Comments on: Steve’s SCD Diet Healing Journal: Week 16 – Learning New Cooking Techniques Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 06 May 2015 16:50:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jenny Steve –
You say that you added ginger to your rub. Is ginger (in the spice jar) SCD legal? I just spent about 10 minutes at Whole Foods looking through spices and opted not to buy the ginger because I thought it might contain starch.


By: Steven Wright Janine – Hey thanks for stopping by, Quick question when you marinade your pork how long do you normally do it for? Thanks!

By: Janine ("Jane Doo") Hi Steve,
glad to see you’re still at it! there’s a really simple marinade I picked up from that is delicious on porkchops- mix the juice of one or two oranges with about a half cup of honey (stir it up with a fork and make sure the orange isn’t cold or it will make the honey get hard), marinade in advance or just coat your chops and throw them under the broiler or bake them in the oven. It’s also a great marinade for tenderloins- One time I added frozen cranberries to the equation and the result was one yummy roast!

By: Steven Wright Carol – that’s really interesting that they only sell certain meat cuts to Whole Foods, I sure wish there were more Whole Foods across the US and especially here in MI. Maybe you can talk to the Beretta Farms at the market and special order the cuts you want?

By: Carol Frilegh Whole Foods, You Don’t Know The Half Of It!

Yesterday the food demo ladies at my Toronto supermarket were demonstrating Beretta Farms Organic grass fed top sirloin. All they added was a pure sea salt. No rub and yet it was delicious. I asked if needed to marinate it and they said, “no.” It was half the price of regular strip or cap sirloin steak. I was about to buy a piece when I noticed the ladies were cooking a much thinner cut than what was in the butcher’s case, so I ordered it cut thinner. I used my ridged grill pan, similar to theirs and sliced the steak on a slant. ( I did spray a squirt of olive oil on the meat.) When chatting with the demo ladies I told them how I won a big prize for a shopping spree in a fancy mall last year and decided to use it for groceries at the Whole Foods store there instead of designer clothing. I was told that most of the meat at our Whole Foods is supplied by Beretta Organic Farms, which has an impeccable reputation. The steak reps were impressed by my choice of a meat source but pointed out that Beretta beef is also available right where we were, at my market right across the street from where I live, but not their other meats. Aye, there’s the rub 🙁

By: Steven Wright Carol – Mini boxes for portion control is great idea! Raw raisins are stage 5 but Cooked are stage 3 according to, the first time I ate them I did cook them (with some butter and carrots yum!) but after I tasted them I couldn’t resist and I ate the rest raw 🙁 . They are now gone and not coming back in the house for the time being because of what I talked about with portion control and because like you said all dried fruit is more advanced. I’m in phase 3 right now.

By: Carol Frilegh Dried fruit is an advanced food. Raisins could be troublesome especially when you overindulge. I have tried the mini boxes so as to exercise portion control but have no box control. Raisins cannot be kept in my home. At raisins are Stage 5. Are you at the equivalent phase on your plan?

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