Comments on: Steve’s SCD Diet Healing Journal: Week 4 – Learning how to make goat’s milk yogurt Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Sat, 25 Mar 2017 23:38:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linn In reply to Kyla.

For any one who reads this article. DO NOT USE the microwave. BAD BAD BAD! Microwaves kill everything good in the product. You will be doing yourself a huge disservice. If you do not know how the microwave is “cooking” food, you should do some research and not use it ever again to cook your food.

By: Steven Wright Kyla – Your idea of using the mircowave to heat the yogurt is GENIUS! I’ve been using a glass bowl and have found my microwave heats 2 quarts of goat’s milk to 180F in 14 minutes. No more babysitting and burnt milk! Thanks so much!

By: Kyla Thanks for the wonderful information. A tip that may help with they yogurt. Try heating it in the microwave, it makes it so much easier. Ovens vary, but around 9-10 mintes is usually good then let it cool as usual. I’ve never had a batch burn and it doesn’t need to be stirred constantly like when you prepare it on the stove. This has been a lifesaver for me, as babysitting the stove for a pot of milk has been interrupted often resulting in burnt milk, as you described above!

By: planetpj The banana pancakes taste and flip best when you cook them in coconut oil. Mmmm delicious!
