Comments on: Epsom Salt Baths: An Old-School Way to Feel Better Fast? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:23:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Racerbiker In reply to Sarah.

Sarah, I too experienced panic attacks and anxiety with Epsom salts. I also cannot tolerate foods high in Sulfur. I do have gut issues though.

By: Patricia I was wondering if anyone ever experienced a very red face while soaking in the bath. I usually take a very warm bath with Epsom salts but not so hot that I can’t step into. I stay in for 20 to 45 minutes or as long as I can. I can feel that my face is flushed but when I get out, it is beet red and takes a while to go back to normal again. I do not have high blood pressure. Is this normal? It’s only my face that is extremely red.

By: Cassie In reply to Sadie.

Hi, I have always put Epsom salt in my baths, & it never affected me. But when I got sick last month, I had Epsom salt & ginger, along with a few drops of peppermint oil, in a tub of hot water, got in, & very quickly got very cold, so I got out. It wasn’t even 10 minutes. Two weeks later, I did it again – only I added boiling water to the regular hot water – still got very, very cold, but forced myself to stay in about 15 minutes. I have been better for about 3 weeks, so today, I took a regular bath with just Epsom salt & bubble bath – got cold again – got out quick. Like I said, before, it never bothered me – I don’t know what causes this…but you are not alone. I always enjoyed my baths before.

By: Amber Lee A few people mentioned baking soda in the comments but not the reasoning behind it. I learned, after years of epsom salts baths without it, that baking soda purifies the water and also bonds with the magnesium sulfate allowing it to enter our bodies. Without baking soda, epsom salts baths aren’t effective.

It also sounds like most of the negative side effects mentioned here are due to dehydration/low potassium levels. Dizziness, headaches, heart racing, & palpitations are all signs of low potassium/sodium.

Also, 20 minutes is enough time to have a productive soak. Any more than 30 minutes is just a good excuse to have some “me time” away from the kids. ?

By: Dot In reply to Elizabeth.

Hello Elizabeth. Would you please tell me more about hope you healed your Crohns My being e us suffering greatly from Crohns/Collitis. I would love to be able to help her. Thank you for your help.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jennie.

Hi Jennie – most people find Epsom salt baths to be relaxing and comforting. It is possible how you’re feeling today is related to your bath, but also possible is isn’t related and is just coincidence. Either way, i hope you’re feeling better soon!

By: Jennie I have fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism. I had my first float session yesterday evening and today I have a cold and extreme widespread muscle pain. I am very miserable. Is there any explanation for that?

By: Caitlin It is funny how many times after I take an Epsom salt bath I lay in bed and Google “benefits of Epsom salt baths” which is how I came across this article now. I am fascinated by the literature out there. Anyways, I struggle with keeping myself from getting too hot and bored while taking a bath. Tonight I lit a candle, burned some sage, the bath water was scalding and I basically used half the bag of Epsom salt ( how much is too much, just wondering??) I took little breaks where I sat on the edge of the tub and chilled out for a minute. But I only lasted for maybe 12-14 minutes. I also enjoy doing stretches and breathing exercises while taking baths. It’s so relaxing. I enjoyed learning more about the science you’ve cited behind Epsom salt baths, very interesting. I also just love that heavy feeling when getting out. Once I visited the blue lagoon in Iceland and had a euphoric feeling while walking out of the water, sometimes I feel the same way after a long bath. Hard to explain but you understand. My old roommate used to watch Netflix on her iPad in the bath, I guess that’s a good idea to stay in the bath for extended period of time. I read somewhere you should try tO be in there for 25 mins, I read somewhere else 40-45 mins! (??) I tried a little chanting tonight, for the first time in my life besides the random chant my yoga teacher once instructed, I really enjoyed it. The only reason I stopped is because I didn’t want to freak out my roommates. I wasn’t able to totally settle my mind, however I do feel more relaxed. I’m happy I took a bath and I’m happy I stumbled across your article! Thank you.

By: Pammela Gassaway In reply to Elle.

That’s Low Potassium symptoms. Must drink lots of water & get in potassium when doing these epsom salt baths

By: Joe Capraro In reply to Elena hall.

Try acupuncture! Did wonders for a similar problem with my hands.

By: Bob Did the bath tonight. I mixed baking soda and Epson salt. 2 cups of each.
Warm water and soaked for about 40 mins.

Felt a little weak afterwards, then I rested and had distilled water infused with fruit , and squeezed lime. Feeling real relaxed.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Debbie.

Awesome! that sounds like what I need to do tonight 🙂 Thanks for commenting Debbie!!

By: Debbie I woke up with the flu symptoms this morning .I had really achy body & my joints were sore had a horrible headache and a sore throat so I took a nice hot Epson salt bath for maybe 25 minutes about 2 cups of Epson salt and dried off and then went right to bed I slept for three hours and I feel awesome. I really had some interesting dreams. I had a great deep sleep it was like euphoria it really help me .

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Julie Gray.

Hi Julie- thanks for reaching out.

Epsom salts are a great tool, but like any supplement they need to be used with some caution. Soaking for an hour in a high concentration of salts may have been too much for you, as epsom salts can have a detoxing effect on the body. We don’t think you are in any danger – just make sure to drink plenty of water and take it easy until you’re back to feeling your normal self (in a day or so). If you’re not feeling better, please go to the doctor right away.

If you want to try an epsom soak again, start out with 1-2 cups of salt in a bath of warm water for about 20 minutes.

By: Julie Gray I had my first bath in what i now believe was far to much epsom salt . I soaked for over an hour and my heart was facing once i got out of the bath . I felt red hot was sweating and had to crawl to my bed as i felt my head was going to explode . After half an hour i had a drink and felt relaxed . I slept without a problem and wome up feeling less stressed than i normally do while getring 8 kids ready for school on time . By dinner time i started with a bad headache my body started acheing and i laid down and feel asleep for half an hour . Woke with a worse headache my bones ached still and ive lost my balance two or three times today whats happening to me is it normal or is there something wrong with me

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Sadie.

@Sadie – we aren’t familiar with this, but hoping some other commenters will have some suggestions for you!

By: Sadie I know this is an older post, but hoping for some response… The last few times I’ve taken Epsom baths I am so cold during them. I’ve been taking them for years, and this has never happened. I am currently pregnant, but never experienced this in previous pregnancies either. Any info is appreciated!

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Avrille.

Hi Arville – if you have diabetes, we recommend consulting with your doctor before trying out an epsom salt bath.

Thanks for reaching out!

By: Avrille I am a controlled diabetic type 2. I really want to try this. How do you suggest I start off.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Sarah.

Hi Sarah, thanks so much for reaching out.

I’ms so sorry to hear you’re experiencing this reaction. We aren’t familiar with this at all. Epsom salt baths are a source of magnesium, which is known to help with anxiety/panic attacks.

We’re really uncertain of what about the bath or salt could have caused this reaction. It may have been coincidence that you had a panic attack on both nights you took a bath, or it could have been another factor unrelated to the bath.

Whatever caused it, we’re really sorry you experienced this reaction, and we hope it doesn’t happen again.

If you continue to experience panic attacks, we recommend you consult with your doctor.

I hope you’re feeling better soon Sarah!

By: Sarah I took an epsom salt bath each day for the past two days.

The first day was fine. The second day was horrible.

I hadn’t eaten that much but I’ve been experiencing the same thing as when I tried to take baths before (and pretty sure those times I ate)

The first time 2 days ago I just threw in an amount of epsom salt, I didn’t measure. Second day it was either 1-2 cups, I believe it was one. Anyways, after standing up I felt a bit dizzy but this went away almost right away. I was fine until when I went to bed. I fell asleep and woke up having a panic attack. Everytime I try to take one of these baths, I usually get a panic attack that wakes me up. Terrible thing. What is going on? Is it too much salt? Is my blood sugar or blood pressure going too low?

The baths help my skin extremely and I want to continue them but I don’t want the side effects. I took both of these baths at night and the second time I did drink water afterwards.

What could be happening? I stayed in for 20 minutes and the water wasn’t that hot.

I’ve googled this and only came across one person who got panic attacks from this. I believe this also happens when I use sea salt.

Please help!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Gee.

HI Gee, it has not been our experience but do not have any extensive research on that answer either. Perhaps you can try both ways and note any differences.

By: Gee After soaking in Epsom Salts for 20 mins. I usually take a shower right afterwards with soap. Will the soap decrease the effects of the salt and is soaking in Epsom Salts everyday harmful?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lindy.

Hi Lindy, thanks for reaching out. You may need to consult your physician, as we are unable to give medical advice.

By: Lindy Hello, great article, thank you. I am wondering if epsom salt baths are safe for me as I am allergic to sulfates. I am just getting over a sever reaction from taking charcoal pills, so I very nervous.
Thanks! 🙂

By: Lindy In reply to Tyler.

Hello, I am allergic to sulfa as well, and just got over a sever reaction from taking charcoal 🙁 I am so nervous to try this, but I have soaked my feet before and been fine. Are you still doing ok with it?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jeffery Delpin.

Hi Jeffery, thanks for reaching out! It is hard to say whether or not this will increase your blood pressure, but we ask that you consult with your treating physician about soaking in warm water and the effects on your Blood pressure.

By: Jeffery Delpin Hi will Epsom salt bath in the tub for 1/2 hour increase my blood pressure. I have high blood pressure and it is under control with pill’s. kindly suggest

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Vic.

Hi Vic, perhaps your detoxification pathways are getting overloaded and cannot keep up with the additional toxins being released. We recommend working up very slowly with these, so it might be a good idea to try out a 1/4 cup the next time you test it out. Also, we recommend working with a skilled functional practitioner who can support you in working on your detox pathways. Also, here is a helpful podcast:

Hope that helps!

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to david.

Hi David, thanks for reaching out. Sorry to hear that you’re dealing with that but we recommend consulting with a practitioner for medical issues. We’d appreciate knowing what you find out though, thanks!

By: Vic I always get a cold after I have an Epsom salt bath?? It knocks me about after? I do suffer from raynauds (poor blood circulation), but I’m young,healthy & fit? Am I doing something wrong? I sleep well after but like I say it drains all the energy outta me and get a horrible flu afterwards 🙁

By: david is it okay to take a bath with Epson salt when you have a kidney infection will it help or hurt my kidneys

By: KJ Young Hello,

I just had my first “float” in a pod for relaxation, de stressing and detoxing. overall i did like the experience and want to keep going to achieve more physical and mental healing/balance.

i found myself pretty distracted at first with the sounds of my own body, my heartbeat and with just trying to realize that i wouldn’t sink if i relaxed completely.

i only had two uncomfortable things happen. one was that my nose got completely stuffed up. to the point of not being able to breathe through my nose at all… i had to find a way to be comfortable with my mouth slightly open. two was that, only during the last few minutes or so, i got really nauseated and i’ve read that this is due to the detoxing happening in the body. i was wiped out and feeling heavy after i got home and i hydrated and listened to my body and just rested for the rest of the day. i did sleep well last night.

i am concerned that my nasal passages got stuffed up so much. it would definitely hinder my experience if this keeps happening. i’m going to try it a few more times and i’m hoping that my experience gets better each time i go. has anyone else experienced this?

thank you. 🙂


By: Dennis Funny, I remember Epsom was a pretty standard part of mom’s home medical kit. We soaked infected hands and feet, baths with fevers and skin conditions and drank it too.
Everything in her kitchen had a medicinal purpose too. Apple cider vinegar, sugar , salt , honey , fillers earth , molasses and herbs all did double duty. A lot safer than the penicillin of the day.

By: Tyler In reply to Marcos.

I am allergic to Sulfa as well and I have been taking Epsom baths all week to aid in the detox I am doing. Doesn’t seem to be an issue. Maybe just soak your feet to start if you are really worried.

By: Sandy In reply to Tabia Coulibaly, BA, MA, HES.

So you are saying that if you have hypertension, you should not use epsom salt baths? Should you use magnesium supplements like “Calm”? I am confused about magnesium deficiency and what to use.

By: Sandy In reply to Elizabeth.

Hello.. Just read your post.. I Wanted to know more about “healing your crohn,s disease”. Would you be willing to share?

By: Joe Treat the Lyme Disease like a fungal infection. Find a doctor who will prescribe diflucan for you over a period of time… Longer than for a simple yeast infection. Go to a site called and learn about the fungal link to almost all disease. I just started watching this show on direct TV a few months ago. Peer reviewed studies back this up, yet most pill pushing doctors seem to be in denial. As for Epsom salt, they can also be used for a gall bladder/liver cleanse. Having ones gall bladder removed is another worthless surgery because then the liver simply accumulates the stones. This cleanse makes you pass dozens of stones through your feces the next day… Amazing results.

By: Tabia Coulibaly, BA, MA, HES In reply to Steven Wright.

There are many sources that say diabetics should not use salt or epsom salt; the American Diabetes Association and the following quote among them. Also people with high blood pressure and heart problems should not use these products either.
Risks for Diabetics
Diabetics must take caution when using Epsom salt.
(Photo: Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images)
Diabetics must take caution when using Epsom salt because too much magnesium in the body, absorbed from the salt, can cause uncontrolled fluctuations in blood sugar. Also, frequent soaking in Epsom salt can increase dry skin, especially in extremities such as toes prone to circulation problems
If you’re a diabetic and interested in using Epsom salt as a solution for a variety of health issues, it is best to consult your physician before frequent use. More than likely, if you are in good control of your glucose levels, then moderate use of Epsom salt will be harmless if used as directed.
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I did find some parts of your article informative.

By: Marcus In reply to Mike.

You’re joking right? Have you ever turned a hot tub up to 131f ?!? I don’t think you would survive that very long. 55c will cause burns easily.

By: Mama and am I to add hydrogen peroxide? I was told that would help?? confused. and determined.

By: Mama Today I put one cup of epsom salts in the bath, I forgot to wash it off, and afterwards my skin was on FIRE, red hot. I felt I had a fever. I was taken to the shower by my mother and she rinced it off. I started to seize. I have lyme disease. My husband is convinced I need to do it again, but now I am terribly worried that I will go through that again. My Dr, prescribe epsom salts as the detox, but man was that scary. Is rinsing important. Did I have the bath too hot? why did I seize?

By: How Bout an Epsom Salt Bath […] did find a few interesting blog posts making cases either for or against the benefits of using epsom salts.  They’re worth a read if you’re […]

By: George A lot of the documentation on the back of packages of items such as epsom salts and having hot mineral baths in general state explicitly that you should not do those things if you are diabetic. It sounds strange and counter intuitive, in fact. However, part of the reason for it contraindicating diabetes could depend on the symptoms of the diabetes you are suffering from. If you have open diabetic sores that need to be healed, then soaking for long periods of time in water could affect the sores in a bad way, slowing down the healing process.

By: Paul I took my first bath last week….With 2 cups of Epsom salts dissolved in it I did a 20 min bath. Just before I got out I rubbed my skin with a wet bath water face cloth and didn’t rinse off… Wow, my senses became amplified…. And I felt extremely over all better… 2 days later I had to try again to make sure it was actually the salts… Yep it was the Epsom salts! I swear by them now! I didn’t realize how much toxins play on our well being!

By: vicky carter In reply to Rosario Miranda.

Miranda, I think you may have used too much….half a bag is too much, I believe. 1-2 cups per full bath is more than enough from all that I have read on the subject.

By: Rosario Miranda Hello, thank you for your informational posts. I took a boot camp class last night for the first time. I asked the instructor if Epson Salt baths were a good idea and she replied absolutely. I went to Walmart bought a few bags and headed home.
I put half the bag into the tub and filled it with hot water.
I spent at least 30 minutes in the tub. Around two hours later I was in bed with a huge migraine type of headache. I even became nauseated. I spent the night between sweats and heart palpitations, to being cold but my head throbbed all night. This morning I woke up at 530am and I had zero symptoms. I was very happy to have woken up without a headache and sweats.
I ate a salad and squeezed lime into my water this morning in case the nausea came back. So far I am feeling great. I do not have any unusual aches or pains and the symptoms disappeared thankful.

I will try this once more and make sure I measure correctly, stay no longer than 12 minutes and drink plenty of water before and after my bath.

By: Gina When I am in an Epsom salt bath I get goose bumps and feel quite cold even though the bath is quite hot. It makes me feel quite agitated. Is that a sign of detoxing? I drink plenty if water and feel ok afterwards.

By: Amber In reply to Rachel.

I have done 10-20 minutes of Shiatsu massage ( gentle rocking of the body & gentle compressions to the body) while the child is laying in bed. He was diagnosed with Aspergers & was easily irritated or excited & would wake up often throughout the night. After I started doing the massages he slept through the night & was more calm during the day. Maybe that could help as well.

By: Elena hall Hi. I have a problem with claw toes- but the toes are not rigid yet. My sister suggested Epsom salt baths and massage the tendons on the toes to relax the tendons. Any comments or suggestion are appreciated. Thanks
