Comments on: Steve’s SCD Diet Healing Journal: Week 18 – Is Almond Flour Like SCD Cocaine? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 01 Jun 2018 20:29:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Regina davis.

Hi Regina – you can find our recommended practitioners here:

By: Regina davis Who is dr Will? Looking for a scd doc

By: Shannon I agree. Nut flours are not easy to digest. I’ve been on SCD for four years now and still have problems with them. When I crave something sweet I eat honey instead. I actually eat it by the tablespoon. Sometimes up to 1/2 cup a day with no ill effect! Nuts, on the other hand, cause me to make more trips to the bathroom. Nuts were a disappointment in the beginning, but I’m now a honey connoisseur. Thinking I need my own bees…

By: Lia This was kind of my down fall is eating goodies made of nut flours. Anyway going to start from the beginning and will be more diligent this time. I’m flaring right now. I just tried a muffin that I baked today made fr almond flour, it’s SCD-legal. I could tolerate it before but today it gave me really bad gas. So I’m backing off for now. Back to the basics.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Carol Frilegh.

@ Carol – If you don’t have any control after like 10 years with this stuff, then I’m done for sure!!! haha I agree Elaine probably meant for nut flours to be “desserts” which back when she created her book “desserts” normally were not eaten at every meal or for that matter sitting on every corner in the office like they are today. Moderation is the key!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Amy.

@ Amy – I couldn’t agree with you more! Almond flour is just to dangerous for me to resist, so I only use it and eat it on very special occasions such as holidays. That way I limit myself. Besides I feel so good without it and I use my fruit as my dessert who really needs it?? I think Elaine meant it to be more of an occasional use product.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Kate.

@ Kate – Yes unfortunately your gas is most likely due to the almond flour. Gas is one of the first problems I notice with almond flour. I would suggest you give up all nut products for at least a week, probably 2 (you want to be feeling really good) and then slowly try them again to test and see if the gas returns. Good Luck!

By: Kate Just tried almond flour muffins and did not realize they were a tricky later in the diet thing. I have painful gas -I’m sure from eating 1+per day for the last week -AHHHH. Is this true?

By: Amy Unfortunately, I love almond flour but it doesn’t love me back. I end up visiting the restroom way too many times after eating it. The SCD pancakes were definitely a favorite of mine, but I’m doing just fine without them. I also don’t eat eggs or casein due to delayed food allergies. Life is just great with meat, ghee, vegetables, and fruits. It seems boring to other people but I’m not bored yet (and I’m a foodie!).

By: Carol Frilegh At Pecanbread,, we always stress the fact that SCD is not a “nut” diet. When Elaine left Dr. Haas’office she realized she needed some ideas for desserts and then recalled a friend who baked Viennese tortes using nut flour and Pandora, the Nut Queen was released from the box into every SCD kitchen where nut allergy does not exist. I have little or no control over a perfect batch of SCD muffins unless David Copperfield is lurking somewhere and making them disappear. The dog around here is only nine inches tall and cannot reach the counter top so who do you should get the blame?
