Comments on: Steve’s SCD Diet Healing Journal: Week 6 – Getting the Ball Rolling! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 13 Jun 2016 23:47:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lucy I know this is from way back, but in case someone stumbles across this and wants another take on eggs.
I just started SCD and was making my eggs with a few broiled burgers crumbled into them – it adds a nice texture and a new flavor.

By: Steven Wright Hi Michelle,

Yes I have tried spinach but never thought about adding to eggs thats a great idea! I will probably give it shot next week. Thanks.

By: Michelle V Have you tried spinach yet? I am on week 4 and I cooked down a whole bag of spinach with a little chicken broth and pureed it. I add about a tablespoon to my eggs in the morning. Very tasty and something “different.” I’ve also done ground turkey and legal garlic powder.

By: Steven Wright Hi Janine,

Thanks so much for the support, I have been eating broiled meat and recently have started using oils to pan fry meat so I’m going to defiantly try out that sausage recipe (I don’t own any fennel seeds so maybe I’ll leave them out on the first try) thanks for the link !

I’ve tried yoga in the past but haven’t done it many years, Jordan has been trying to get me to do it as well so maybe it is about time to give it a try. Thanks for pointing that out.

By: Janine ("Jane Doo") Hi Steve,

Glad you’re still hanging in there! I don’t have any egg suggestions, but are you eating broiled meat at all? If so, there’s a really yummy recipe for SCD breakfast “sausage” on It’s basically just ground beef with fennel seeds (can you handle seeds?), thyme, and a few other spices, rolled into sausage shapes and broiled. They’re really tasty dipped in honey. I see lifting is your thing, but have you tried yoga at all? I find even just finding a few minutes at home to do some breathing exercises or a few simple stretches help my stress levels, and a full-on yoga class (for an hour or more) can make a big, positive difference in the quality of my poop. I did read on the CCFA support boards that some people get symptomatic if they do too many intense core exercises- I haven’t experienced this myself but it’s something to keep in mind.
