Comments on: The Big Picture: Setting Healing Goals Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:28:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kelly Clark In reply to Steven Wright.

Thanks for the reply Steve. That’s what I’ve been thinking. I am going to keep an open mind and I think my goal will be to develop a food safe zone that includes as many fruits and veggies as I can tolerate – well mixed (no ODing on one thing), no dairy and mostly fish for meats. I guess I am one of those pre-paleo believers. I know what cavemen ate, but I go more by physiology and I do believe that our ancient ancestors could catch and eat certain fish without tools or fire.

This series has helped me put the breaks on the midnight google panic searches and that’s a good thing!!! Still desperate for a cure, but more patient with perspective now. Man how I wish I had stayed on the diet the first time I tried it. I had results with in a week and did great for about 7-8 months. This time I have eliminated all four horsemen and just hope that I am experiencing die-off symptoms. Blahh!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Kelly.

@Kelly – No. Not a vegan SCD. Vegetarian a few. Meat is inherently good and normal to eat. I know you want the best for you’re health I’m currently saying something that disagrees with your beliefs but I’d encourage you to keep an open mind and keep learning. Start with this piece -> If eating meat is a digestive problem read this ->

By: Kelly Thank you for this series. I am new here. I am so glad I found SCD Lifestyle. It’s just what I have been looking for – someone to bring Elaine Gs plan forward. For so long I have felt that this has to evolve. We all can’t keep working a plan so old. Surely we know more now!!

After doing many of the activities suggested here by Matt I have been able to more clearly articulate my biggest issue right now. I am doing SCD again. I tried it 10 years ago when I was first diagnosed and had a lot of success but eventually fell off as it was so difficult. But now I am trying it again this time after spending the last year eating a vegan diet. Having to go back to meat really upsets me as it goes against my long term health goals but I realize that I have to address the current urgent situation first.

Do you know of anyone who has successfully employed a vegan SCD? Elaine G said it could be done but very very difficult!

By: Matt Jon,
That’s so good to hear! Spread the word: diet works. So glad you’re feeling better.


By: Steven Wright In reply to Jon.

That is awesome Jon! Thanks for commenting and I keep leaving us updates on how your doing.

By: Jon Matt, and SCD LS – thanks, as always, for your thoughtful and insightful posts. I’ve followed both of your blogs, reading them start to present, since starting SCD in December 2011. I am now 6 months into the diet – flare free, 1-2 solid BMs a day, and almost up 10lbs in weight. My doctor is impressed with my blood results – no longer low counts or anemic. Anyone thinking about the diet should do the proper research, and reach out to both SCD LS and Matt as they’ve been a tremendous resource for me and my journey toward healing.

I look forward to using this series of posts as I start to strive for some new summer goals.

all good wishes – Jon arlington, va
