). So, I’m wondering how long this pemmican would stay good at room temp. I know coconut oil isn’t as stable as lard or tallow, so do you think this would taste alright if I used a more stable fat? I guess I’m just hoping I can make traditional pemmican with some kind of pork because it is just so delicious. Not that I don’t like beef, but I prefer the flavor of pork. Do you know anything about this? I know the composition of pork is obviously a little different than beef and pigs aren’t herbivores like elk, deer or cattle, but could pork meat be just as suitable for a stable pemmican?

By: Salem In reply to Jacqueline.

If you research it enough you’ll find that what you typically hear about saturated fats is not true. The biggest study that people refer to was one in which they grouped trans fats and saturated fats together, which gave a false analysis. When the information was separated & the trans fats were separated (categorically) from the saturated fats, the study actually showed that saturated fats are protective against heart disease, diabetes, etc. There have been numerous other studies that back up that finding. 2 easy reads to look into: Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (most of it is recipes, but the beginning section and all the tidbits throughout the book are very informative and fascinating) and Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Dr. Mary Enig (she was one of the researchers that tried to correct the lipid study way back in the day, but the other researchers had already been well compensated by vegetable oil producers & they began to black list her). Most doctors don’t understand nutrition cause almost all of their training is about pharmaceutical drugs & even the ones that got nutritional training are given faulty information as many nutritionists are since they go to schools that are funded & backed by special interests. I lost weight & my health improved greatly when I cut out vegetable oils & started eating a bit more saturated fats.

By: lucinda parmenter Hi guys. I’m still pretty new at this and am still trying to figure out what I can and can’t eat. This sounds really good. Do youadvise bacon (or any food for that matter) to be nitrate-free? I’ve finally realized the benefit in fats and have been doing coconut oil for about 10 years. Since I was diagnosed with lymphacytic colitis about 6 months ago, I’m doing it alot more. Have to say that the bacon fat somehow seems different (worse) than my grass-fed ground beef. It’s really OK?

Thanks for all the great info. You guys are so real, approachable, loving and dedicated and doing a much-needed service!

By: Lew I tried the recipe and found that the chunks or bars were too soft just sitting at room temperature. This was only after a few hours. I can imagine what they would be like stored in a backpack or baggage. I keep in the freezer at all times. I do enjoy the taste.

By: Andrea Bookmarking this to make for hiking and camping! What a genius idea!

By: Jennifer wood In reply to Steven Wright.

Hi Steven, thanks for the reply about the cranberries. I really think you should include something in the recipe about this. I wouldn’t want someone to get sick over this.

Eden foods has a dried cranberry sweetened with apple juice concentrate and sprayed with sunflower oil which I trust. Also Another possibility is to use unsweetened cherries although those can be hard to find too. There are unsweetened bing and unsweetened tart cherries out there.

Thanks, jennifer

By: Angela at This sounds yummy. Have you ever tried Tanka Bars?

They’re pretty yummy but wondering if they are too processed? Nothing beats home made. It is hard to find bacon that isn’t sweetened. Why do they need to put sugar in bacon?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Laurie.

@Laurie- It will melt eventually, but at 8hrs mine was still very frozen with only a little fat on the fingers. By the 14-16hr mark it was softer and getting to the point at which a 7yr old might have more fun not eating it 🙂

If you test it let us know what you find.

By: Steven Wright In reply to jennifer wood.

@Jennifer – I believe I got them from the local farmers market in Lansing, MI.

By: Bryn In reply to Laurie.

@Laurie – I wondered about this, too. I think the melting point of the bacon fat is high enough that it would stay solid enough until you put it in your mouth. However, this is one that I will NOT be sad to test out!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Jacqueline.

Nope this will help you avoid heart disease if anything. Quality fats are very heart healthy.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Susan.

@Susan – it should be.

By: Laurie This sounds interesting, as I am looking for travel snacks for my 7 year old son. He loves bacon! But doesn’t it melt into a greasy mess when you are trying to eat it? Does it have t be kept super cold at all times so that it doesn’t melt?

By: Susan food processor alright ?

By: jennifer wood Dear Jordan and Steve,

I love you guys! I am a 11 year SCD veteran and sure wish you were around when I started. I love this recipe idea, yum. However, dried cranberries without sugar are very hard to find. Could you provide a link to your source and note in the recipe that the standard dried cranberries found at the grocery store are not SCD-legal? Thanks for your dedication to this diet and this community.

By: Jacqueline Heart disease runs in my family and I have always been told to stay away from bacon fat and beef fat, etc… Should I stay away from recipes like this given the heart disease factor?
