Comments on: The Big Picture: How Having a Plan Can Transform Your Healing Path Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:28:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christine Ryan Great Article. I am on day 2 of my new lifestyle journey. I feel better already and woke up ready to start my day. I know it will be a lot of work and it will take the rest of my life to keep things in check. It is just nice to know that other people know and understand where I am coming from. Some people just don’t understand and say harsh things like, “If I had to eat like that I would just not want to live”. That does not make it any easier for me. I then feel alienated. Anyway, I am glad I found this site.
Thank you!

By: Breaking Open | Eat, Recycle, Repeat […] *** I think it is really important to note that in my healing journal, I don’t just keep a “food diary”, because in the past that gave me lots of anxiety to track every single bite. I just write what foods I ate, not the amount, and most of my journal has to deal with tracking supplements and treatment protocols, my emotions of that day, noting good habits I’ve established (aka celebrating the little victories) and thereby reinforcing the positive emotions they bring, and tracking my digestion by paying attention to my eliminations. Thanks to Matt Robinson’s guest post at SCD Lifestyle for introducing the best way to start a healing journal. Check it out here. […]

By: SCD Lifestyle Book Review – Surviving To Thriving « Naturally Gutsy […] me back which gave me the motivation and “pat on the back” I needed to get going.  One of the exercises in their book told me to imagine with all my might what being healthy would fee….  This was a very powerful exercise for me – when you’re constantly sick, it can be […]

By: Designing a Healing Plan | Natural Digestive Healing […] from digestive illnesses like Crohn’s, colitis, IBS, celiac, and diverticulitis.  (Read Post One and Post […]

By: Matt Maureen–I had the same experience. I was so frustrated that results weren’t coming sooner, but I never asked, “how soon should they come for ME?” Once I looked at that, I started to relax.

Maree–Lucy at Lucy’s Kitchen took 5 years to be symptom free. I’m going on 3 years and still have some symptoms. Sounds like you have a good perspective. Stay strong and surround yourself with good people.


By: Steven Wright In reply to Maree Clark.

@ Maree – Your are so strong! Keep your focus and you’ll keep see better and better health.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Maureen.

@ Maureen – Your Welcome and keep up the hard work, your making amazing progress considering your history!

By: Big Picture #2: Setting Healing Goals | Natural Digestive Healing […] In my last post, I discussed the value of a big picture outlook and introduced the concepts of balance and prioritization as they relate to healing from digestive illness. In this post, I will expand on those concepts and walk you through the first steps of developing a big picture-focused healing plan. If you are using this series to its fullest, remember to get out a pen and paper, so you will be ready to jot down ideas and think about the questions and concepts along the way. […]

By: Maree Clark I’m not a fatalist but whenever I am feeling ‘where is this all going, why aren’t I getting faster results?’ you guys come along with just the right information. When I started SCD/GAPS there seemed to be a promise of ‘You will see amazing improvement/differences in no time!’ Well, it took a while for me to find the more successful path for my Crohn’s after a horrible decline into chronic diarrhea for a few weeks on intro. I’m now 4 months in, I’m getting subtle hints about when I will be getting back to work but still have 6’s and often urgent BM’s. I need to read you stories that tell you’ve been going a year and now have 1 BM, sometimes formed sometimes not. That has been the most encouragement I have had for a while. 4 months is probably still a baby step, I know, and my big picture is to pay as much attention to ME as I can for optimum healing. Taking detours from the safe zone usually means a set-back but I can always get back on track. Reading your article really helps to take the focus off the ‘now’ and gives a gentle reminder that healing takes time and normality will happen. Thank you for sharing and your constant reminder of hope.

By: Maureen This is such a great article and just what I need to hear. I have been on SCD for 9 1/2 months now and I think I keep tripping myself up with unreasonable expectations. I am feeling amazing, but I still get frustrated by minor setbacks and the slowness of the healing process. I like Matt analysis about healing taking half the time you have been sick. I have been dealing with gut issues for over 16 years and was on PPI’s for over 9 years, so healing is not happening over night. I know it won’t take me 8 years to heal, but it is going to take longer than 9 months or even a year! Thanks for reminding me to look at the big picture!

By: Thinking Big: How Having a Plan can Alter your Healing Path | Natural Digestive Healing […] is an excerpt from the beginning of the post. You can read the rest of the post, here, on SCDLifestyle’s website. What is your ultimate health and healing goal? Pause for a moment and […]
