Comments on: Steve’s SCD Healing Journal: Week 14 – Don’t Lose The Forest Among the Trees! Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Wed, 06 May 2015 16:53:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rick Steve, did you ever figure out what the culprit was? I have been on the SCD for over a month now and if I do not take magnesium supplements I have some intense C. I have been considering the possibility that it could be the cow’s milk yogurt or eggs, but both of those are big parts of my caloric intake that I really do not want to take out of my diet unless absolutely necessary. I also eat 3 tbs of coconut oil with each meal so I keep thinking the C should go away naturally but it still has not. I realize this post is over a year old so I am interested to know if you solved the problem and how?

By: Steven Wright Carol – On my next batch I want to try this dripping method, what is the diameter of the mesh stainer that you use? How long do you typically let it drain for? and I’m assuming you leave it covered in the fridge while it drains? Thanks for the Help!

By: Carol Frilegh Steve,
I got a great little cone shaped plastic gadget, lined with mesh for dripping the yogurt. It makes the texture of the goat yogurt range from sour creamy to cream cheesy depending on how long the yogurt drips. Unfortunately they are no longer being made, but you can use cheese cloth or line a colander with men’s large hankies and filter out the galactose liquid. This will make the yogurt easier to digest.

I think Melitta paper coffee filters will work too.

I am currently having problems with yogurt and am on a yogurt sabbatical for a while. This happens when my immune system gets on overload.

By: Steven Wright Carol – Thanks for stopping by and helping out, we are having some trouble with spammers in the comments sections so thanks for continuing to comment and help out. I completely forgot about the “3 month setback” and I am going to take your advice and switch back to goat’s milk yogurt in the next day or so. I’m 99% sure I didn’t eat anything illegal or new but I wasn’t writing it down so I can’t be 100%.

Sherry – Welcome to the site and thanks for stopping by as well. Yeah the yogurt milk has been in the back of my mind, I didn’t want to give up the cow’s milk because the texture is sooo much better than the goat’s milk. 🙂

By: Sherry Johnson I would agree with Carol to go back to the goat’s milk yogurt as she said it it easier to digest, is less allergic than cow’s milk, and doesn’t as readily produce or bloating (you probably already new all that). My son was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis a few years ago and I have been reading everything I can on the SCD. I am glad I found your website. I will be visiting often!

By: Carol Frilegh My comments keep disappearing. I suggested you go back to goat yogurt as it is more digestible than cow dairy even though it is treated for SCD through 24 incubation into yogurt. It’s OK to use suppositories to temporarily relieve constipation. Also you are at the critical three month mark where regression can occur for no apparent reason. One more thing, Reactions can be delayed for week. The Easter misfortune may just be manifesting itself now. Do you think when you got lazy with journaling that you ate something illegal or new and forgot about it? Beef up your watchfulness in all the above mentioned areas. If things don’t improve, stop all yogurt for a time and see if this makes a difference. Try a dairy free probiotic instead.
