Comments on: Can Coconut Oil Really Help Me Heal My Gut? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 09 May 2017 16:00:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kimberly Webb.

Thanks for sharing, Kimberly! This is great to hear and we’re so grateful to support you. We’d love to hear more:) Shoot me an email at and I look forward to connecting!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kimberly Webb.

HI Kimberly – thanks for reaching out to us and sharing about your journey! WE’d love to hear more, too:) If you’d like to share your story on our blog, please shoot me an email at and we’d be grateful to help other’s via your own story.

By: Kimberly Webb I have celiac disease and have been on the SCD from SCD Lifestyles. Com for around 2 years now. I appreciate the emails and the support I have received. The material is wonderful! It was even life saving for me. I just incorporated coconut oil into my diet and I love it! Thanks, Jordan for the info!
Best of Life,

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tracey.

HI Tracey – you may have taken too much and it’s possible your body isn’t used to that much saturated fat. Go ahead and cut back to 1/2 TBSP and see how you do. We’ve never really heard of coconut oil helping one to sleep, though, so perhaps you could try it during the day.

By: Tracey In reply to Sim.

I used a tablespoon of coconut oil with a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of sea salt. I mixed it all into a cup of camomile tea as a sleep remedy. Unfortunately it didn’t send me to sleep. It just made me feel sick and gave me a headache. I was still feeling rough today. It was last night that I took it, before bed time. My stomach is still gurgling now!

By: Julie I have just made Coconut ice cream, with cinnamon and vanilla pods – delicious:)

By: Liz I have a drink of warm water, tbsp of coconut oil, half squeeze of lemon and tsp of tumeric everyday.

By: Andrea I use one teaspoon coconut oil in a cup of Roobis tea. It taste nice and helps me to get more healthy fats into my body.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to myrtle miller.

Hi Myrtle – thanks for commenting and your insights 🙂 We agree!

Here’s a link to our recipe for goat’s milk yogurt:–-directions-for-scd-legal-goat-milk-yogurt/

Here’s a link to our recommended products where you can find turmeric:

By: myrtle miller Cocunut oil is also beneficial in healing wounds. Also if you are bringing healing to your intestines consider incorporating goat’s milk and turmeric into your diet. Both are excellent for inflammation….

By: joel In reply to john.

can u recommend a quality coconut oil brand?

By: July You can use coconut oil to make the best popcorn ever. You can use it for lotion. Use it to tan with. Use to fight acne. Drinking 100% coconut water with pulp from a can or coconut will heal psoriasis. Put a spoonful in your mouth, let it melt and swish it makes for a good mouthwash. It whitens and kills germs and fights gengavitous but make sure you don’t spit it down the sink.

By: john Concerning the coconut oil, extra virgin, cold pressed, etc., that’s all good, but the one thing that’s missing is what part of the nut the oil is extracted from. The kernel is what one wants, not from the copra which is where the vast majority of coconut oils come from. The kernel is the quality.
Also, with coffee or herbal tea, try 1 tbls grass fed butter or ghee and 1 tbls coconut oil per 1-2 cups of either drink. Add a little stevia if desired.
Prepare the drink, add it along with the rest into a blender and blend for 20-30 seconds. This replaces creamer and you’ll get the good fats associated with the butter and coconut oil amongst other things and in raw form. Café du monde is the choice for coffee this way, for sure dude!

By: Andrea When can I introduce coconut oil. I love it and used it a lot before I started the SCD. I am at week two now. Would it help with my constipation? I haven’t been to the toilet for three days.

By: Sim I think I am intolerant to organic coconut oil. I have been on the FODMAP diet for a few months, but thought I would try to add coconut oil in, as I heard of it’s benefits for IBS sufferers.

Well I noticed I got a huge migraine after having quite a bit of it through the day which I haven’t had since on the diet (I think because of the removal of gluten has truly helped). I also was running to the toilet which is not something that usually happens to me. I took a little bit the next day again, and a slight headache appeared, so I ditched the coconut oil…and no symptoms since.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Denise.

That’s okay don’t eat it then, but later after you do some healing I’d retest it.

By: Denise what about with salicylate sensitivity while you have gut dysbiosis? I react terribly to coconut oil- rash, burning intestines…though I have SIBO/candida, low secretory IgA,leaky gut, really low weight. So I’d love to be able to use it, but don’t think I can for now…

By: Steven Wright In reply to Chris.

@ Chris – Not much experience with the butter, but I’ve read it tastes great. As far as cooking you want to stay with the oil because it will with stand the heat better.

By: Chris Any thoughts on coconut oil vs. coconut butter?

By: Steven Wright In reply to Kate.

Hi Kate,

You can substitute whenever, actually coconut oil is better for cooking than olive oil as coconut oil has a higher smoke point. I saute all my veggies in and most of my meats. I actually do not use olive oil unless its in a dressing form. For cooking I use animal fats, coconut oil and ghee. Give it a try but roughly the same amount works for me.

By: Kate I have coconut oil, but never knew when to use it or substitue my olive oil for it.
Are their specific foods I should pair it with? Or can I use it when I make my sauteed aparagus? And I never knew how much to use..the same amount as olive oil?

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Tim Gwaltney.


I only use unrefined sea salt, however salt with iodine is allowed on SCD. I’ve just always been skeptical of the processing of the salt. I did take a iodine supplement made by Freeda for awhile but have since stopped as my multi-vitamin includes it (SCD Complete by GI Pro Health). I would recommend trying out their multi-vitamin but as for the salt it is Basically a personal choice. Good Luck!

By: Tim Gwaltney Hi Jordan, awesome site man. I’m starting on the scd and had a question about iodine and salt. Did u use salt that had iodine added 2 it or did u use other means to correct your deficiency. If so what brand of salt was it. I’m a little skeptical of using anything but unrefined sea salt (just started using celtic sea salt) but depending on who u ask their might not be enough iodine it. Thanx bro

By: Jordan Reasoner Traci,

Thanks for the question. Right now we are only offering our book online in e-Book format so that people can instantly download it upon purchase and start the diet as soon as possible. It also helps us get it to more people on the web without dealing with shipping all over the world.

We find that all of our customers have been very happy with this method so far and haven’t had any issues. Remember, you have 90 days to try it out and if you don’t like it for any reason, just let us know and we can refund your money no questions asked.

Let us know if you have any further questions and please stay in touch as you continue your journey on the diet.

In good health,


By: Traci Persky Any chance your book is available in ‘book’ form, not online?
