Comments on: The MOST Important Thing You Need to Get Healthy (It’s Not What You Think…) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Tue, 11 Dec 2018 01:03:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amanda In reply to Jordan Reasoner.

I will definitely share my story, Jordan! Thanks for asking!!! I also would like to have your input on how to get back to working out without beating up the adrenals even more??? I’m interested in what you eat for your pre and post wkout snacks??? I was trying to accomplish a goal of mine and compete in a figure show 3 years ago but that’s when my journey took a turn. I am just now getting back to the gym… I realize it’s not how hard you train it’s how smart you train πŸ™‚ thanks again. I will be in touch soon!

By: Leonie Fisher Hi Jordan, Thank you so very much. After a year on the SCD diet and also following your fixing leaky gut program (after getting confirmation of leaky gut via testing and also being diagnosed with CFS, also a long term celiac sufferer) I am finally feeling more myself, the depression has lifted and I have put weight back on (was only 44 kilos not so long ago) and feeling stronger again with more energy to be able to get through the day. I know it is still a long road to get to where I would like to be physically and emotionally ( I have a dream :D) but I am now fine with that journey when 3 months ago I was impatient and did not want to take that journey and was angry at the world and myself and all the doctors I have seen. I let go of that anger and things started to improve, I actively avoided the things in my life that caused me stress and again things got better and today after watching your video I am ready to take my pain and recycle it to be even better and healthier. I can honestly say after one year of changing my diet and my lifestyle that my symptoms are better than they have been in over 12 years and I know continuing this journey and now using my pain as a motivator to not to give up will see me be healthier than I have ever been in all my adult life. Again thank you for literally saving my life, you are a beautiful human being and to share your journey and help so many people all I can say is…… legend! May you have a wonderful 2015, may things improve for you exponentially as you totally deserve it.
Big Hugs, Leonie

By: Tone Mygind Wow!! I REALLY got your message! Thank you so much! You deal with a totally fresh and powerfull way of focusing on pain as a transformation to a better life.
I have had a lot of pain in my life coming from emotionel stuff mostly – and this new year i felt really, really bad – again.
I was looking for all the help I could get from my mind and prayed to God or anything that could release me. Suddenly in the middle of the night my very depressed thoughts with my own willpower was turned off in a way and I woke up today feeling better. Today i planted the first seeds in “my taking care of my self – plan” (I also was listening to that video!!) and even though I have done this before it feels quite NEW – and I found your videos RIGHT ON TIME – TODAY!! So that you could make me refocus on my own inner power and the “gift of pain”
Thank you SO MUCH for your so “down to earth”- video! AND all your intensity. GREAT!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Kaye C.

Beautiful words Kaye – thank you!

Love those scars πŸ˜‰


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Catherine.

Well said Catherine, happy new year!


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Annie.

Thank you Annie – means the world to me! Pain is such a change agent, I’ve seen it start the healing journey for so many… I’m grateful this resonated with you πŸ™‚

Happy new year!


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Beatrix Willius.

You’re right Beatrix, it’s unfortunate, but pain is such a gift… so happy to hear that you’re on the path to health, never give up!


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Katherine P.

Well said Katherine, thank you for being you πŸ™‚


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Sharon.

Well said Sharon, thanks for sharing your experience πŸ™‚


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Julie.

So grateful it resonated with you Julie… look forward to hearing more about how you’re turning your pain into health πŸ™‚


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Amanda.

You’re amazing Amanda! I LOVE that you’re pain free and med-free… such an inspiration!!!

We’d love to share your success story if you’re willing, I know it would inspire and help so many others like you. Shoot us an email at if you’re interested and we can connect more about it.

Know you’re amazing πŸ™‚


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to David.

Thanks David! It’s been a helluva journey πŸ™‚


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Phyllis.

What a gift Phyllis πŸ™‚

Never forget what motivated you to change. Keep it close. Never give up!


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Mur.

That’s wonderful news Mur! I love how much change it created in your life and all these new seeds of health you’ve planted. Well done πŸ˜‰


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Audrey.

Happy to hear you’re open and willing to change Audrey – that’s a beautiful thing! Keep working hard πŸ™‚


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Tammy.

Right on Tammy! You’re an inspiration, keep working hard and never stop fighting πŸ™‚


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to bernard.

Love the idea of transforming it into energy for healing, great addition Bernard!


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to estherpearlman.

Great quote Esther, thank you!


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Ora.

You’re so welcome Ora! It’s refreshing to hear that it resonated with you and I hope you continue to be inspired to greater levels of health this year πŸ™‚


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Scyn.

Thank you Scyn, means alot man! Grateful the message resonated with you.


By: Amanda In reply to lorraine.

Hey Lorraine,

I have done both. I followed the Paleo the most at the beginning, but after getting a food sensitivity test done called ALCAT I’m doing more SCD because of my allergies /results. I do not eat any diary ( bc I am allergic to all even goats milk), no wheat. Also try not eating the same thing every day which is completely hard. I do eat sweet potatoes and purple potatoes at the moment but may be cutting that out. No sugars and nothing processed. So yes, I go to the grocery A LOT! Hope this helps Best to you, Amanda

By: lorraine In reply to Amanda.

Hi Amanda
Did you find a solution to your Crohns through the SCdiet and/or Paleo?

By: Kaye C Happy New Year Jordan, Thank You!
May your video go viral, I’m sure many are sharing it, as I am.
It helps explain to people who say to me “. . . How could you? How do you? . . .
WHY do you? . . . ”

Been there. Got the scars.
Now gratefully on the other side, and living focused on appreciation.

Thank you for sharing so fabulously from your heart,
May your 2015 continue with the same transforming power,
all the best, Kaye

By: Catherine You are so right! Pain is the teacher! No pain No gain!!!

By: c Pain can be a motivator, sadly .. most doctors say deal with it, here are some pain meds, go to the pain clinic, etc.
I might be starting to pull through, I’m not about to celebrate after 5 years of pain and suffering, and the last 1 year of .. pain that is unbearable.
This SCD diet is not bad, and easier to follow than people think. Just eat veggies and proteins, nix rice, breads, grains, oats, sugars. This morning I had a smoothie with a cup of almond milk, a banana, 1/4 cup blueberries, wasn’t enough! so I fried up two eggs in butter along with a little kim chi. For lunch bok choy, squash, beet, spinach, kale, bone broth, carrots, chicken. supper: About the same thing. ALL COOKED THOUGH! I still have issues with raw, I want raw, I get gas! mmm, celery juice. Still, once you’ve desperately gone through all the diets, gaps, paleo, elimination, rotating elimination you figure out that some foods are just crap, like potato chips, and like the mango man says, white stuff, watch out for the white stuff. Still, if I had diarrhea I’d be doing OVA stool samples constantly and looking at my poo under the microscope looking for whatever it is because when I get diarrhea, every single time it’s been because of some kind of poisoning. I quit boxed foods and boxed food eateries long before I discovered SCD. FODMAPS is a good start as well, taking enzymes helps, and also stress is connected, you can have multiple things going on at one time, but eliminating toxins and working on the leaky gut is definitely a start. It’s not a matter of cutting every last thing out of your diet, it’s a matter of figuring out what your body wants/needs, eating for your blood type is also a good start. It’s as simple as eating one food, and listening up, did it taste good, did it feel good, how did it pass through?, make a note of foods that seem to go good with you, it’s to difficult to get confused and not know because of delayed reaction, or other health situations.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to mary perez.

Hi Mary, please do email us at and we will be happy to assist you.

By: Annie Jordan, I wanted to hug you. You’ve shared a more life-giving perspective when it comes to pain. Perhaps this is where the healing starts. Thanks and A Healthier New Year to all!

By: mary perez I like to tell about my health but I like to email to u but I don’t know ur email Its very Important for my to get to conctact PLEASE SEND ME ur email I don’t want everybody knows about my problem until I contact u.

By: Beatrix Willius You are so correct. Being painless is my biggest wish.

Got some friends, whom I wanted to help. But they didn’t want to change. So I told them that their pain isn’t big enough, yet. Sad but true.

By: Katherine P Rock on Jordan! Great video. I can feel your conviction through the screen this morning. For those that might not have felt on Jordan’s same wavelength this am, I pray that you never feel the level of pain that requires you to become this passionate about it in the first place. You must push through the insane pain to get to the ‘good place’ and once you’ve reached it…JACKPOT. You may not be healed, you may still be in pain, but lord do you start to recognize the good and proclaim gratitude from the rooftops. God never gives you anything that He does not equip you with to handle. Pull from that dark place to get to the light. Those of us with autoimmune conditions sure need a lot of light!!!!

By: Sharon Thank you for the inspirational video! I have said that for me, “Pain is motivational”. Pain for me moves me to improve my health.

By: Julie Amazing words which really hit home. I am going to use this information to use my pain to do more exercise and get fitter. Thank you.

By: Amanda Thank you Jordan,love your videos and being positive for others who suffer from gut issues and think there is no hope! I have Crohns Disease and was taking Humira, steroids, and Imuran for my Crohn’s disease. After spending $30,000 from western medicine to homeopathic I am now pain free and not on any medications!!! Yay!!! I have gone throu hell and back with the pain I endured but you are right Jordan it is a beautiful thing once you make some changes to your lifestyle! I have made huge changes thank you for all your blogs. I also eat bone marrow and chicken stock every day and incorporate the Paleo Diet. I am now able to talk about having Crohns and turn this disease into something positive … Like you said pain is a gift… Thanks again for being an inspiration, Jordan!!!


By: David You’re looking buff these days Jordan. Looks like you really are recovered from your gut probs

By: Phyllis I agree. Because I am suddenly feeling pain from inflammation, I am seeking to eat healthy , get more regular exercise , and follow the SCD diet. My new year resolution. Get healthy and stay healthy!

By: Mur I could not agree more
My back & hip pain have been the worst & the best learning
In my healing process.
Did not happen overnight but definately led me to my own
research & acceptance of the work needed starting with
organic foods, yoga, muscle strengthening using free
Weights, walking, & some supplements.
My body is healing & pain has decreased from a 10 to a 2:)

By: Audrey I have had pain for years that wasn’t bad enough to move me toward change. Well – it’s here, and I am on a mission. What’s more important?

I liked your message. I wouldn’t have yesterday, but today is a new day..

By: Tammy This totally resonated with me. People always say I’m crazy for eating the way I do or they can’t believe how much will power I have. I just tell them I would do anything to get rid of the pain! When you have enough pain, you will do anything to get rid of it!

By: kath you are a good man. i urge you to study dr ray peat’s work. and danny roddy.
they helped me when paleo failed. learn how the body really works. learn the truth about hormones. learn about carbon dioxide and correct breathing – Butyeko breathing. undo the stress that is structured into your body’s functioning.

By: bernard Great Post Jordan!!! We all have our battles and demons we must face. Thanks for the encouraging us to use that PAIN and transform it into energy for healing.

By: estherpearlman Hi, I agree with you. I want to tell you what an art teacher said, “‘When you do your art, pain can help you in your art. It can let you go and make you express your feeling on the paper or canvass. It is very useful. You get rid of your anger, and have a painting amazement.” Thanks, Esther

By: Ora Thank you for that inspirational video.

We all get the life is wonderful stuff, but it is quite liberating to see a video about recycling pain.
All too often we are stuck when we have physical or emotional or mental pain symptoms are not willing what to do. Thank you for that inspiration,

By: Scyn Powerful message man. Respect for what you do and how you help so many people. You are an inspiration.
