Comments on: Strength Training for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Sun, 21 May 2023 05:07:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: gate io startup I am a website designer. Recently, I am designing a website template about The boss’s requirements are very strange, which makes me very difficult. I have consulted many websites, and later I discovered your blog, which is the style I hope to need. thank you very much. Would you allow me to use your blog style as a reference? thank you!

By: Elise Sanou Can you do abs workout or push-up with strength training
and I am allow to do bicycle elliptical

By: Martin @ Leaky gut research Strength training may have beneficial effect for GI issues as the growth hormone released after high intensity exercise is needed to repair damaged intestinal mucosa. I avoid cardio as it can increase intestinal permeability .

By: Diane Jesse,
When you eat more of a variety of foods, you will feel more energy. I always eat 30 min. to an hour before I work out. My favorite pre-workout snack is Laura Scudder’s All Natural Peanut butter (you have to stir it) spread on a banana, canned wild salmon and a handful of almonds or homemade yogurt and chopped up fruit. Then eat something high protein when you get home. I try to eat every 2-3 hours to keep my energy up. Good luck!
🙂 Diane

By: Jesse I lift weights regularly and noticed that my strength has dropped since starting the SCD diet. I am on the intro diet and new to all of this so I don’t know if I am not eating enough or the lack of supplements is causing my trips to the gym to be worse than normal. I keep logs of each of my workouts and it is a noticeable difference and unfortunately it is for the worse. Hopefully after I get off the intro diet and start throwing some different foods in I will be able to get back up to my normal weights and reps.

By: Shawn I am a marathon runner who recently got diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. I read so many good things about the SCD diet that I started following it right away. And I can feel a big difference already. I have been training for a while for some marathons this fall and don’t want to give them up. Do you have some suggestions for how I can carb-load the couple days before?

By: Diane I’ve had Crohn’s disease for 20+ years and have been on the SCD diet for about 6 months. I’ve been doing strength training and cardio for 7 years, 5-6 days a week (3 split routines so I work the same muscles only 2X/wk). I do yoga on the other 2 days and hike once a week. I’m at the gym 1 1/2 hours a day and have had no complications from this intensity. I feel it’s made a huge improvement in my immune system (I rarely get URIs), my overall well-being, physique and energy level.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Rachel.

@ – Rachel – great question, I asked Anja specifically and this was her reply:
“Yes, I am suggesting taking 4 to 7 days of rest between workouts. Even if you are doing split routines, such as upper body one day and lower body the next, my suggestion is still to wait 4 to 7 days between each of the workouts. The reason is simple: The body’s recovery system does not distinguish between whether you did a split routine or a full body workout during any given session; it will mobilize as much resources as it needs to either way. That means you want to make sure that you are recovered enough from your upper body routine before doing the lower body workout. Also, doing both workouts on consecutive days tends to lower energy and intensity from my experience because the strain placed on the system by the workout is pretty immediate.”

By: Rachel Great info, thank you! One question – you said, “Generally I have found 4 to 7 days in between workouts to be sufficient, but there is no shame in taking an extra day off.”
Do you mean wait 4-7 days in between working a specific muscle? Or are you suggesting only working out a few days a week?

By: Johanna Capecci Excellent article! Thank you! Will be bookmarking.
