Comments on: Chuck Roast with Lemon Roasted Cauliflower Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 04 May 2015 20:54:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barker We make the roasted cauliflower all the time, mix it in a bowl ahead of time with olive oil, then roast in the oven. We also add onions, colored bell peppers, broccoli, garlic, etc. Best way to have these veges; the whole family loves them.

By: Abigail F Very easy and tasty! I will second some other commenters and suggest reducing the olive oil at least by half. The “gravy” was much too rich for my system. In addition to onions, I added several carrots and a couple of parsnips (my new favorite winter veggie).
For the cauliflower, also DELISH, but also super oily. I enjoyed the tang of the lemon. The hubby asked when we could have it again. (WIN!) I put plenty of salt and the roasting caramelized everything fantastically. Next time I will only use half as much oil.
Thanks @Doug F for the suggestion to to toss the veggies in a bowl first.
Thanks @ Steven for your ideas and support. YOU rock!

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By: Steven Wright In reply to Cristi.

@Cristi – So happy for you, cooking really can be easy 🙂 follow the lazy engineer way.

By: Cristi I am the worst cook but I made this chuck roast just as you wrote it and it was delicious!! My husband and kids couldn’t believe it. So freakin easy too.
Thanks so much!
I ended up using the “mashed faux-tatoes” from Practical Paleo and for the first time since I started SCD, I felt like I was eating an old comfort meal.
Thanks again.

By: Marisa Jordan,

This recipe has great potential! The amount of oil it calls for though is too much for my taste. I love olive oil, but this recipe basically has you drinking it with every bite of the delicious roast. I would cut it in half at least, probably more, and substitute a flavorful broth so it’s not quite as greasy and heavy. Otherwise, it tastes great!

I used carrots, and am looking forward to adding other veggies as I can.

Thanks for all your wonderful advice, tips and recipes!


By: lisa truitt Would be good with some onion, carrots and celery too, like you would have in a traditional roast and use the cauliflower in place of potatoes.

By: Debbie I made a chuck roast this weekend and it was delicious. I used a tiny bit of Welch’s grape juice for the liquid and the veggies were butternut squash and fennel. Unfortunately my DS didn’t like chuck roast and thought it tasted like a “cheap cut of meat” so I won’t get the pleasure of making it again until he moves out to go to college in a couple of years.

By: Doug F Sounds splendid. One tip — mix cauliflower and oil/juice/spices/garlic in a bowl, then spread on cooking sheet, that way everything will get covered evenly. The same technique works great with broccoli (or combine the two, or make a medly with brussel sprouts, carrots, butternut squash cubes, carrots, etc.)

Avoid non-stick and aluminum cookware.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Gagme.

@gagme Ummm no… don’t knock it till you try it 🙂

What would you rather eat?


By: Gagme Omg. Did you vomit on your plate???

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Lora.

Great tips @Lora – thank you!


By: Lora I’ve reduced the amount of olive oil I use to cook with and stick with mostly coconut oil. I bought a 1 inch thick chuck-eye steak at Meijers (never heard of chuck-eye before), seasoned with 1t. sea salt, 1t black fresh grated pepper, 1t. thyme, 1t. oregano, 1t tumeric, 1t cumin, dash of red pepper flakes, 1 crushed garlic clove, rubbed it in and let it sit for 30 minutes then grilled it hot & fast to med rare to med–delish! Next attempt was a larger chuck-eye roast, 2 inches thick but left out seasonings tumeric, cumin, & red paper flakes. I rubbed in the seasonings, let it sit for an hour, seared quickly in large saute pan using coconut oil to seal in juices, then set on a bed of cut up onions in the crockpot. I cooked it on high for an hour, then set on low for 4 hours. The meat was pull-apart-with-your-fork tender, juicy & very tasty with about 1 c juice in the bottom of the crock pot with the onions. Served with roasted asparagus, roasted in a combination of olive oil and coconut oil, salt & pepper. The second meal with the roast was served with butternut squash, cut in half, baked in water, scooped out, added butter, salt and pepper, blended with stick blender. This will be a regular. I use organic Frontier spices that I buy at Arbor Farms in Ann Arbor (the only place I can find them) and am now making my own SCD approved spice combos. My husband joined me on SCD 4 months ago. We’ve had adjustments to make, but are getting into a pattern of planning and cooking. I’m on SCD 9 months now. Your blog has been very valuable with helpful info to stick with SCD.
