Comments on: Phenols and Salicylates: What They Are and Why It Matters Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 25 Jan 2018 15:03:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Hannah.

Hi Hannah – Several food intolerances indicates a leaky gut and possible gut infections and/or hormonal issues. What we’d suggest is taking this customized quiz to get an idea of where to start:

We also highly recommend you register for one of our free Solving Leaky Gut Webinar’s, where the following will be addressed and much more:

-Why your digestion is often the root cause behind problems like brain fog, bad skin, hormone problems, food sensitivities, autoimmunity, and more

-Your top digestive risk factor – what it means and how to fix it

-The 19 triggers that poke holes in your gut wall

-The 3 step process to rebuilding your gut

-Specific anti-inflammatory foods to eat (and not eat) to stop suffering

-2 game-changing supplements that can fix your digestive complaints tomorrow

Link to register:

By: Hannah If one suddenly developed an intolerance to foods with sugar most all fruits and veggies other than potato (brain fog is the main symptom) what do you do with that? Can that be healed? Makes no sense and nothing shows wrong with liver, etc.

By: Hannah In reply to Kerrie.

Are those tests actually accurate?

By: Ava In reply to Linda.

No, do NOT give aspirin to children!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Stephanie Minneti.

HI Stephanie – thanks for sharing! I can’t say we’ve done the research to give you a solid answer on glycine and if it would help…we will keep our eyes and ears open for information on it, though:)

By: Stephanie Minneti I was told that correcting glycine conjugation can help as this is the metabolic process for breaking down salicylates.

Would taking glycine supplement help?
It is also found in gelatin, bone broth etc.

I find this very interesting as I also have ehlers-danlos which is a collagen defect.

Do you have any information which could be helpful? My mother and grandmother discovered it when they stumbled across Feingold’s diet when I was a child. I am now 42. I’ve also been diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation disorder and salicylate are very high trigger for mast cell degranulation.
I’ve had severe salicylate intolerance my whole life and through research found that phenols and terpenes are also an issue.

By: Fiona Dennis In reply to Michael Dunn.

Hi Michael, how exactly did Dr Dale help you?

By: Denise Thank you for this clear and concise article on phenolics. I run food sensitivity screenings for my clients and often several different phonolic sensitivities come up. I will refer them to this article so they can better understand.

By: Bobbie O'Shea In reply to Claire Hards.

I’m leaving a response on the latest date on this thread. I was diagnosed with salicylate sensitivity about 10 years ago and find the blow sal diet works for me in conjunction with plenty of sunshine and steam rooms help to lower my bad reactions. I have crohns disease and have had most of my intestine removed( I have 2 out of 7 metres left if I’m right) peeling and cooking fruit and veg makes absolutely no difference to my intolerance and I still react. I eat nuts about 3 times a year as they cause reactions faster than anything other than alcohol. I was told to only drink quality champagne ( which made my husband laugh!) But it’s true. I found great relief on a combination of natural supplements including daily sulphur (msm) which can make you a very smelly person to be with?. I’m not sure anything apart from a low sal diet would work for someone in my position due to not only compromised gut but lack of it. I often get the feeling sals can also affect your eyes as mine get very red but I’m not sure that could be yet another thing crohns disease blesses me with.

By: Claire Hards In reply to Michael Dunn.

Hi, I would also like to know what formula you used for salicylate intolerance.

By: Jen In reply to Ashlee Kirk.

Ashlee, did you ever find help with your issues?

By: Angela Houston labs has a digestive enzyme specifically for breaking down phenols. It’s called No-Phenol.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Tanya du Plessis.

Thanks for sharing this, Tanya! Glad the kiddos are doing better:)

By: Tanya du Plessis In reply to Lori Jo Berg.

We have a similar story and the only diet that worked as grain free, dairy free failsafe. My kids are sensitive to all chemicals including salicylates, amines, glutamates, chlorine….. the list goes on. But after 2 years, we’re in a great place and the biggest skeptics have actually turned around and apologised…because our kids have a had such a dramatic turnaround. It seems our chemical sensitivity started after mould exposure in our house.

By: Tanya du Plessis In reply to Grace Flower.

How wonderful for your son that he has a Mom like you! It seems like you trusted your instincts and didn’t stop looking for answers until you found them. ?!!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Grace Flower.

Thanks for reaching out and sharing this with us! What an amazing accomplishment. I’m really curious as to what diet you used to achieve those results! Would you mind sharing more? You can email me at if that is something you’d like to do. Or here is fine too:)

By: Grace Flower My son has had behavioral problems since 2nd grade (he’s 13 now). He couldn’t tolerate dyes, nitrates, apples, cinnamon, preservatives, Benzoates, and more. Chlorine from the pool is an issue. He would react and punch holes in walls and doors, rubbing his arms up and down, feeling like his skin was tingling, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, chanting the same phrase repeatedly, he was just a mess. He developed hypersensitivity to medication, he had allergies, asthma, ADD, Learning Disabilities and anxiety that made him never want to leave the house (now we gone school). Since we learned about PST, we use Epsom salts baths, liquid zinc, b vitamins, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum and unflavored Pedialyte. The difference is amazing!!! He’s finally happy, truely happy, calm, nice. A joy to be around. No more red ears, red cheeks, horrible tantrums, even his under eye circles look better. We do a strict Failsafe Diet but he finally feels good and that’s so important. It took 5 years to get here but I’m so glad we figured it out.

By: Grace Flower In reply to Linda.

If you do have a salicylate allergy and you ingest aspirin, you can have aspirin toxicity. That can kill you.

By: elle In reply to Jane.

Hi Jane

Is your son on a strict phenol free diet whilst taking the supplement?

By: Ashlee Kirk In reply to Michael Dunn.

Can you email me the cheap way to desensitize the phenol intolerance? I’ve been struggling with this for 9 years before I figured out that this was causing my brain fog after eating, it’s no wonder I seems to react to everything when I thought I was eating healthy!

By: stephanie In reply to Michael Dunn.

Not sure what youbused from thisbsite, can you help

By: Jane In reply to Jenn.

Hi Jenn
My son is NT but highly sensitive to phenols. Bananas, chocolate and vanillin (fake vanilla flavour) Block the phenol sulfotransferase enzyme and are also high in phenols. Apples are high in phenols.
It has taken me years to work out what is wrong with my son, and I’ve finally realised it’s phenols.
He now takes No-Fenol enzymes with meals and is 100% better. I also give him epsom salt baths to increase his sulfur and that seems to work, especially if he’s particularly toxic from an exposure.

By: Kerrie Hi Mariel Heiss
The test I would recommend that you get is a pyrolles urine test.
People with high pyrrolles are usually intolerant to salycilates.

By: Kate In reply to Michael Dunn.

Thank you for the post Michael, that website gives me a lot of hope – will definitely give the homeopathics a go 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Jenn.

Hi Jenn – there is no reliable blood tests for this that Steve and Jordan recommend – it is more something you can test on your own by eliminating foods. A diet like SCD is best for finding out what foods your son is reacting to – you can learn more here:

Hope this helps!

By: Jenn I stumbled upon this when trying to figure out if apples, bananas and chocolate make my son lose his *ish* for a specific reason, or if I’m “anxious mom” who makes up creazy correlations in her head. I can’t help but feel that my son has some kind of issue with Phenols. Is there a blood test to check? What should my next step be? He is 6 y.o. dx ASD and PANDAS.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Beth.

Hi Beth – thanks for reaching out to us 🙂

We recommend you check out this video:

We don’t recommend you eat any foods that make you feel bad or cause a reaction. If you have a reaction to glucosamine and chondroitin and decide not to eat bone broth or gelatin, you may consider using colostrum – it’s another amazing gut-healing supplement.

I hope this helps!

By: Beth Hi. I just took the alcat test and found out I’m sensitive to phenols as well as all the foods high in phenols. But I’m also sensitive to glucosamine and chondroitin. Does that mean I should stop eating gelatin and bone broth?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Arjane Brown.

Hi Arjane, I’m really sorry but we aren’t familiar with these medications and can’t tell you if they produce phenols. We recommend you consult with your doctor about any medications.

By: Arjane Brown Help! Does Atorvastin,Jenuvia,and lisinopril contain salicylic or cause natural production of phynols?

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Nancy.

Hi Nancy, thanks for commenting.

Many people react to the grape juice and gelatin. We recommend you just skip it entirely, as the same nutrients in the gelatin are also in the broth.

Another option is to mix the gelatin with water or with lime, lemon, or another plain juice you tolerate.

I hope this helps and you’ll give the diet a try – everyone has to modify it in some way and thats what we specialize in helping people do 🙂

By: Nancy Sounded good until I read about drinking grape juice with gelatin on the scd intro diet. Grape juice is high in salicylates!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Linda.

Hi Linda, we highly suggest testing this with food as mentioned in the article and as always, please contact your practitioner as well.

By: Linda So would a good test to check for this type of sensitivity to give your child a good dose of aspirin and see if they have any negative side effects from it? If not then they shouldn’t have a salicylate sensitivity?

By: Brent Kovacs In reply to Lisa.

Hi Lisa, thanks for reaching out! Please sign up for our Free Quick Start Guide here:

By: Lisa I would like to get a copy of the charts with levels of phenols. Thanks.

By: Michael Pollan thinks the Paleo diet is wrong. Here is why he’s wrong. | The Meal Matters Most […] two major proteins that can become problematic (ie. gluten, fructose, oligosaccharides, casein, or phenols) when a system is in a “stress adapted” mode. This is where the Ketogenic aspect of […]

By: Becky In reply to Michael Dunn.

Hi Michael, which ones did you use for salicylate/phenol intolerance? I took a look, and I’m really interested, but my sure which would be best?! My daughter has salycilate and additive intolerance (msg/preservatives etc)

By: Enjoying a Rainbow of Produce – Blue and Purple Fruits and Vegetables | My Medical Forum Blog […] […]

By: Jason Yep. Phenol is simply a benzene ring with an alcohol attached to it. My best advice is to pick up a cookbook entitled “Allergy Friendly Food” co-written by Dr. Anne R. Swain, one of the top researchers on salicylates in the world. Good luck!

By: Jennie Hi,

I have recently been diagnosed with an intolerance to benzene, am I correct (after reading) that naturally occuring phenols could be as hazardous to my health as chemically made ones?

Help!! Im going nuts..

By: Vee Michael….did you or your kids have food sensitivities related to phenols? Do you mind me asking if your (all of you) allergies were mainly seasonal type or if food issues were included and if so what kind? How long did it take for you to clear these problems by using Allercyl?

By: Michael Dunn Phenol intolerance can be cheaply treated by desensitizing the phenol intolerances. Worked for me, my two kids and three nephews. Dr. Theresa Dale found the easiest way to treat phenol intolerance and it amazes me that more people have not heard about this.

By: The Best Approach to Diet Modification: Contentment | SCD Griddle […] My new way of eating took over my life. I constantly stopped by the market to pick up this or that. With all of the busy-work, I didn’t face my ingrained attitudes. They remained un-mined and unexamined. I put on blinders and endured months of little success on SCD. By June, things got so bad that I faced the decision: quit or keep going. I stayed on SCD. I had more work to do.  I researched my issues; fructose malabsorption, leaky gut and phenols. […]
