Comments on: Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 11 – Avoiding the Broken Record! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 03 Aug 2023 02:40:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Buat Akun di Binance Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

By: Steven Wright In reply to maria diabetes-nurse.

@ Maria – Thanks so much for the kind words! Your totally correct it happens to a lot of us, I think its natural and human nature, especially for kids. I’m sorry you went through it but it sounds like you’ve bounced back and are crushing it now! Keep up the awesome work!

By: maria diabetes-nurse Steve,
Thank you for your honesty- I fell off the bandwagon on Halloween (just one mini snickers bar… leads to a slippery slippery slope!!!!!!!!)
And besides the mental (teary/ crying daily!) & GI symptoms, I had a candida flare up to remind me that this little bit of sugar causes a cycle of terrible horrible cravings. I think once you go off the honey & fruit you’ll notice (after die off of course) your cravings to cheat will really go away.

Lastly, I would not use the words “bad” or “cheater.” you are not a “bad” person for eating some candy!
This experience will happen to 90% of people learning the SCD (or any diet for that matter- diabetes, etc) The important thing is to be honest about it, so you can evaluate what triggered it and use it as a learning experience!

I would hope to especially emphasize this to PARENTS of kids on the SCD diet. If a parent chastizes, scolds. lectures, uses the “bad” word, etc etc, will the child/ teen be honest with them? Will the child/teen be able to problem solve the situation to avoid it in the future? Or will they just think “I’m just a “BAD” kid”

By: Steven Wright Anna – My nose does the same thing, I’m always burning through kleenex in winter. I started noticing that whenever I drank beer or ate pizza I would have more problems than usually the next day. That was all before the SCD diet so when I started this I have been hoping to sort it out nutritionally. Check out my latest Journal Post I found a bunch of research on Zinc and the ability to smell. I just started supplementing so I will keep everyone infromed on if it helps.

By: Anna I’ve never had the greatest sense of smell, but the last several years, my nose has started running more than usual, especially when it’s cold out. In the dry heat of summer, it’s fine, when it’s freezing and snowing out, i also require lots of Kleenex. I’ll have to start paying attention to see if anything else besides weather affects it. I have a feeling the steroids help, but I didn’t know nearly the amount of information I know now, and so I just wasn’t paying attention to it back when I was taking them. I’m very curious about the relationship to nutrition, so I was intrigued when you said you had trouble smelling, too.

By: Steven Wright Jen – Thanks so much for the support, its great to hear that you are doing so well!

Anna – My smelling has been getting better, but the weather has also been breaking around here as well. I always have a harder time in the winter and I’m not sure why. I have noticed that since starting the diet the amount of mucus I’m producing is greatly reduced but that hasn’t really translated into the ability to smell. 🙁 So while I’m glad to not be going through a box of Kleenex every week I was hoping I would be smelling a bit more spring time air by now. How long have you been having your smelling problems?

By: Anna Hello,
This is sort of off topic from the above comments, but I was wondering if you had noticed any improvements in your sense of smell? I have the same problem, and it’s worse in the winter because of the cold.

Thanks for this site, by the way. Though I may not always comment, I do follow it.


By: Jordan Reasoner Carol,
We all have our own struggles with the diet. The good thing about Steve and I is that we have very different stories and very different experiences on the diet. I haven’t had a drop of alcohol the entire time I have been on the diet because I can’t handle it, but many SCD dieters that we talk to do drink on the diet, and Steve does… so we balance each other out well. I find it valuable that Steve is being honest and sharing his unique challenges with the diet, the same experiences that many people out there are experiencing.

I have followed the most strict SCD diet since day 1 and after almost a year I am still taking it one day at a time. It doesn’t make my experience any different than Steve’s or anyone else’s because it is my body. This is real life, these are the day-to-day challenges of the diet. Support is more important than anything else, not negativity.


By: Carol Frilegh Hmm, you broke your signed contract to commit to SCD? We all err sometimes but it seems non productive and uninspiring to share the details with those who are looking to you as SCD authorities. I know, you are just human and I won’t refer you to Dr. Drew’s SCD rehab! But on the other hand you have designated SCD as the most restrictive diet you ever followed. Obviously not when you punctuate it with booze and candy!

Bad boys!!!

By: Jen Your story sounds so similar to mine! Except I do actually have diagnosed Crohn’s Disease. But the symptoms, right down to the horrible attitude, lack of focus and clarity are spot on. I do not do follow a strict SCD but I am gluten and dairy free and try to keep the sugar intake very low. I eat as natural as I can, organic and whole foods. It has changed my life and I’ve been med free for 4 months and just got the ok from my doc to stay off meds as long as I’m feeling great. I do have slips especially around the holidays but I always feel that same familiar misery when I do and the food doesn’t taste good anymore anyway. I was undiagnosed for a long time and I definitely found that it was a lot harder to stick to the diet when I didn’t have an actual diagnosis to keep me strict. Now that I do have the diagnosis and am monitored by a gastroenterologist it’s a lot easier. Not saying you need to find a diagnosis, but just letting you know I totally understand where you’re at right now. Keep it up!!! You’re doing great!
