Comments on: Troubleshooting: The Difference Between Staying Sick and Healing Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Thu, 26 Feb 2015 02:14:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Sharon.

Hi Sharon, go ahead and try zucchini instead of the carrots and see how you do with that.

By: Sharon I finished the introductory diet but could not eat the carrots because they caused gas and bloating. I then tried the summer squash and that did too. Does this mean I have a Candida problem? Not sure if I should try the other veggies in stage one or just the low glycemic ones or does my gut just need more time to heal.

By: Phoebe Thank you for responding Lori Jo. I accidentally ran out of both enzymes and HCL and quickly realized I am not ready to stop-my food basically stopped digesting. So I found out the hard way just how helpful they are!

By: Kristin Thank you,Lori Jo Berg, that information was so helpful. What tests would you recommend me starting with for just gas and bloating. I have no stomach pain or other digestive distress issues, thankfully.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Phoebe.

Hi Phoebe, thanks for reaching out! Go ahead and taper off of them one supplement at a time (for example, start with the HCL), and see how you do. This is the best way to tell if your body is ready to go with out or not.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Kristin.

Hi Kristin, thanks for raeching out! Digestive enzymes are used in the beginning to help your impaired gut digest food. As the body begins to heal, you will most likely need less and less and we suggest testing this out down the road. For some who have healed their gut, they may choose to take one or two enzymes when they want to cheat to help the body digest the food. I wouldn’t say you become dependent upon them and there isn’t any research that shows negative side effects of taking digestive enzymes for gut health.

By: Kristin Thank you for the helpful information. I’m just beginning to seriously figure out what is causing my gas and bloating. My question is regarding the digestive enzymes. Will one need to be on them for their whole life? Is there such a thing as taking them long term and having your body becoming dependant on them?

By: Phoebe Thanks for the helpful videos! I am wondering if I should continue taking digestive enzymes and betain HCL if my symptoms have pretty much gotten better after following a SCD/low FODMAP diet? I am being tested for SIBO in a couple weeks. I have just recently started eating 24 hr raw milk yogurt and eating only cooked veggies and I feel so much better. Also cut out nuts. Took me a while to get to this place and your website has been a huge help. Just don’t want to keep taking supplements unless they are completely necessary, although it does sound like a lot of people take those two in particular for a while. Thanks!

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Mar.

Hi Mar, thanks for reaching out! We suggest working with a functional medicine practitioner, as dealing with hormones and adrenal issues is serious and not something to mess around with. If you are in need of one, you can go here: The SCD diet is a great start to addressing the gut issues as well as testing your HCL levels as the article suggests.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Cindy Lee.

Hi Cindy, thanks for reaching out! Here is that article:

By: Cindy Lee Hi, Jordan spoke about an article on why cortisol is good for us. How can I access that? Thank you

By: Mar Hi there,

I just wanted to let you know how much I love your website and the information you provide! Reviewing the topic above for which I am writing this comment makes me want to ask what to do if yes, your adrenals are low, but you cannot tolerate Cortef and or other supplements that help them and yes, your thyroid is off because you aren’t converting T4 to T3 very well, but have trouble with crazy detoxification symptoms when taking T3 in addition to your natural T4/T3 and last but not least, you know something is not right with your stomach digestion, but you can’t take HCL/Pepsin because it causes grief, but you can sometimes take bitters and it may or may not help? The SCD diet has been great, but I have had to implement a FODMAPs routine. I apologize if you have answered all of these questions before and I have missed them on your site.
Thank you for all you do.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Krista.

Hi Krista, thanks for reaching out! Taking antibiotics is not something to mess around with and we suggest consulting with your doctor about what other supplements are safe to take while on them.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to krista.

Hi Krista, thanks for reaching out! We suggest working with a practitioner, as each person is different and will need specific treatment based upon several individual factors. You can find one here if you do not already have one:

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Rachel R..

Hi Rachel, thanks for reaching out! We highly suggest a comprehensive program that addresses diet, lifestyle changes, supplements and root causes such as a hormone imbalance. Please read on for more information: The quiz is a great place to start.

By: Rachel R. What do you do to FIX the cortisol levels, though? I KNOW my cortisol is low. I’ve been in adrenal fatigue for at least 10 years. But my body is also under constant stress from malnutrition because I can’t EAT anything.

How does one fix any of these pieces while every piece is continuing to throw off all the other pieces?

By: krista How can we lower cortisol levels if they are too high?

By: Krista Just a quick question regarding the first video above. Why can’t someone take the suggested supplements while on an antibiotic. The enzymes and the betadine HCl. Thanks.
