Comments on: Could Spending More Time with Friends and Family Help Reverse Chronic Illness? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 05 Apr 2018 18:09:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Navin Jordan and Steve, you guys are looking healthier in these new pics., First pics that ran for months, I felt Jordan was terribly sick just looking at his pale picture, but now he looks redblooded and lot healthier. And, I knew during stress, there is something that keeps us going.. didn’t know what it was, but now I know it.. When we’re scared or say we experience something like earthquake, no matter how sick we are , we get that inhuman energy to drag ourselves and run for life. Didn’t know about these hormones.. whao.
Thanks for the post. and yeah, I think loners are the most depressed and happen to be sick most often that other social bugs.

By: RHR: The Placebo Effect and The Power of Belief in Healing | Diet Fitness and Health […] SCD Lifestyle article: The power of social interaction on healing […]

By: RHR: The Placebo Effect and The Power of Belief in Healing […] SCD Lifestyle article: The power of social interaction on healing […]

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Dean Ouellette.

Thanks @Dean – you rock man. Appreciate the kind words.

BTW – love your website name ha-ha. It looks good, love to connect.


By: Dean Ouellette This is a great post, thanks for sharing it. I saw your site was also one of the ones on Jimmy Moore’s list today. Great stuff, just added to my RSS feed. Hope to connect online soon.
