Comments on: What ‘Gas Pains From Hell’ Taught Me About Health and My Body Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 06 Sep 2023 08:13:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: 20bet Your article gave me a lot of inspiration, I hope you can explain your point of view in more detail, because I have some doubts, thank you.

By: Paul Tuani Hi I’ve been vegetarian/vegan for 35+ years. I started restricting my diet in hope of reducing the symptoms others have mentioned here. I think after reading all the post I’ll investigate SIBO more. I can remember suffering in silence while sitting through classes or later in life through meetings or during first dates at dinner in a nice restaurant. Something ordinary like red wine combined with pasta seemed to be like eating “nitroglycerin” for me…and as you can imagine the romantic part of the date was made even more anxious. When I was younger I always imagined some of my symptoms had something to do with the PH balance of foods that I was ingesting. Consequently my friends who have known me for a long time have relegated me to the segment of the population they consider “like to suffer” because of all the “abnormal” restrictions I place on my persnickety eating habits. I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked to bring my own food to luncheons or dinner parties.
The challenge for me of course is to find a mate with similar vegetarian or vegan eating habits. I have attended Vipassana but quit after the third day. I found it too extreme and almost cult like for a first time mediator. I have been mugged and fought off a knife wielding attacker with little fear…but Vipassana scared the crap out of me!
The food seemed to make many of the 100+ people all seated cross legged in close proximity around me emit unbearable foul odors. I rationalized for all the (very boring) early hours and effort of this Vipassana retreat maybe I could achieve the same (whenever I want) by just eating/using marijuana now that it is legal here in Canada. I have many friends who have taken Vipassana and they all defend it like people who have been brainwashed…its almost elitist.
I’ve always sought enlightenment in and outside of western culture since the late 1970’s. Vipassana might work for some but personally I think the less gullible you are …the more difficult it is to yield to such a strict retreat. I’ve always questioned or in this case walked away from absolute authority.

By: Oreo In reply to Paula.

I think Paula raises a point (not necessarily to do with her liking the retreat organizers). You said you were forced to eat carbohydrates and gluten. But you weren’t apparently? I have been to places where they litetally give you a bowl of mistery vegan slop so I thought the place you described was more like that. Possibly in your retreat there were other choices available but you decided to eat everything as you didn’t want just salad for 10 days – which sounds reasonable enough! I was 80% raw vegan for about 6 months and yes it was impractical at times but I always look back to those days as my most healthiest, strongest and energetic. Of course I appreciate everyone’s body is different but I would recommend everyone try it once to see…
Regardless, I found your insights helpful – I just suffered terrible pains today but it is only the second time (just started recently due to horrible diet in first trimester) and you certainly have given me solace and hope. I respect your no regrets attitude and search for truth and I wish you continued sucess with your journey and health.

By: Sarita I had the one of the strongest pains in my stomach yesterday. Nothing could console me. Laying down was more painful for me and I thought I was going to die. My teen children ran to help me. I asked for hot water and didn’t work. Thinking I had a bacteria I asked for coconut water as it had worked in the past as an antibacteria and didn’t work. They got me a hot pad and applied it on my stomach and I still felt miserable. I was thinking to go to the hospital but then I tried the chamomile tea which had just finished brewing. It was incredible! I’ve never seen anything working like that fast. As soon as I started drinking it, the pain subsided. It stop completely within a minute! I just couldn’t believe it. I still don’t know what I had but the pain was unbearable like knives stabbing inside and this miraculous tea saved my life.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Christina.

HI Christina, we’d recommend some enzymes to start with.
First, here’s a video where Jordan talks about digestive enzymes and how to use them:

Here are some digestive enzymes we recommend:

Digest Gold –

Gi Pro Helath Prozymes – (SCD Legal)

Thorne Dipan 9 –

By: Christina Hi Steven. I’m lactose intolerant. Normally, I deal with it. Since I had my gallbladder removed 2 yrs ago, made it a bit worse. The pain reminds me of when I went into labor with my boys. Like with my 2nd son, I have been in active gut wrenching “labor” for like a week straight. What do you take that gives help ASAP? I’m so exhausted. Thank you.

By: Sonia I totally get it Steven. I appreciate your openess and your honesty.
thankyou for helping me to see that i too have expectations that are holding me back. I have long realised the damaging effects that my expectations of others can have BUT i failed to see the destruction i was causing to my health. again thank you for giving me the perspective i needed at this time.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Paula.

Thanks for the comment Paula. You didn’t attend the course I was at so you don’t know the options I had. I get that you a big supporter which is great.

I’m very grateful for my experience and wouldn’t have done it any other way. I in know way “tortured” myself. Once again your thoughts not mine. The pain was an amazing tool of teaching for me.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Paula.

I’m speaking about my retreat Paula which was accurate and it did always have a fresh salad bar that I was very thankful for. It did NOT always have steamed vegetables at the main meals, maybe 50% of the time and many times if they would run out. I also attended a retreat that was not at a Vipassana owned retreat center. Next time I do one I’ll be going to one of those as my guess is they’ll have a better selection and bit more professional food setup. I still don’t think I could eat only vegetables for 10 days and be fine but that just speaks to how everyones digestion is different.

Regardless, I’m not damning Vipassana, I wish everyone would do it. I will be back. Glad you are such a supporter.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Rose G.

Hey Rose – just check in with the courses food prep. You might still be able to go. This post wasn’t supposed to scare anyone but be a good reality check. If you can’t find a practitioner to trust please go here these ladies are amazing!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Bonnie Rush.

haha. Me too. I’ve heard many doctors say the regular medicine system is typically always 20 years behind what we know and what we are able to achieve so 17 years might be optimistic.

I knowingly put myself in the situation and accepted the consequences ahead of time. I didn’t know it would be so painful but I knew that I was entering into a world where I wasn’t in control. And to be honest the couple days of intense pain was so worth it. I learned so much about myself and life I wouldn’t do it any different.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Tori.

Thanks Tori! I appreciate it.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Lynne L.

I will totally be doing it again. Everyone has a different tolerance for gluten in my opinion. And in my case a little bit isn’t always devastating. There are other foods that might be worse for me than gluten.

I choose to submit to eating what I was given because my intuition told me that the process of the retreat would be worth any issues that came up with the food. My inner knowing was right I would totally go through it all again it was so powerful.

Hopefully in the future they will run whole retreats that are at least gluten free.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Miia.

Your Welcome!

By: Paula In reply to Rose G.

He is not painting the Vipassana Center in it’s true light. Green Salads, steamed vegetables are available for the meals. The carbohydrates are there, but for whatever reason, he CHOSE to eat them. I attend these courses and always eat well. In other countrys other than the U.S. I can not speak for the menu – but here in the States – you can eat good vegetables and do just fine.

By: Paula So, when you attend a Vipassana course, you have the choice to not eat all those carbohydrates. Why anyone would choose them who knows better is beyond comprehension. Those coming in to the center for the 10 days are usually knowledge deficient in the area of what the body requires on a daily basis. Always, always are the salads served. I eat green and mostly only green steamed veggies and raw salads each time I attend a 10 day course. And why you are not posting the “reality of the way things really are at Vipassana Centers” is not fair. You tortured your self for nothing. Paula

By: Rose G Steve thank you so much for your candor. Your blog and story actually caused me some anxiety. I call it a “gut attack”. It has me doubled over in a fetal position in such severe pain that I’m sweating profusely.then nausea hits me and I am paralyzed with the pain but yet I crawl to the bathroom because I know what next symptom is going to hit me. So after the blast I crawl back and get my two trusty little supps that stops the whole process in 15 minutes. They are gas X Strip on my tongue and 2″ Diarrhea Stop” by Renew Life. It Has Kaolin Clay and activated charcoal which binds the toxins fast. I take it with me wherever I go. But now after reading your blog I canceled my yoga retreat. I had signed up for it and was excited to go but then the stark reality hit me after reading all that you posted.I don’t think I’m quite ready for it yet because I can only eat 10 foods in safety. I’m going to plan for it next year because next week I’ve made an appointment to go to Seattle to go to the IBS center there. I am encouraged because the doctor and founder of these three centers has actually had IBS and has researched and cured himself. There are so many positive testimonials. So I once again have hope. And I will be at that yoga retreat next year!

By: Bonnie Rush Hi Steve. I felt sort of sad when I read your post. I’m new to being committed to being gluten free although I’ve known for 15 years that It was a problem for me. My symptoms have been gastric since I was a kid and then mental illness. Now that I have become committed (of a different sort!) to a gluten free lifestyle I only want to surround myself with people that think that is normal! For me it is life or death-death considering the dangers of a manic bi-polar episode! At my work they don’t know of my diagnosis but they often comment negatively about what I’m eating. I am never tempted to try to eat what they eat just to fit in. For me- if the rules of an endeavor require that you eat poison its not the place to go. I think there are some cool gluten free cruises etc. out there. Fragile is not a word I would attribute to you, but wise. I wish you the very best health. I am still waiting for my gut to heal and desperately trying to educate my moody (unstable?) children about the perils of gluten. To many it just sounds cliche. I just learned that it takes the medical community 17 years to catch up to applying new research. I look forward to the day the doctors ask “what are you eating?” as their first question!

By: Tori Sometimes we become so engrossed in what we want that we dont appreciate what we have now. Its nice that u speak on how you dont want to waste time on how you wish your health could handle all foods without pain. Perfect health is possible in a perfect world. You and me along with everyone else are imperfect. Period. Dont ever fault yourself for desiring great health. But give urself credit for acknowledging that it isnt logical or possible. Its a wonderful feeling to know that we have control over our thoughts and as result, over how we feel day in and day out.

By: Steve Wright In reply to Anita.

I’m so glad we’ve been able to help you Anita. And thanks for sharing. I’m glad your pain free and I agree I’m going to be nicer to my body.

By: Steve Wright In reply to Alice.

Alice you are amazing! What an inspiration for me to grow into. Thank you so much for sharing. I totally agree, the more we OWN our Weridness the more amazing and fun life is. And I’ve seen the more people like, respect and want to be around me. Keep on living I love it!

By: Steve Wright In reply to Andrea.

Thanks for sharing Andrea! Other people do have a big affect on us so I totally get it what you’re talking about.

By: Steve Wright In reply to Jenny.

Hey Jenny! Wow how amazing and courageous are you to keep fighting through all that pain and suffering! For managing your thoughts, if I was you I’d read “A Man’s Search For Meaning” by Victor Frankl. It’s helped me so much I read it several times a year. Then go and get a Biohealth 205 test. Typically in cases like yours it’s the hormones that are holding you back from fixing the rest of the body. If you aren’t working with a functional medicine practitioner yet try that.

By: Lynne L Wow Steve! There is no way I would ever eat what someone else told me to. One mouthful of gluten & I would be on the floor in agony. I have recently gone low carb as well & I’ve been feeling great…until I went this past weekend running around, skipping meals & I think I accidentally ate some seeds. ACK! Instant diverticulitis attack. I am sitting here, abdomen & stomach looking like I’m 8 months pregnant (not possible lol), on antibiotics (which I hate) & stabbing needles indeed. My own fault.
I have accepted that I can’t eat what others eat or skip meals. Do I like it…no I hate it, however, I have accepted that I never will be able to eat what others do. On the other hand, when I see the junk that others eat, it makes me want to continue what I’m doing. I don’t expect myself to be perfect. I need more sleep, exercise, more weight loss etc. However, I’m not going to beat myself up if I mess up.
Why, why did you torture yourself like that??? Was it worth the pain? Not to me, my friend. Or maybe I’m just that much of a control freak that I wouldn’t allow others to take that much control over me to that extent, ESPECIALLY with my food! Thanks for all you guys do. It is so appreciated.
Please don’t do the retreat thing again or I will worry about you!! Me not talking…hahahahahahaha!!! Not happening LOL. Stay well!

By: Miia I Loved this post. Just loved it. Thanks for writing.

By: Alice Steve,

Having had your experience, I empathized with your feelings of pain and powerlessness. I just turned 70, after 10 years of being diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I appears that having a digestive disorder affects my entire lifestyle as well as my gut. I had a very intense and demanding job which pretty much kept my life very regimented and kind of worked for staying on my gluten free diet. However, now that I’ve retired, my interests have greatly expanded to include not only my health and diet, but spiritual, artistic and enviromental activities as well. As you are more than aware, traveling to workshops, conferences or even the great outdoors have been complicated and many times not worth the effort without control over my diet. Sadly to say, there is nothing that can make one feel so weird as being on a special diet. So, my solution has been to lean into my weirdness and broaden my experiences by traveling with my RV and taking my food with me. I can precook casseroles and have 21 GF meals in freezer baggies, and along with my organic rice and veggies, I have nourishing, quick no-brainer meals every evening. I just returned from a three week trip to New Mexico, well fed and without any fuss or problems. I’ve been doing this for over 10 years now and my small used travel trailer has more than paid for itself with worry free traveling. Also, it can be easier when traveling with your dog or kids for that matter.

Happy trails,


By: Andrea Wow, love this. I’ve had the same thing since childhood. I call it ‘gut rot’. It’s typically socially-generated but has relationships to food and digestion. Doesn’t sound like mine is as bad as yours, but I totally get it.

Yay for acceptance and change!

By: Anita Two years ago I was diagnosed with SIBO, was treated with antibiotics and followed the SCD diet religiously. Last year I started adding carbohydrates to my diet and my SIBO returned with a bang : ‘gas pains from hell every day’. After two endocopies, other gastro tests and more antibiotics, I found your website. I stopped taking my PPI and other meds for GERD. I also fine tuned the SCD by eating fruits and veggies low in fructose and not eating any type of sweetener. I feel as though a miracle as occurred – NO MORE GAS PAINS FOM HELL! I am pain free!!! Thank you and some advice to you -stop torturing your body.

By: Jenny This article comes at a great time for me. I have struggled for 4+ years getting my legs to heal after an accident resulting in 6 surgeries over time. I keep building my body up and then have an unexpected setback. There has been nothing “normal” about my healing from the doctors ‘ perspective. I am a runner and triathlete and this journey has taken me into major pits mentally. I want so much to train for the sport I love and just when I think I can – whack – another setback. This article reminds me that I need to pick myself up quicker rather than get super down. I must respect what my body tells me it wants even if very difficult. The hardest part is managing my thoughts during these times. Do you have any additional thoughts or suggestions for me? It seems
Ike you get what I am going through. Thank you.
