Comments on: Why Everyone with Celiac Disease Desperately Needs Vitamin D Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:12:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Lyra Phillips.

Hi Lyra – the best way (and really, the only way) to make sure nutrients are absorbed is to heal the gut. Going gluten free it a great step…but we have to take it a step further and heal. More detail on this here:

By: Lyra Phillips Hi, I was diagnosed with coeliac disease 2 years ago and have followed the gf diet since then. But in the last year I’ve , at various points, had dry eyes, hives, headaches, depression, diarrhoea and joint problems. i recently was tested for a large number of conditions after seeking help about persistent lower back joint pain and elbow pain and it was found that while I was not anaemic, my iron was low, and my vitamin D was only 32. I’ve started taking D3 now. what I’m worried about is that the supplements won’t be absorbed, for the same reasons the Vitamin D in food and sun isn’t absorbed properly in coeliacs? Do you have any advice on how to ensure it absorbs?!
Thank you, Lyra

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Hannah.

Hi Hannah – thanks for sharing! It’s amazing what Vitamin D can do:) Let us know if you need support with anything.

By: Hannah I have been taking vitamin d3 50,000 mg weekly for the past four months. At that time, it did test low, my hair was falling out and I had trouble dealing with anxiety. After taking it for a month, I stopped shedding so much, started to feel…well, more sane. Don’t have trouble making decisions anymore. My gut health is a little more improved, but I still have a bit of a ways to go. I’ve never felt like I have had complete elimination, and realize I really may need to dial down on some more starches, even if they are plant based starches…

By: rachael In reply to Seth Bittker.

Thank you so much Seth and C T for sharing your vitamin D knowledge in relation to leaky gut, CD, and autoimmune pains. I hope it leads me to find relief from my fibromyalgia.

Years ago, tired with my fibromyalgia disease I slacked off with taking care of myself. This included quitting my multi-V for about a year. Then the pain went away for 2 years, but I didn’t connect the gone pain with the gone vitamins.

Long story made short, I may have a problem with the iron or the vitamin D in that supplement.

If I may suggest to you guys to make a little YouTube video with this news. It might help a lot of us. God Bless both of you, and to Jordan and Steven for this great channel of yours.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Top Scorer.

There is no way to know for sure what will or won’t happen, but healing your gut can help with all kinds of hair and skin issues.

You can learn more about Jordan healed from Celiac disease at our free webinar on Wednesday night:

By: Top Scorer If I have a nutritional deficiency, such as celiac, and have noticed hair lose, will it all be restored when everything is balanced out?

By: Seth Bittker In reply to C T.


Thanks for highlighting this. I agree with you that issues of homeostasis and compensatory factors are involved and often unappreciated in vitamin D supplementation. I also appreciate your post above in that it offers a novel explanation for these seemingly contradictory events.

You suggested: “Person A gets a lot of oral Vitamin D for so long that his body starts making fewer and fewer of those Vitamin D receptors that are so essential to gut health…” This is an interesting hypothesis. Do you by chance have any evidence that the “body starts making fewer and fewer of those Vitamin D receptors” or is your thinking on this primarily by driven by the analogy to folic acid as you mentioned?

By the way another possible explanation for the low serum levels on supplementation is that they are measuring the wrong metabolite. 25-hydroxy vitamin D is typically measured in serum. Sometimes it is low when the active form 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D is high and there are other forms that may be high or low as well that have only been measured in research settings.


By: Seth Bittker In reply to C T.

Thanks for the kind words, and I completely agree with your point that homeostasis is involved here. Regarding this view that oral vitamin D, could in fact be a risk factor for celiac, I later published an article on this which is available here:

By: C T In reply to Seth Bittker.

Preach it, Seth.
See my bit above about vitamin homeostasis.

By: C T In reply to Karen.

“How can one go from being Vit D deficient, take oral supplement, get toxicity on a very very low dose, and then drop back to a level of 2.”

That actually makes sense if one considers that 1) the human body is accustomed to getting most of its Vitamin D from synthesis in the skin, not ingested into the gut (mode of administration of medications can make a big difference) and 2) we haven’t looked much into vitamin homeostasis (i.e., how the body adjusts to large doses of vitamins over the long term). We know, for instance, that folic acid oversupplementation can cause downregulation of folic acid receptors in the intestines. What if we are doing something similar to our Vitamin D receptors? It is darn near impossible to avoid Vitamin D supplementation if one drinks milk in the USA. Let’s theorize a bit: Person A gets a lot of oral Vitamin D for so long that his body starts making fewer and fewer of those Vitamin D receptors that are so essential to gut health (without them, even probiotics won’t do you a lick of good). He has low Vitamin D in blood serum tests because the body just isn’t absorbing enough, so he takes supplements. Whooops. Megadoses can lead to toxicity if there are already intestinal permeability issues. So he stops. But there are now almost no Vitamin D receptors left due to vitamin homeostasis. Voila. Low intestinal absorption and so low serum vitamin D again.

It all makes sense if we accept that our bodies adjust to what we give them over time.

By: Karen In reply to chris.

I was curious about that also. How can one go from being Vit D deficient, take oral supplement, get toxicity on a very very low dose, and then drop back to a level of 2. It seems something is missing from this equation because my RN training is not understanding the physiological explaination.

I am not saying that Ressy is not being honest – please – I do not mean it that way. I just think there must be other factors such as what dose Vit D was taken and how many times per day and for how long. And also how long were the low dose Vit D supplements taken before labs were done.

Just a little confusion and also trying to understand this.

Thank you

By: Shan In reply to barney.

No, the Source Naturals Vitamin D-3 capsules do not contain glycerin, but they do contain maltodextrin, which typically comes from corn.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Melissa.

You’re on the right track Melissa! Hang in there! Aside from being gluten-free and using a D supplement, it is really important that the rest of your diet is low-inflammatory and high-nutrient. A program like our Solving Leaky Gut diet is the foundation for healing the gut. If you have nay more questions, let us know at

Hope you continue to feel better!

By: Melissa I was diagnosed with celiac a year ago. I was later diagnosed with hypothyroid and vitamin D deficiency. I’ve been gluten free for a year but even after taking a prescription D of 50,000 units a week it’s still low. From what I have read from researching, with celiac the body doesn’t absorb proper nutrients for years after cutting gluten out. It has been a rough few years, I haven’t felt like myself at all. My thyroid is also still off even with medication. Still trying to regulate everything. I wake up exhausted and achy. The sad part is I live in Florida, so vitamin D shouldn’t be an issue. Hanging in there! Thank you everyone for sharing and for the article.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Chris.

Hi Chris – thanks SO much for sharing your experiences here!

We’re very excited to see how your health improves with higher Vitamin D levels. We hope you only continue to improve in 2016 🙂

By: Chris I have either CD or a gluten intolerance and have done SCD/GAPS diet for 2 and a half years followed by a paleo type diet. I had seen a lot of improvements but still some lingering issues. I have just managed to get my vit D levels to these sort of levels and have noticed considerable improvements in bone health, teeth, skin, eyes and hoping iron deficiency. I’m hoping I will see further improvements in my gut health as I think it will improve my mucus membrane and gut microbiota. I still have problems with some other foods which I think results from these issues like colon sensitivities to fruit in particular.

By: Saabreen I have gluten intolerance and eating yogurt first thing in the morning cures me from my symptoms so much quicker when I accidentally have gluten.

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to brandie.

Hi Brandie, Pure Encapsulations is a very solid brand and we trust their products.

By: brandie I need d3 2000….thorne research does not have that do you trust the brand pure?

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Jane.

Hi Jane, we do trust the brand Thorne research, and we suggest looking into their products and their options for Vitamin D3.

By: Jane Steve and Jordon,

I’m wondering if sublingual vitamin D3 would be more effective than capsules for someone with IBD. Does sub lingual vitamins aid absorption? Do you have a recommended brand?


By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Luka.

Hi Luka, thanks for reaching out! We recommend the brand name Thorne Research and you can obtain this on Amazon. Liquid forms are digested well and make sure it is from Cholecalciferol.

By: Luka My 6 year old daughter was diagnosed with Celiac in May. We went gluten free, but she did not get any relief until a month ago when we found this website and put her on this diet. She is now pain free! We live in New York, and we know she is Vitamin D deficient. Is there a Vitamin D supplement you would recommend in liquid form that is both celiac and SCD compliant?

By: kevin In reply to Ursula Stouffer.

Does anyone have CD and aquired rheumatoid arthritir

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Shelley.

Hi Shelley,

More and more research is showing the importance of taking K2 with vitamin D supplementation. Here’s a good post from WAPF: and one form Chris Kresser:

By: Shelley How important is it to take Vit K with a vit D3 supplement? I have read it is dangerous to take one without the other, so I would love to know from an expert! If we should take vit K, which one (1, 4, 7), or does it matter?

Thank you!

By: Celiac Vitamins Should Take | my gluten free diet […] Why Everyone with Celiac Disease Desperately Needs Vitamin D … – Find out why everyone with Celiac Disease desperately needs vitamin D to reverse the symptoms of autoimmune disease and avoid a higher risk of mortality. […]

By: Kristina Hello I was diagnose Celiac in 2007. Been on GF diet ever since but being on GF diet, I still have issues with my health.. Such as I am on Coumadin since 2007. I was diagnose at the same time.. I know kind of odd to find out both around the same time. What i am trying to say here is the chronic inflammation. I have the pain that never goes away after I had the UTI. Its on the right side lower ribs from the front to the back..It’s extremely painful and doctors doesn’t seem to know the solution of the chronic inflammation while I am on Coumadin. I have been taking vitamin b12 and calcium and vitamin d. Went to see Rhuemaloglist and dr wanted to wait till I was finish with prednisone and take a blood test where it will tell me if I have a chronic inflammation. No matter how hard I try to do varies of test to see what exactly what wrong with me .. I am wondering if prednisone helps reduce the swelling of my gall bladder and I was feeling lot better but after it was reduce to 2 pills it all came back.. Why? I was taking 4 tablet for 3 day and then 3 tablet for another three days and then when it got to 2, my right side ribs were hurting so bad!! From the front to back.. They did ultrasound,
X-ray , blood test.. This Friday will be MRI
And hope they find something.. Oh one more thing is that almost 2 months ago i had UTI.. Wondered if getting rid of infection takes forever since
I finish the antibiotic in 10 days as I was on Cipro.. Please share any related info that I provided.. If not sure please don’t hesitate to ask me
Thank you!!

By: katie I too have celiac disease and low vitamin d (9 the last time I checked) I tried supplements,but they made me VERY tired,and caused blurry vision. Im unable to be in the sun enough. Im at a loss.

By: Seth Bittker I’m not so sure.

High doses of vitamin D in the young seem to induce allergies in later life. Here is a reference:

Williams syndrom features high comorbidity with celiac

Williams syndrome is typically caused by a deletion of part of chromosome 7 including the WSTF gene. The result is spikes in 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D and hypercalcemia.

We give much larger doses of vitamin D to babies (and adults) today than we did 30 years ago and during the last 30 years it seems celiac disease has increased. So I wonder if oral vitamin D may in fact be a factor in initiating celiac.

By: Bruce Simpson After decades of asking UK doctors why I was always tired and had no stamina, I was finally diagnosed with CD by blood test. That was 5 years ago and I am still tired and still have no stamina. Since going on their only treatment, a life-long GF diet, I have realised that I am also intolerant to oats, all dairy, eggs, soya, pears, fructose, ginger etc etc. Most all of these intolerances were also discovered by a food intolerance test undertaken two years ago – not accepted by UK NHS who do not offer any food intolerance tests of their own. Told recently by Consultant to “learn to live with them”. Luckily, I am food trained so can cope insofar as my knowledge takes me. Most people do not have that expertise.

This site is the only one I have found that appreciates this problem and I am taking more “informed” professional medical assistance which is recommended. My body appears to be riddled with inflammation – gut, arms, lower back especially and I am convinced they are all linked. I am also stopping sugar intake. Eating out requires strict information to venues.

More research on treatment of CD is required as the vast majority appears to be on diagnosis only and a life-long GF diet is not the whole answer but try telling UK NHS that.

Would appreciate comments.

By: jack miller In reply to Adriana.

for the celiac blood test you have to be eating gluten. its why i don’t do the test.

there are many things that could cause your problems and i’ll suggest a couple things that might not be really obvious.

your elimination diet has not included fruit.

years after i had been on a gluten and lactose free diet, i discovered that fructose was causing some big remaining problems. it was the last thing i would have thought.

i no longer eat fruit.

hemp oil boosts my mood big time. so does magnesium bisglycinate.

never take a cal-mag.

magnesium bis. and reducing dairy might change your life of being anxious.

magnesium speeds transit time as does fiber. magnesium sulphate taken by mouth is a cheap way to get faster transit time and magnesium. start by only taking a really small amount because it can give cramps. small for me is 1 tea spoon.

too much dairy or calcium makes you repeat the same depressing thoughts. it also makes a person anxious. thats why i take 560 mg magnesium BISGLYCINATE. twice that if i fly so the barking dog or crying baby doesn’t drive me nuts.

are you getting iodine (anti depressant if not too much) and selenium? use iodized table salt liberally. factory presalted foods are not iodized! low on iodine can lead to over height, surprisingly.

vitamin d is another anti depressant. it boosts testosterone (an antidepressant). i get 40,000 iu a week by going to a tanning bed with uvb.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Adriana.

It’s best for a complicated case like this for Jordan to go in-depth with you in our consulting program.

By: Adriana Dear Jordan,

It was very interesting reading this post. I’m in a gluten and dairy free diet for about a month, but my stomach still feels raw inside, actually I get his dull ache in my whole stomach and colon. I wasn’t diagnosed with celiac, I just started the diet out of desperation due to my ill health, 20 + years of eye inflammation (uveitis), anxiety and depression for the past 16 years or more, numbness/tingling in my whole body that lasts for 2-3 months, acne for the past 20 years, and stomach issues (constipation, dull ache, discomfort, etc.) I had the blood tests done for celiac, which came back negative, and also asked for a blood test of my total IgA which was slightly low. I live in Eastern Europe and don’t have access to organic food, so I’m doing my best to eat as healthy as possible, no table sugar, no processed food, no snacks, but I do eat potatoes quite a bit as they’re the only food that I can find here that keeps me full. I eat quite a lot of eggs, and bacon also, and eat quite a lot of dried fruit and bananas. I’m quite tall and thin so I’m trying not to lose too much weight. I’m also taking a low dose of vitamin D, 800 IU every other day (jarrow, it was the only brand I could find here) and I’m taking niacin 1000 mg for my anxiety and depression, but it doesnt seem to be helping much). Could you please give me your opinion about what I’ve written as I have apsolutely no one to talk to and where I live everyone thinks it’s nonsense to go gluten and dairy free.

By: Lara Hi Jordan and Steven! I have Celiac and started supplementing with Vitamin D. It’s been 2 weeks now. How long does it take before I can see the effects, especially about the leaky gut? Thank you for all your work, this website is amazing and has helped me a lot.

By: chris In reply to Ressy.

Ressy how was it that you were low in vit d but when taking d orally, you got toxicity?

Thanks for any info…christopher:-)

By: Colleen In reply to Ursula Stouffer.

If you are really bad as you explain, may I suggest you just drink bone broth from beef or chicken bones, homemade with all the gelatin, for several days. Include some chicken or meet from the broth, made in a slow cooker for 24+ hours. When my mother and I (both Celiacs and crohns disease) were at our worst, this healed us and was very nourishing.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Pam Kelley.

@Pam – Coconut oil is awesome stuff, eat up!

By: Pam Kelley I would like to see discussion concerning adding organic virgin coconut oil (from Indonesia) to gluten-free and All processed foods-free diet, (salt and caffeine free for heart) that consisted of only extra virgin olive oil in glass and real unsalted butter consumed for years. I realized that gluten-free processed foods contain too much salt and often seemed to contain other irritants as well.

By: Ursula Stouffer Thanks for all the great info!

I’ve been gluten free for seven years now, and still have problems. Millions of intolerances, and I have to take a lot more of my vitamins than normal to have good levels, because obviously I am not absorbing nutrients very well.

I had celiac symptoms from the age of three, and finally figured it out myself when I was 52 (I will be 60 in May).

I have to take at least 60,000 IU of vitamin D3 a week to maintain optimal levels.

And despite NOT eating a lot, and rarely eating those ‘gluten free foods’, I keep gaining weight.

But as of this week, I’ve been eating nothing but protein (organic meat) and fat (lard and butter mostly), and a very few vegetables…. no fruit, as I don’t tolerate fruit very well. I am also obviously carbohydrate intolerant….. and starch at all makes me sick.

After reading through several of your previous posts, I realize that my gut must still be in terrible shape, and I have systemic inflammation.

Thanks so much for your excellent explanations, I am sure it will be very helpful in my journey toward health. You guys are awesome!

By: Cathy Gross In reply to Jordan Reasoner.

Could you comment on the importance of getting all of the fat soluble Vitamins together. That is a Vit D toxicity may be because you do not have enough A. The Vit D is good for your bones, but only if you have enough Vit K2 to direct it to the bones. I think that it is becoming more clear in the literature that it is dangerous to supplement just one of the fat soluble Vits without supplementing all.

By: Marielle Krogh Your message is incredibly helpful and I can’t thank you enough. I’ve had many swerves and painful turns on my gluten free journey, the past year. It’s a breath of fresh air to have someone talk some sense who happens to see the big picture! 🙂

By: Eric In reply to barney.

We use Quick D from Nutristart:

It’s in drop form: emulsified liquid.
Has 950+ drops per bottle (each drop is 1,000IU).
It’s D3 (from organic sunflower oil)
Contains no preservatives, colour, sweeteners, wheat, gluten, dairy or yeast.

We add it to our coffee (4 drops each), would never know it’s there.

I remember giving our son D3 as a baby (breastfed in Canada) from the drugstore — that stuff was nasty! Wish I knew about the Quick D then.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Markus.

@Markus – I’ve never heard of the supplement your taking but yes fillers can hurt people who have badly damaged guts. You’d have to test it just like any other food or change using our 4-day rule.

By: Markus Thank you so much for the great information you are providing. I´d like to hear your take on a supplement question. I bought swansons boronchelate to try if it helps with my messed up joints. Unfortunately i didn´t pay enough attention to the ingredients.One major component is rice flour as a filler. Can i still take these? The amount of flour i would ingest is tiny. I´m on a budget so i don´t want to throw it away. What do you guys think?

Thank you very much

By: Why Everyone with Celiac Disease Desperately Needs Vitamin D … | Allergy to Wheat - Symptoms Treatment […] here: Why Everyone with Celiac Disease Desperately Needs Vitamin D … This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged and-avoid, autoimmune-disease, disease, […]

By: Why Everyone with Celiac Disease Desperately Needs Vitamin D — SCD Lifestyle | Gluten Free in Orange County […] Why Everyone with Celiac Disease Desperately Needs Vitamin D — SCD Lifestyle. […]

By: LATEST NEWS - Coeliac disease and gluten intolerance - Page 2 - Foods Matter Research, News and Comment […] LATEST NEWS – Coeliac disease and gluten intolerance Why Everyone with Coeliac Disease Desperately Needs Vitamin D (30 Jul 2012) While the foundation of effective coeliac disease treatment starts with a real food […]

By: barney Great article…need to supplement more I know…one question…be careful about the type you get…in most softgels/liquids…glycerin is an ingredient…..which according to your leaky gut article…can make leaky gut worse…a good source for vitamin D3 is ‘Source Naturals’…get the capsules…they do not contain glycerin
