Comments on: How to Make SCD Legal Lemon Chicken That Will Knock Your Socks off! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Fri, 04 Aug 2023 08:57:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: RegĂ­strese para obtener 100 USDT Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.

By: Maria I’ve made this a couple of times now and, no kidding, it’s perfect every time. I ran out of lemons once and used a mix of oranges and lemons -it was fantastic! Also, I slip the lemon slices under the skin of the chicken, which seems to infuse the lemon flavor even more. Thanks!

By: Amy Jordan, I’m so glad I found your website! Way to go with SCD and your healing journey. I am very grateful for the SCD as well. I was never diagnosed with celiac (I didn’t bother with the mainstream tests–just went gluten free and never looked back) and I felt much better eating gluten free but not good enough. I followed SCD strictly for a year and it made a HUGE difference! It worked so well that I can now tolerate a few SCD-illegal foods in small quantities, although I know I’ll never stray too far from SCD or a Paleolithic diet since I feel so great and it’s very satisfying. You’re right that it’s a lifestyle choice!

By: Jordan Reasoner Carol,
Thanks for the support! Your insight is very valuable… the diet is only what you make it. If you view it as restrictive than you make it that way. If you view it as a fun experience in being healthy, it can be just as you describe it: enjoyable to experiment and invent new ways to make amazing meals.

I would agree that being on the SCD Diet is energizing and meaningful in many ways.

In good health,


By: Carol Frilegh I am rapidly becoming your loyal auto responder but am so in tandem with your feelings and observations. I always feel someone is going to give me a stick-on gold star when I emerge from the checkout with my trove of fresh produce and claim to have the most beautiful shopping buggy in any store but Whole Foods where there are kindred spirits. It is not nice to feel smug and superior and when I do, I am reminded of ten years spent researching blogs and news and magazine articles on diet and nutrition and seeing it as a daily topic on TV news. The thing about SCD is it may be strict but it is not restrictive. I never tire after all this time when it comes to “ah hah” moments of finding inventive new ways to combine and prepare and serve beautiful food. So call me nutty and obsessive, but I find being on the SCD energizing and meaningful. It is so much more than three squares and who cares?

SCD 10 years
