Comments on: Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 26 – Coconut Water is Mother Nature’s Gatorade! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:17:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steven Wright In reply to Allison.

Not sure what test you are referring to but many of the best tests are at least that much. You might want to check out our consulting program.

By: Allison How are you all getting tested for this? My doctors think I’m nuts when I bring it up, and the holistic doctors here want $250 for a yeast test.

By: LauraA Hi Steve,
Before my DO moved to Colorado, she gave me three extracts from North American Herb and Spice called Fung-E-Clenz, Cinnamol, and Oregonol. The Fung-e-Clenz has sage, cumin, myrtle, and PT3 oregano in it. They are all grown wild. When I have big issues, I take their Oregabiotics, a thousand times better than antibiotics. BTW, thanks so much for creating this site. There are a lot of us very grateful for what you guys are doing.
Loved the podcast #25 with Dr. Allison Siebecker today.

By: Jeremy Solomon Wow thank god for the internet! I have been suffering from UC for almost two years, with moderate symptoms that slowly but surely continued to deteriorate. Living in Japan I finally became absolutely exasperated by the lack of information offered by Japanese doctors. (well, don’t be too hard on them, even young well-educated doctors suck at English, here so they just can’t keep up with the latest studies) So I started doing intensive research for myself.
In terms of diet, the only advice I got was “Don’t drink, don’t eat fried foods, avoid beef if you can” I never heard about SCD. And just stumbled upon it this week.
And have been trying to follow it since and seeing some improvement (though checking the labels for illegal additives is a whole lot harder in Japanese.

This also is the first I heard of S. Boulardii. But I read from Wikipedia this can be very beneficial for UC as well. So forgive me for a stupid question, but exactly how do you take this? Is this available as a supplement? Or on prescription? 😀

By: Phillip Penn Okay I appreciate it!

By: Steven Wright In reply to Phillip Penn.

@ Phillip – I took GI Pro health S. Boulardii. If you take the oil of oregano and probiotic at the same time it’s likely that it could kill all the good bacteria.. space them apart during the day and it should help but not completely sure.

By: Phillip Penn I already bought joy of the mountain oil of oregano. Is custom pro-biotic that contains acidophilus only enough to replenish the gut of all the good bacteria the Oil of oregano is going to kill? I’m also doing a cup of scd yogurt a day. Im also curious as to what s Boulardii you are taking. Do you know anything about Florastore? Sorry for overwhelming with questions but my recent blood work suggests that I could have a slight infection and my gastro wants to treat me with flag.

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Jen.

@Jen – good question! We went over this on Facebook a while back, here’s a link to the discussion with lots of links:


By: Jen Jordan- what brand of canned coconut milk do you use? I can’t find any that doesn’t contain guar gum, or other illegals. Thanks!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Carol Frilegh.

Thank’s Carol – great point. It is definitely a more advanced SCD tool.

Hope you’re doing great.


By: Carol Frilegh Elaine warned against GREEN COCONUT water. Like unripe fruit it can make you feel sick!

By: Matt Hey guys, I just found this post. Raw garlic is one of nature’s most potent anti fungals. Crush a clove, wait 10-ish minutes and eat it raw.

Coloidal silver also works, so I hear. I’ve not tried it.

By: Steve Wright @ Mouza – Hmm sounds like a tasty drink, I can’t say I’ve ever read anything about juicing getting rid of Candida though

@ Kati – Thanks for sharing, Candida is a tuff creature to beat down and stay down. Sounds like you are using some really good supplements. Are you following the SCD diet or another anti-Candida diet? If not you may be inadvertently be re feeding the beast. What is OoO by the way?

@ Cheryl – Wow Nystatin and Garlic for 6 months? I thought 3 months was a long time when they told me that. How bad was your Candida growth? I’m in the middle of my 2nd month of 3 with Nystatin, and have gotten some really great results. How are things going?

By: cheryl cravino I too just learned from Genova, I have a Candida overgrowth. Dr. suggests Nystatin for 6 months, metagenics garlic 6000 also for 6 months. I have started with brewing whole cloves and fresh ginger in my tea every morning and have increased my coconut oil intake. They have me starting slow due to “die off” and the related side effects of that. Will keep you posted on progress.

By: Kati We are struggling with Candida at our home… Diflucan has brought it out but I’m noticing it tends to get “fed” more frequently than I realized.

We are rotating GSE, OoO, and Uva Ursi and did a course of Flagyl before the Diflucan. My girls have it more systemically so I think we just have to use the meds – it can be in places beyond the gut and not all sups/Rx will get throughout the body. Hope yours stayed in the gut!!!

By: Mouza I’m not sure if I have Candida, but as part of my healthy lifestyle, the first thing I drink early morning is my vegetable juice, which consist of the following: celery, parsley, carrot, and grapefruit.

This drink is good for the digestive system and removes Candida if it exists.
