Comments on: Ugh! This Diet Isn’t Working… What Do I Do? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:09:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Nia.

Hi Nia, the easiest way to add more calories is to double your portions of meat at every meal and to supplement with coconut oil (or other tolerated healthy fats)
You might also want to check out these resources, if you haven’t yet:

Please email us at support@scdlifestlye if you ever have problems accessing the book, we’d be happy to help out 🙂

By: Nia Hi Mariel, I’ll look into those pages in the SCD Lifestyle ebook. I purchased it & always have trouble opening it. I’m on and track calories that way. I’m finding it difficult to eat more than 1600-1800 calories of just butternut squash, carrots, flounder, turkey burgers, chicken and spinach (all broiled or steamed). Oh & a cup of scd chicken soup sometimes. I’ve just added 1 – 2 TBL spoons of coconut oil per day which is a help-gets me up to 1800 some days but need 2000 to gain. Don’t want to add too much because I want to see b. rm. progress before I add anything else new. Any other advice would be appreciated! Embarrassed about my weight loss is affecting my life and if I could add at least 5 lbs that would make a huge difference. thanks.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Nia.

Hi Nia! We don’t ever want you to go hungry while following the SCD diet, but you should eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. If you’re worried about eating enough, we recommend you check out page 48-49 of the eBook and learn how to track your calories. You can also supplement with a tablespoon or two of coconut oil at meals to help boost your calorie intake. SCD is about finding a customized approach that works for you – this might mean eating less often if that helps you to feel better.

By: Nia I’m trying to troubleshoot and just thought of something because I ate less meals today and feel really good… Is it possible I’m holding myself back by eating too often and too much? (phase 1 and starting phase 2 foods). I’ve been so concerned about gaining my weight back that I’ve been eating every 2 hours and eating a lot! Will eat every 4 hours again tomorrow and less food and see how I feel. Has this ever come up? Thanks!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kathy.

Hi Kathy, thanks for reaching out. You may want to check the probiotics you are taking, as sometimes these can cause unwanted symptoms. Please read this article here: Also, please check out these links on diarrhea triggers and how to stop your diarrhea fast:

Diarrhea Triggers Video 1
Diarrhea Triggers Video 2:
Diarrhea Triggers Video 3:
Diarrhea Triggers Video 4:

By: Kathy I am on day 12 of this diet. The diarrhea started on day 4 and hasn’t stopped. I took out the eggs and the meat patties, as my stomach got very crampy soon after eating them. I am not eating any dairy, or grains, or nuts, or fruit. I am taking a probiotic and a digestive enzyme. I’ve tried introducing new foods, and all are running right through me. All I seem to be able to eat is broth and mashed squash, and sometimes even that sends me to the bathroom in a hurry. I assume I should not try to introduce any more new foods until my system stabilizes because there wouldn’t be a way to tell if the new food was causing additional symptoms or just exacerbating the symptom I already have. I guess I’m in a holding pattern until this symptom passes? But surely it can’t be healthy to only eat broth and squash for30 days. There aren’t enough nutrients in that. Since I’m past the 3-7 day window mentioned in the blog post above, I assume that means “it’s probably something else.” I’m not sure what the something else would be, though.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Gina.

Hi Gina,

Thank you for reaching out today! You will certainly need to address the root issue here, and for you it sounds like that is your thyroid. We suggest working with a practitioner to get treated for this issue and if you are in need of one, you can search here:

By: Gina I’ve been doing the SCD for about one month now. I have thyroid issues, arthritis & had gout out of the blue. Iam in good shape and already ate healthy!! First week I lot about 4pounds which I liked, but my energy is awful. I assumed it would get better…it has not not. If anything I’ve been in a depression, not following through with workouts the way I use to and just a feeling of almost dispare. I have found my self binging on certain foods ever just to try and feel better. Then so sick I’ve thrown up!
Iam a Pilates instructor a holistic health coach myself…this is not good for business when you can’t get off the couch. I just want to feel better. Was trying to be proactive. I assumed by all my research that I must have leaky gut!! So hear I am.
My blood work even came back with my bad cholesterol high. First time in my life!!! Everything is becoming contradictory to the research. The only positive had been that my skin is clearer! I’ve gained back back the four pounds & feel much worse emotionally.
Please help clear up my confusion…is this not a good fit for thyroid issues. (Low) ??
I’ve even bought your program. Which was quite confusing as well. I did the intro then began adding foods one at a time slowly. Then I purchased another program from you for a considerably more money and there was nothing about the intro or puréed veggies & fruits.
Very depressed and concerned that I’m doing more harm than good!!!

By: Julie Thanks for the article. I have been on the diet for a month 1/2 and still have had gas and bloating. People keep suggesting I take digestive enzymes but one of the primary reasons I got on the diet was so I no longer had to rely on digestive enyzmes. Also, how will I know if I tolerate a newly added food if I take enzymes with it?

By: Jennifer I have Hashimoto’s, and my tweaks were: getting off the AIP eating plan and adding in carbs and dairy again! I knew I wasn’t having withdrawl from the typical American diet because I NEVER ate that way. I did Paleo for 2 months before trying the AIP, and THAT’S when I felt worse. See, what those of us with Hashi’s forget is that YOUR BODY NEEDS CARBS TO CONVERT YOUR THYROID MEDS. No carbs, poor or no conversion. Also, I lift weight 4 days/week. My workouts suffer without SOME carbs. And sweet potatoes and fruit won’t cut it.

I still don’t eat wheat or soy. I go full paleo on my days off from lifting. I try to keep it safer to just quinoa for my carb in the AM, but am back to my beloved Greek yogurt with oj for my recovery drink. Also? I felt fine BEFORE I started the AIP diet. I did it to heal my gut, since I must have leaky gut, as I have Hashimoto’s. That’s when my brain fog started.When I went from feeling fine to feeling bad, I knew that what I was doing wasn’t working. AIP was robbing my life of joy and full-functionality. Glad I’m back to what works for me!

By: Jeff Mahkorn Wish you guys would have told me about the four horseman months ago, lol. I struggled with fruit not knowing what the problem was, cutting out one then the other with no improvement. Then I realized maybe to much fruit at one time was the issue and instantly worked. I found one serving of fruit per meal and not a grape more and I was fine, any more and felt like I just had bread.

And to anyone who hasn’t started eating natural yogurt is missing out, finally a month into scd and I started yogurt and have felt so much better. Helped more than all the pills and enzymes by far.

By: Jessica Anderson Awesome article! Wish this was available to encourage me when I hit my 60-90 day “I don’t feel better yet” phase. I had to deal with this and am still tweaking my diet. Often we think just because food is “healthy” that it will agree with our bodies. There were several very healthy foods, including bananas and chicken, that I’ve had to cut out of my diet. Our healing processes don’t come with cookie cutter molds, so don’t give up along the journey!

By: Jennie Hi, I tried strict Paleo a couple months ago and since I’m only 90 lbs to start with I felt like fainting constantly. I gave up after a couple weeks and ate a bunch of food, but now I’m back to trying it out and adding in enough carbs to help me feel full. Eating sweet potatoes and a specific gluten free bread has helped me and I feel great this week. Lots of meat and veggies. Still learning how to navigate the diet to heal eczema. Thanks for all the info!
