Comments on: Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 21 – Walleye fishing in the Saginaw Bay! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 13 Dec 2017 22:39:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: nichole Hi! The recipe sounds great. Can you tell me how best to fry the fish with this breading? deep vs. pan, etc. I really need some step by step directions though. haha I have never fried fish before. Any ideas for a good scd tarter sauce as well? 🙂 Trying to win over some non SCD-ers, so these recipes need to be really delicious.

By: Steven Wright Hey Anna – Thanks for stopping by, for lunch I usually tend to eat leftovers of the dinner before hand. So I make sure when I’m cooking to always make at least 2 full servings of everything (most times 4). This allows me to have premeasured food containers in my fridge at all times. When I head off to work or on a trip all I have to do is pack my cooler.

I’ve found that part of a lifestyle transition away from the SAD diet is recognizing that it is okay to eat any kind of food at any point in the day.

By: Anna Sounds great! Eating this way is really not that difficult all things considered, at least once you get used to it. What I do wonder is, what do you eat for lunch? I have a hard enough time figuring that out on a so-called regular diet and often resort to sandwiches, which I’m tired of.

In the meantime, Mexico just scored against France, and that makes me happy.

