Comments on: If You Do This, You Can Trade In Your Body for a New Model (Seriously) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 01:03:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dawn Great Message from a great SCD Lifestyle leader! I chose health for myself and my family 2 1/2 years ago, and have appreciated all that I have learned from you guys! Thanks for motivating and inspiring us all!

By: janet In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

Thanks, Lori, for your answer! I can’t help but think that only those who go through this goofy, disruptive, elusive, body and mind destructive condition can understand.
I am reminded of the film “Dumb and Dumber” at the end where Jim Carrey asks “What are my chances?” And he is ecstatic to hear “One in a Million, Yeah!” Sounds like everytime hope is dangling before us, we get excited about it, but it usually leads around a corner or to another fork in the road. Where does this all end???
OK, if the chance of getting out of this mess is one in a million, I would still look for it and not give up.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to janet.

Hi Janet, thank you for reaching out! Keep on believing and working toward your goals, you can do it!

By: Lisa Thank you! I chose health months ago but today is a rough day and I had lost my way forward and got stuck in negative thinking (“this isn’t working, I’m never gonna be healthy, my life sucks”, you now those stupid things). Just watched your video. I cried and I feel empowered. Especially “health is inside you” got to me. Thanks again.

By: janet This came just in time, as well as the previous one! Thanks!
I actually declared WAR on this two years ago but like the first two years of WWI and II, it was unclear which way it was going because the battle plan was not mapped out.
Two months now on the SCD, I recently had two good days interspersed with distrastrous ones. One would think a steady climb should be expected but I do believe getting rid of salicylates is an issue for me, maybe oxalates, too. An overload can be triggered by ingestion of nice foods on the SCD but high in salicylates. There is a build up and the need to get rid of them. Getting non-irritating iron is a problem too, but I just stumbled on a gentle iron preparation without the salicylates of berries. It is really mind blowing. I look forward to better days. Maybe this information can help others.

By: JUDY I really liked this vid.. It was very supportive. (All the health info is great, but this one gives you SUPPORT and HOPE. For me, it was awesome, cuz sometimes I just want to give up and not try anymore. )

By: Beatrix Willius Great video as usual. I choose health. But I still struggle so much with the sugar cravings. For some days it’s okay and then I have to have sugar.

After near death this summer even the mother is getting more interested in health. Making changes is so hard for her.

By: Lori Curtis Down to earth, yet very inspiring! Btw , it’s champagne…

By: Danna Thanks for the good words of encouragement! It is a choice – moment by moment. You have created an online support that presents the disease, challenge, and choice in no uncertain terms. You’ve been there and fought for healing. Thank you for the help!

By: sophinah hi spirit man, I allways say , My spirit is inside of me so i can be anything i want to be. Free to be me perfectly.

By: Jennifer I truly believe in your program! I am a family nurse practitioner in Florida and I feel better than I have in years! Thank you so much!

By: Rebecca This is really inspiring. I’m really glad I watched it, as it helped remind me how far I’ve already come and that I can make choices that support my health and that they will have more and more of an impact over time. Thanks for the great message!

By: Elisa Good message. Happy anniversary!! 🙂 Glad you made it through and are getting the word out.

My young cousin died of cancer, last night. I believe it was needless.

I’m choosing health!!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Heidi.

You’re amazing Heidi! Thank you for choosing health and for never giving up on yourself. It’s time to put your health first and to create a whole new body, one that feels exactly how you WANT to feel. We’ve got your back… keep working hard!

– J

By: Heidi Thank you! This is the positive reinforcement I needed as I decided yesterday at my doctors appointment that I was going to have no more of this, something has to change. I chose health! For years I’ve just been putting myself aside, saying I’ll take care of me later. Well, everything I’m dealing with has gotten worse and worse, and it’s gotten to a point where I cannot keep living like I am, physically and emotionally. Love these videos, so motivational and help me keep going even when everything inside me just wants to give up and be done with everything. So thank you for your encouraging words and tips, they really help!
