Comments on: Failed Goal = Wasted Time? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:21:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ez Great perspective on missing the mark. Thanks for the food for thought.

By: Jill Are you using an App to capture progress pictures? If so, mind sharing the name?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Nicole.

Yes, I believe I’ve lost fat and gained a bit of muscle since Jan. I know I’m stronger, but muscle mass is hard to track so I can’t be sure. I do lift but only at home. That’s part of why I haven’t lost as much weight as I wanted.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Jeff.

@Jeff – Thank you for sharing that perspective such a good point. And your wife made an amazing change good for her! I meet so many social workers who’s health has been compromised due to the job, makes me sad.

By: Nicole @ Steven:

When you talk about getting ripped, are you referring just fat lost or did you gain some muscle as well? Also, do you have a weight lifting routine?

By: Jeff Steve,
I like your goals of living a healthy lifestyle into old age. My wife and I have the same goal and we are 56 years young. It’s the lifestyle that matters. I can also say that I am currently in the best shape of my life and it got even better when I started SCD. At my age you look around at your friends and see how much more you can do in life compared to those who don’t take care of themselves. It is a shame. My wife is so passionate about it she switched careers, gave up 25 years as a social worker helping people who had health problems and went back to school and is now a personal trainer. Her goal is to help people stay healthy so they don’t have health problems later in life. Keep going Steve. Is worth all the effort.
