Comments on: Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 9 – Settling Back Down! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 06 May 2015 16:59:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steven Wright Alan – Thanks for the websites, I’ve spent a little time on the westonaprice site but have just touched the surface, I will check the other out for sure. Yes I agree D3 is big espically for people like me living in the northern hemisphere, I started supplementing about a month ago and hopefully will be getting my levels checked in the coming month to get some baseline numbers. Do you take any other supplements? Recently I’ve been exploring some research on iodine, it seems it may be another D3 like substance in which if your not getting enough it cause big problems.

By: Alan sorry, thats

By: Alan Steven – I do take krill from swansons. Sissons book is very good and so is his blog. The Paleo book is not as well written, but worth the read – I like his website better. Take a look at for info on krill, and for cod liver oil. Of course, the other key recommendation is the need for D3 from the sun if available. There have been some recent studies on the benefits of D3 for Crohns.

By: Steven Wright Alan – Great summary of the two! I’m about halfway through the Primal Blueprint right now and plan on reading the Paleo Diet book next. Do you take krill oil? I’ve been using a fish oil supplement to obtain a good amount of omega 3 but have always been intrested in learning more about Krill and cod liver oil.

I think one other thing that the Primal Diet focuses is on is getting some good quality exercise which I think everyone on the SCD Diet should be doing.

By: Alan Paleo/Primal is very similar to SCD. Eliminate dairy and legumes and you are there. Legumes are a big lectin culprit/cause of IBD. And one thing that Paleo focuses on, that SCD misses is omega 3 & 6 balance. Diets high in omega 6 cause inflammation. All the more reason to switch to grass fed beef and keep up with krill oil!
