Comments on: Steve’s SCD Diet Healing Journal: Week 25 – Fast and Easy SCD Legal Meals Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:06:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deborah I love your site. I love the concepts. And I will work with one of the counselors soon. But while canned tuna is wonderful for a SCD diet, you are forgetting that this product is filled with mercury. I am in my 10th year of gradual removal. You do not want the health repercussions of this especially if you are one who does not excrete toxins well (my alternative MD says he sees more and more with genetic testing…shut down of detox pathway 1 or 2…his theory is those pathways are being chemically bombarded and are not surviving generationally). And all cans BHP lined. Very expensive but I buy Vital Choice tuna and fish. Cans not lined and they only use small fish that have not built up metal stores. And sardines!!! No metals as they do not eat bigger fish. I like Crown Prince as in tin and high quality olive oil. And please do not use the microwave. Even your Dr Kalish says no! Destructors food. Going to get steam oven soon. Takes time but better. In meantime I use stovetop steamer or Panasonic Light Oven. Still takes time but so much healthier in meantime. Love all your efforts.

By: Steven Wright In reply to maria diabetes-nurse.

@ Maria – Thanks for the recipe, sounds great! Just make sure your canned salmon, tuna and sardines don’t have any added illegals. I’ve accidentally bought several brands that are filled with soy or wheat fillers. Thanks for ideas!

By: maria diabetes-nurse Eggs, canned red salmon, & canned sardines:

Our other quick (as in dinner was not planned) meals.

By: maria diabetes-nurse Quick “French” Tuna dish:

Saute scallions or finely diced onions in olive oil.
Mix in tuna & sprinkle with “Herbs de Provence”
Saute until all warm & mixed & serve.

Nice with a side salad.
