Comments on: 3 Tips for Fixing a Broken Stomach Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 05 Apr 2016 16:17:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Timothy Walls Hi Jordan,

I’m about to try apple cider vinegar before meals and hoping for results. I was diagnosed with gastroparesis and curious to see if low stomach acid is a factor.

Could you tell me how hcl supplements are made and what are reliable brands? I’d like to know how natural hcl supplements are if they are based from plant or natural sources or chemically made in labs.


By: NEVILLE STRINGER I would like to take betaine HCL but I had a VAGOTOMY AND PYLOROPLASTY operation 33 years ago and thou I suffer with pain and diarrhoea as well as a condition called dumping syndrome. I am unsure if they will do me any harm? due to my vagus nerve being cut, also the tablet will travel much quicker through my digestive tract due to my PYLORUS being restructured to allow contents to empty quicker into the DUODENUM therefore will my system absorb and benefit from the contents of tablet, if not how can i work around this.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Laura.

Hi Laura, that’s totally cool. We’re all about creating a custom version that works for you. I didn’t use the grape juice either. Try using the juice from a lemon or lime for the gelatin.

In good health,


By: Laura Hi there, in looking at your download Intro to SCD diet, you use grape juice to make gelatin. In trying to avoid all sugars and because sugars seem to inflame my stomach and body, how can this be helpful?

By: Sara Haase Went out and bought lemon, AVC, digestive bitters [grape seed i think], and Betaine HCL! I can’t wait to see what happens.

By: Patty In your article “3 Tips for Fixing Broken Stomach” is “juice of a half lemon AND 3Tbsp apple cider vinegar” correct? I thought it was one or the other remedy, but not together.
Also, I thought it was to be drunk about 20min prior to a meal, so as to not dilute digestive enzymes?

Also, is the digestive bitters you recommend, SCD legal?
