Comments on: 7 Ways to Get Better Sleep (and Heal Faster) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 13 Dec 2017 20:30:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to John.

HI John – a piece of fruit ( Whole or cooked, depending upon which stage your in) can be a nice snack before bed as it contains carbohydrates but is nicely balanced with fiber and nutrients as well.

By: John I read several times, that a snack before bed, (usually flaxseed oil with honey and peanut butter is recommended) helps to stabilize blood sugar during the night and to avoid that groggy feeling in the morning…

I guess a snack before bed is a good thing, especially because i get hungry at that time, but what scd legal foods would be a good choice? Any suggestions?

Thank You

By: Mark Hi Jordan,

Great article and I agree with you on the Zeo. I picked one up some months ago and just lately started using it and it’s been great for tracking sleep patterns…amazing really.

But there is some bad news. As good as it was, Zeo apparently shut down in the spring of this year without much fanfare or announcement. The website that you’re linking too is not active at the moment (showing a parked page at Godaddy) and there is no word on when and if you’ll see another Zeo come around. It’s such a great idea, I hope they do, but for now, you might find them on Ebay or something, but I suspect parts, and replacement sensors may get harder to come by and these do need to be replaced from time to time. Despite all this, if you can pick a Zeo up for the right price for some basic sleep research it still may be worth the investment in your health.

Take care and thanks again for a great article!


By: Cheryl Warren There are iPhone sleep apps too. Thinking of trying one. The phone monitors your movement at night. Has anyone tried these?

By: Sleep and Gut Health : Sleep Well. Sleep Naturally. […] […]

By: Sleep Deprivation | Treatments for Sleep Deprived | Sleep Deprivation Cures and RemediesSleep Deprivation […] a few hours of sleep. if i'm reading this question correctly. Add your own answer in the comments! Question by peekaboo: How do studies of physicians, nurse and police help us to study the effects o…hey work long hours, and sometimes only get a few hours of sleep. if i'm reading this question […]

By: Sleep Deprivation | Treatments for Sleep Deprived | Sleep Deprivation Cures and RemediesSleep Deprivation […] few hours of sleep. if i'm reading this question correctly. Give your answer to this question below! Question by peekaboo: How do studies of physicians, nurse and police help us to study the effects o…hey work long hours, and sometimes only get a few hours of sleep. if i'm reading this question […]

By: Carolyn hi Jordan,
this article comes at the perfect time for me! My mom came to visit last weekend and I went to bed much later than I usually do. This week, I am suffering a flare- I had been feeling so well that I thought I could stay up late for couple of days. Now, I realize that my lack of sleep created inflammation for me. So, after reading this article my plan is to not worry too much about not feeling well- knowing I will get better soon- and get proper sleep!

By: Chris One point I will add that ensures I get a very nice rest is to sleep on an empty stomach.

By: Sleep Deprivation | Treatments for Sleep Deprived | Sleep Deprivation Cures and RemediesSleep Deprivation […] with machinery. Well these are just some of the effects…. Give your answer to this question below! Question by Janie Me: What are the effects of sleep deprivation? I was wondering if you dont get of…low, your mind can't think or operate normally, you can get paranoid, frustrated, angry or sad quite […]

By: Sleep Deprivation | Treatments for Sleep Deprived | Sleep Deprivation Cures and RemediesSleep Deprivation […] Well these are just some of the effects…. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Question by Janie Me: What are the effects of sleep deprivation? I was wondering if you dont get of…low, your mind can't think or operate normally, you can get paranoid, frustrated, angry or sad quite […]
