Comments on: Steve’s SCD Diet Healing Journal: Week 17 – What’s in Your Medicine Cabinent? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 13 Dec 2017 22:59:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sherri Thank you for the link on a SCD legal B12. It saved me a lot of research!

By: Steven Wright Carol – Glad your going after you zinc levels, Did you try the test yet?

Sherry – As long as the carton lists goat’s milk as the only ingredient you should be good to go. Your advice about almond flour baking is spot on! I only wish I would have known about a week ago haha.

By: Sherry Johnson I am making my first batch of goat milk yogurt. My only source at the moment is from a carton from the health food store. Will this suffice?
I will give you a hint before you start baking with almond flour. Things do not bake the same as with regular flour. I learned to keep pancakes and muffins small and to watch the heat closely…it has a tendency to be nice and brown one minute and too done the next. I have had to tweak some recipes as far at temp and cook time but I have made some pretty tasty things!

By: Carol Frilegh I experiment with most recipes and have successfully added berries and even nuts to cheesecake, dried fruits and nuts to muffins and to my fudge recipe over at the UCLBS site. In your honor, I had oysters yesterday and am waiting for the miracle of the zinc to kick in.

By: Steven Wright Carol – I will try that cheesecake tip next time! I added the DCCC last this time and it did end up having a bit more texture than I would have liked. Have you ever baked fruit into the cheesecake? I was thinking it might be a good idea to add more flavor.

As far as the smell and farts go, as a former gold medalist crop duster its very nice to only have to worry about sound now! 🙂

By: Carol Frilegh Steve, I realize even SCD is not like those pantyhose where one size fits all, however, you are taking a truckload of supplements. Elaine warned that mineral supplements should only be taken for a short a short time. That is in the first of two chapters in BTVC introducing the diet.
( Editions vary. My info originates with the last sentence on page 65 of edition 12). I hope those who follow your blog will not assume they should duplicate your regime as this is supposed to be a journal of your personal healing experience.

Let’s hope your doc knows best.

By: Carol Frilegh You said, “That trend continued last week and now I’m back to what I would consider relatively normal -)a couple small farts a day that don’t smell too bad ).” But you also said your sense of smell wasn’t too good. Better sit next to an open window Steve! 🙂

By: Carol Frilegh Correction: Cream the dry curd cottage cheese AND THE YOGURT for four minutes.

By: Carol Frilegh If you want superb creamy cheesecake, try this (suggested by Pecanbread member Elizabeth Kirk) Cream the dry curd cottage cheese in a food processor for four minutes before adding the rest of the ingredients. Turn off the oven after twenty minutes and leave the door slightly open until the cheesecake reaches room temperature, Refrigerate overnight. I sometimes top an individual serving with slices raw or cookies berries with some honey added. SCD Cheesecake is so good that I need handcuffs or a padlock on the fridge to keep from devouring the whole cake in one or two days!
