Comments on: Are You Wasting Money on the Wrong Medical Tests? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:22:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tinas magmat » Gluten och hur man lever glutenfritt […] bra bild av vad man egentligen är allergisk mot. SCD Lifestyle har skrivit ett bra inlägg om det här. Att göra kinesiologiska tester för att utforska vad man kan äta känns för mig lite väl […]

By: Monika I’ve been thinking about doing a hair mineral analysis test lately through the Analytical Research Lab (that’s the one this particular doctor uses as the don’t wash the hair as other lads do). Have you heard much about the reliability of Analytical Research Lab??

Also from the tests that you are recommending like the stool and saliva tests and any other reliable blood tests can I get them done from Australia?

By: Angela at I do have one test to add to this list. When I first first being treated I did a hair sample test, I think it was called a tissue mineral analysis test. It showed the heavy metals in my body. I was off the charts in aluminum and high in nickle. This also gave a snap shot of my adrenal health also as well as mineral deficiencies I had. So I would add a hair sample test for minerals and heavy metals to this list.

By: Charlie When you talk about allergy testing, are you talking about IgG allergy testing, or other tests for sensitivity as well (i.e. mediator release testing)?

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Vicki.

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) can support GI tract healing from Ulcers and Gastritis and they are much more effective than using something like a PPI, which suppresses stomach acid.

Check this brand out:


By: Vicki In reply to Jordan Reasoner.

What are DGL instead of PPI’s, I have Leaky Gut and Adrenal Deficiency, just got RA in addition to Hypothyroid and Fibromyalgia most of life. Chronic gut candida for 20 years, can’t get rid of it. Pain and agony on me! Pred for RA swelling landed me in the hospital, had to decrease it, so adrenals no longer resting and don’t like it, but no choice. Leaky gut, I try to avoid gluten and grains, goitrogens, nightshades, eat no dairy or soy, on Paleo, high protein low carbs, lots of veggies, body likes it. Candida and leaky gut, malabsorption, and low cortisol are my main problems w/ rashes and fatigue, etc. Big mess! Help!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Don Makowski.

That’s a great question Don. If you’ve been doing SCD and avoiding gluten for a while, hopefully the biopsies will show normal, or only partial villous atrophy. I think with your history and your age, a Colonoscopy isn’t a bad idea to get peace of mind about cancer and plyups… but I agree, it’s funny to test for Celiac when you’re not even eating gluten anymore.

Hey make sure when they do the endoscopy they look for gastritis and ulcers of any kind. If they find some you can take something like DGL (NOT PPI’s please).


By: Don Makowski Right now my GI doctor has me scheduled for a colonoscopy and an upper GI scope. He also wants to do a biopsy to test for Celiac. So if I test positive for Celiac what will he recommend? That I stop eating gluten? I do not eat gluten right now. That seems like a wasted test to me.
