Comments on: Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes for Fall Family Fun (SCD friendly) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 27 Nov 2017 11:09:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patrick In reply to Stephanie.

Stephanie, can you please send along info for subscribing to your gastroparesis newsletter? Thanks!

By: Carolyn Stallard Lazy person that I am, I like to make pancakes in the oven. I preheat to 400 degrees F (though I see 425 in other recipes). First I melt butter (ghee should work) in an oven-proof “everything” pan (a large cast-iron skillet would do) on the stove, then add a layer of whatever fruit I am including (usually banana slices and blueberries), then pour the batter on top, and put the whole thing in the oven and leave it there until it starts to brown and springs back to a touch, about 20 minutes. Then I divide it like a pizza in 6 or 8 sections to serve. Seems like much less work than doing it all on a griddle.

Just diagnosed with SIBO, also have ongoing collagenous colitis.

By: Bee Cam this be made with frozen winter squash?

Also, how many servings is this?

By: Sarah Grant In reply to Sarah Grant.

Sorry. I just realized that the eggs are probably the main part of the recipe…do you have any other pancake recipes that don’t have eggs in them?

By: Sarah Grant This recipe looks really good! But, I can’t eat eggs. Is there a way to alter this recipe to not add the eggs?

By: Kiley In reply to Christine.

‘Farmers Market’ brand pumpkin puree is BPA-Free and widely available. I use it all the time! 😉

By: Ben I’m going to try this recipe this weekend. I’m trying to decide if I should double the recipe like you did or not. How many pancakes did you make when you doubled the recipe?

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Lizzy.

Hi Lizzy, the idea that fat and cholesterol is bad has been proven false. Please read some of the research here:

In good health,


By: Lizzy We rarely buy canned goods. Whole tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, are the absolutely only thing I can think of that we routinely buy. We used to make spaghetti sauce with that, but that rarely happens here too. I am off tomatoes period at the moment. I would say the family has made spaghetti sauce about 3x this entire year, so that is how often we use a canned product. Pumpkin is intimidating to use. I would want to find an organic one which would not b easy and carving it wld b a little more trouble. I have a nice organic butternut squash on my counter and I bet I could substitute that. I do love pumpkin & have grown them in the past. Next spring, I’ll have to do that again.
I’ve just started reading your website, so I’ve probably missed the explanation, but WHY use 8 eggs in this recipe? I’m thinking way too much protein, cholesterol, fat. Isn’t an egg or two good enough? AND I’ve read recently that cooking an egg out of the shell, allows the yolk to oxidize and it’s better to boil the eggs you eat. Don’t you just love the amount of contradiction you can find on the web?

By: Andrea In reply to Gutsy Girl.

I use this canned pumpkin and mix it with the almond meal muffins to make pumpkin muffins. I also put in pumpkin pie spice with it. Yummy

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Verena.

Great tip Verena! Thanks for stopping by, you rock!


By: Verena Oh my, these look awesome! I just introduced pumpkin to my diet and have a very nice Japanese one that cooks really quickly if you just dice it beforehand. My trick was to chop the whole pumpkin at once and then just store it in the fridge in portion bags (up to 6 days). This way tomorrow morning I’ll just boil them for 15 minutes and have the right base for this recipe to go with my eggs! Never seen any canned pumpkin in Germany anyway.

By: Paula They sound awesome, can’t wait to make them. Pumpkin from organic pie pumkins will work beautifully and solve the BPA and can issues. Cut in half, scoop out seeds and bake at 375 for 45 min or until tender. Then scoop out, put in food processor until smooth and it’s good to go for all pumpkin recipes!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Sheree.

Ahh, thanks for adding Sheree – that makes sense.

In good health,


By: Sheree typically anything cooked with pumpkin or honey will brown more quickly than other foods and cook darker anyways but they don’t have a burnt taste 🙂

By: Roggy McGee How many servings is this? TIA

By: Stephanie Funny, pumpkin pancakes must be popular this month. I sent a similar modified recipe out in my gastroparesis newsletter a couple weeks ago, also adapted from Practical Paleo. They are delicious!
As far as BPA goes, Farmers Market brand now says “BPA free liner.” I try to avoid canned foods but this is an exception 🙂

By: Christine In reply to Steven Wright.

Well, they either say they don’t have BPA or don’t reply!!! Sometimes, I get really good replies, explaining to me the whole canning process and exactly how they are prepared etc.

I haven’t tasted a plastic taste on frozen fruit and veggies, but then I mostly use fresh where I can, but you’ve got a point there.

I notice there are a few places that sell fruit and veg in glass jars – maybe they are a better option? I think manufacturers are becoming more aware now of the BPA issue.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Jessika.

Thanks Jessica – we’re filming this week! Glad you liked Steve’s recipe 🙂

In good health,


By: Jessika The pumpkin pancakes are delicious…even the batter is good (I reduced the amount of honey). They do brown up quickly, but don’t taste burned. I had them for dinner, didn’t put anything on ’em. This a.m., I tried cooking some batter in a small glass bowl, sort of muffinlike, and it turns out like a souffle. A delicious, pumpkin souffle. Thank you, Steve, for the recipe! I use canned pumpkin alot this time of year and try not to stress about the BPAs..’cuz I don’t use much canned food on a regular basis. Besides, I tried cooking a pumpkin…it was an all day, messy affair…I’ll take some chances with the canned. Anyway, the canned pumpkin can be dressed to your liking and makes a great side “mashed” side dish. I’ve also tried pumpkin “ice cream” by mixing with coconut milk and honey or stevia and chilled almost to freezing…that one needs tinkering 🙂 Good luck with the upcoming TV show – very exciting for you!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Tanya Covello.

@Tanya – I’m glad you enjoyed them, thanks for the comment!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Gutsy Girl.

@Gusty Girl – you know I’m not sure. I’m sure if you search Paleo Pumpkin muffins that there are a ton of them out there. They actually brown up really fast but while the pics look “brunt” they were NOT. At least if you ask my taste-buds.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Christine.

@Christine – That is awesome, what percentage usually tell you that it contains BPA? And how many don’t even know? I’m with you frozen is probably better than canned, but lately I’m wondering more about that. Have you ever made frozen veggies or eaten frozen fruit and tasted a plastic taste ? I’ve been noticing it more lately…

By: Tanya Covello These pumpkin pancakes are AMAZING! Thank you so much for sharing. As soon as I read this in my inbox this morning I knew I had to try! The whole family loved them – we had some with homemade apple butter, some with just organic butter, and my sweet tooth of a daughter had some with syrup. Not only were these absolutely delicious, they filled us up and for me in particular, I did not feel fatigued, nauseated, or bloated – in fact I was full of energy for 5 hours! Thank you!

By: Gutsy Girl Ok, I have to admit the EIGHT EGGS part made me laugh. Can I make these into muffins as well? Oooo I’d love me some pumpkin muffins! And I think I could do these even with my ultra low carb Atkins restrictions. Do they burn easily? In the top picture they look a little toasty. I’ll have to try these this week! Nom nom nom.

By: Christine I always email manufacturers before using canned goods. I usually ask if the can is made from aluminium or if there is BPA in the lining. I also ask how the contents are preserved. Have they been pasteurised etc? I do also ask if there are any undisclosed additives. Some canned goods are very good, but you do have to be careful about some.

If I don’t use fresh of anything, then I would always choose frozen over canned – if it was available that is!
