Comments on: New Live Presentation: “The Gut-Hormone Connection” Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 29 Jun 2021 16:54:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Annabella Where can I find a diet precondition on how increase cortisol levels I noticed the workshop passed already but don’t know where can I get the info discussed there. Or us it any book I can buy ??? Thanks

By: Essential Oils for Babies and Kids: Healthier Kids Happier Moms […] with other regulating hormones. Recently I listened to an excellent call by SCD Lifestyle on the Gut Hormone Connection and they reminded me how important it is to get yourself properly tested.  Then I ordered my […]

By: Steven Wright In reply to kelly.

Your welcome and yes we work with lots of Canadians.

By: kelly thanks so much, very timely talk for me.
I will be breastfeeding for another 6 months with stage 3 adrenal fatigue (and gut-brain issues too of course). What the heck can i and all the other nursing mothers crashing out here do besides good SCD diet (plus a few safe starches)? My 1.5 year old also has GI issues not surprisingly. My naturopath essentially told me to wait it out til im done nursing and of course she can’t prescribe bioidentical hormones here in Canada.

Also, Do you ever work with Canadians? i’m having a hard time finding a practitioner.
