Comments on: Is Celiac Disease Reversible? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 25 Sep 2023 00:52:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: 20bet I am currently writing a paper and a bug appeared in the paper. I found what I wanted from your article. Thank you very much. Your article gave me a lot of inspiration. But hope you can explain your point in more detail because I have some questions, thank you. 20bet

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Chanda.

Hi Chanda – thanks so much for reaching out. Jordan made a lot of changes – in fact when he was “just” gluten free he wasn’t getting better at all. You can learn about what he DID do at our free webinar here

This article has a ton of great info, too:

By: Chanda In reply to Jordan Reasoner.

Hi, what other efforts besides going gluten free have helped? I’m researching various options that is like to employ. Also, how does one’s body absorb iron and other nutrients once the villi in the small intestine are destroyed?

By: Lucy I too believe I have coeliac disease and leaky gut… Fed up of going to the doctor who looks at me blankly but since eliminating gluten and diary from my diet what a difference… I still don’t feel cured by no means and agree that eliminating gluten isn’t enough…. I still feel something’s wrong on the inside… It frightens me …. I take slippery elm, marshmallow, l glutamine, quercetin, msm for my gut along with magnesium, zinc, b6, b12 and iron supplements which I do feel I benefit from…. It’s hard not having the support of a gp to advice me if I’m down the right thing by taking these but I can only assume being as though I now have half a normal life compared to what I did feel before that maybe I am doing something right… The information and literature you get from this site is amazing so thank u guys…. ???? Lucy (31)

By: Sara Hamilton Thank you so much for the info! I just got done reading your other article on the dangers of gluten. Loved it!

But just a quick sidenote on this one. Eratosthenes didn’t “break new ground” realizing the earth was not flat. The prophet Isaiah acknowledged that fact around 700 BC. Obviously just not everyone paid attention!

Isaiah 40:22 (KJV) “It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.”

Btw, everything else he prophesied historically came true. There is so much to learn about our diet, health, love, mental clarity, inner peace, financial prosperity, and every other aspect of life. We tend to follow every trend, read every new book, and look up to these philosophers; yet we don’t pay attention to the truth that has been there all along! It has changed my life like I could never describe so I couldn’t just close this out without clarifying! Thank you for all you do! 馃檪

By: Strides Against The Grain […] IS CELIAC DISEASE REVERSIBLE? The new research tells us this: if you have Celiac Disease, you have leaky gut. Fasano鈥檚 theory of autoimmunity opened the door to understanding where the gluten-free diet FAILS to fully treat Celiac Disease and what needs to be resolved to reverse it. […]

By: From Gastrointestinal Distress to Chronic Urticaria to Gluten Free to Health: My Story | BUCKWHEAT […] Lifestyle: ( This website IS trying to sell something, and it DOES look sketchy. However, its explanations are […]

By: Update: The Ultimate Elimination Diet: The Paleo Diet | BUCKWHEAT […] Lifestyle: ( This website IS trying to sell something, and it DOES look sketchy. However, its explanations are […]

By: Marina Thank you so much for this information! I have been diagnosed wih celiac disease last May and was doing well on the gluten free diet for a couple of months and then all of the sudden I started feeling sick again. My gastroentrologist performed another endoscopy and saw no improvement at all. My tTG levels are over 200 and my doctor suspects that I have refractory celiac disease. I have been following the scd diet since January and I feel on and off. Do you think that I can fully heal if I have the refractory celiac disease? I am a bit freaked out because I have a 1 year old son and I want him to have a healthy mom. I often refer to your site and I find it helpful

By: Jen Lewis One more thing on theory I just sent you… We know copper gets absorbed in intestines … Could be why autoimmunity starts with leaky gut. We are copper corrode in pipes with standing water. There is water in GI Tract. When copper is not bound to ceruloplasmin it does damage. I wonder if it can oxidize and produce CO at very very low levels… Could make someone very fatigued. When I read about chronic low level CO poisoning, I see a lot if ties…. Like ADHD. No need to post this on your website. I just wanted to share my idea with another engineer interested in celiacs. I am going to continue to pursue my theory and will let you know if I have any significant findings. I wonder if someday, the same protocols for Wilson’s disease could be used to help people diagnosed with autoimmune conditions. I believe the copper needs to come out, but very carefully. Thanks for listening! Jen

By: jennifer lewis Dear Jordan,
Thank you so much for the work you are doing! I THOROUGHLY appreciate your engineering approach to this complex problem. I am a mom and also an engineer (chemical)…trying to heal my 4 year old celiac as fast as I can, and her two non-celiac sisters also with intestinal inflammation. I have a theory….I suspect copper toxicity is the pre-existing condition that sets off autoimmunity. I am going to post 2 websites that I have been “stuck-on” for a few months now. Maybe you could give them a read and see if you think this theory is a possibility or just plain crazy. We have copper in water supply, moms pass down to babies in-utero and maybe breastfeeding. With each generation, the copper load passed down to babies gets worse. Could explain increasing autism, ADHD, and autoimmune disease rates. Here are the websites that I have found to be most insightful.
I believe this same pre-existing condition may contribute to other autoimmune conditions l(MS, Diabetes type 1, thyroid disease), autism and cancers as well. I am going to submit hair samples to 1 of Dr. Wilson’s practioners and see what their recommendations are for de-toxing. I have stacks of test data and observations. If you think there is something to this, I would be very happy to discuss more. I will continue to follow you on FB… thank you for your work!

By: kiran Thank you so much for informative article. I am suffering from stomach unrest & fatigue ,acid reflux for many years ,now I have understood mechanisam for the same
With Best Regards

By: Dennis Both my wife and I have celiac but have made great progress in 7 years with a GF diet, magnesium shots and supplements as well as B shots and numerous other supplemnets including quality acidophilus. As health care practitioners also, we see tons of issues with celiac and non-celiac folks around gluten and wheat intake and the resulting cascade of inflammatory symptoms. It is clear that a GF diet isn’t enough and that MOST of the medical community remains sound asleep about the disease itself and the opportunistic diseases that emerge! Thank you very much, Jordan for sharing your personal journey and modeling, and your brilliant connecting- of- the- dots for so many others, including me! Bravo!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Martin.

You’re welcome Martin – thank you for the feedback man!


By: Martin So far the best summary of leaky gut theories I have seen. Thank you!

By: The Toxic Truth About Gluten-Free Food and Celiac Disease « Lighting Up The Garden […] Earlier in this series聽I pointed to the latest research suggesting that we can鈥檛 reverse the damage from Celiac disease without reversing leaky gut. So far I鈥檝e shown you how toxic defense mechanisms in gluten-free cereal grains create leaky gut and inflammation. […]

By: susan I am not suprized that what you say is the case. I have been gluten free and do herbs for relief, I believe that quercetin and guaifenesin help very much, also Echinacea these help with inflammation and allergic response which I felt that wheat caused to the gut. I also take licorice, burdock and dandelion as a tonic for pain. My experience was a downhill spiroll of muscle pain and chronic fatigue syndrome,, I was diagnosed with fibromyelgia. The brain pain and depression lifted with a celiac diet. I eat a lot of beans with turmeric, very comforting. I also think a vegitarian diet is very healing to the system especially if you can start healing from this insidious desease. Jordan I am so impressed with your research.

By: Celiacos de Mexico – La dieta libre de gluten, 驴receta equivocada para la Enfermedad Celiaca? […] A principios de esta serie , hice notar la 煤ltima investigaci贸n que sugiere que no podemos revertir el da帽o de la enfermedad cel铆aca sin invertir en un intestino permeable. Hasta ahora he mostrado c贸mo act煤an los cereales en grano sobre los mecanismos de defensa contra el gluten sin crear permeabilidad intestinal y la inflamaci贸n. La inflamaci贸n y el intestino con fugas tambi茅n son causadas por toxinas producidas por las bacterias malas … […]

By: The Gluten-Free Lie: Why Most Celiacs Are Slowly Dying « A Love Affair with Honey […] gliadin initiates leaky gut by increasing the zonulin protein in people with Celiac Disease.聽 聽And later, we learned that fixing leaky gut is absolutely essential to reversing the damage from Celiac […]

By: La dieta libre de gluten, 驴receta equivocada para la Enfermedad Celiaca? « Celiacos de M茅xico […] A principios de esta serie聽, hice notar la 煤ltima investigaci贸n que sugiere que no podemos revertir el da帽o de la enfermedad cel铆aca sin invertir en un intestino permeable.聽Hasta ahora he mostrado c贸mo act煤an los cereales en grano sobre los mecanismos de defensa contra el gluten sin crear permeabilidad intestinal y la inflamaci贸n. […]

By: Leonie wow!! this is soooo me. I had a positive biopsy for celiacs two years after I stopped eating gluten without doing a challenge… I am also now intolerant to eggs and dairy..thanks to leaky gut. MUST do something about healing it!

By: Jag och bloggen | Skafferi Glutenfri […] Is Celiac Disease Reversible? […]

By: The Gluten-Free Lie: Why Most Celiacs Are Slowly Dying A guest post by Jordan Reasoner | Celiac Handbook […] that gliadin initiates leaky gut by increasing the zonulin protein in people with celiac disease.聽And later in the series, we learned that fixing leaky gut is absolutely essential to reversing the damage from celiac […]

By: Danielle Thank you for posting this. I am a 21 year old college student who was diagnosed with Celiac Disease a year and a half ago after three tests confirmed it. I am struggling with eating gluten free on a college student’s tight budgets. I am currently eating completely gluten free with parental financial support for the special (and extremely costly) foods. However, I am still very ill and feel worse than I did while eating gluten. I cannot wait for the rest of the posts after reading the previous ones. Hoping I can end this pain and feeling so sick all of the time.

By: Shannon I have several autoimmune diseases and it was clear to me after being gluten free for 6 months that wasn’t going to be good enough. I started a Paleo diet a few weeks ago, and getting use to another way of eating…and trying to focus on what I can eat, and not what I’m missing… like carbs and dairy. I also have to follow a low oxalates diet. It’s alot to follow all three diets, but I’m determine to fix my leaky gut. Thank you for this article – it helps me know I’m on the right path to healing.

By: Steven Wright In reply to amanda.

@ Amanda – All the people I would recommend to help you, as a first step will put you on either SCD or Paleo autoimmune diets (basically the same thing) so get started this week with our free guide to SCD ( Then as far as people who can help via the internet check out Good Luck you can do it, hang around the blog and facebook for a ton of like minded people to support you.

By: amanda Hi I was diagnosed last year with celiacs and im still so ill that im struggling to maintain. Any health I can barely eat. Is there a doctor you can suggest to see for leaky gut or someone who looks at celiecs the way you do. I feel like I know more then the doctors

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Alan.

Great points Alan – stay tuned, we’re nearing the prescriptive portion of the series… just a few more posts to go.


By: Alan I think you are right on target that all prolamins need to be eliminated for healing to happen, but I’m wondering if that “elimination” is enough. I suspect that adding key “leaky-gut” healing elements is necessary as well – such as bringing vitamin D up to therapeutic levels, bringing zinc levels up if deficient, adding proline proteins (gelatin/bone broth/colostrum PRP) and re-populating gut flora with beneficial bacteria (SCD yogurt/lacto-fermented veggies/key probiotics). LDN fits in there as well. Thoughts?

By: LATEST RESEARCH - Coeliac disease and gluten intolerance - Foods Matter News and Research Forums […] LATEST RESEARCH – Coeliac disease and gluten intolerance Is Celiac Disease Reversible? (2 Mar 2012) The latest evolution in autoimmune research indicates why the gluten-free diet may […]

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to MGH.

@MGH – thank you so much for the kind words, I really appreciate it. Helps me stay motivated to get the rest of this series going (got lots more coming)!

Also, great points about diet – you rock man 馃檪


By: MGH clamoring for the next post! you elucidated and broke down those first two theories into plain english better than anyone else i’ve ever read, and i’ve read quite a bit! a unique skill and so wonderful that you are putting it to good use.

it is worth saying, without responding to anyone specifically, that the diet based approach can be scary to discover when the doctors you trust are telling you the *exact* opposite. for anyone who feels immediately skeptical or threatened it helps to remember that the doctors, who no doubt have the best of intentions, are working only from theories themselves; there is no deep understanding of AI diseases in the mainstream medical field and needless to say a cure is nowhere even near the radar. Even the most establishmentarian doctor would admit that immune-suppressing drugs and tnf antibodies etc are just band-aids.

I write this as a 10 year Crohn’s sufferer (dealer-wither? i hate ‘sufferer’) who loved his dietary routine deeply and was relieved when my doctor told me to ‘eat whatever i want, it doesn’t matter’. only problem was i stayed sick until i made the fundamental and difficult changes to my diet!

you guys are doing great work and helping more people than you probably realize. i found out about your site from ‘’ and think he is a godsend as well. thanks so much!

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Michelle.

Hi @Michelle – I have used LDN for my Celiac Disease and thought it helped. I wrote one of my first blog posts about it back in 2009, here’s the link:


By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Pawan.

Thanks @Pawan, much appreciated! I’m so happy that you’re feeling more confident about what happened to your body 馃檪


By: Michelle Thank you for the info. It is honestly a bit over my head, but I am wondering if you have looked at using low dose naltrexone to treat autoimmunity. It is an off label use of a drug that multiplies the body’s own endorphin production…not sure how it would impact the celiac process but it is doing amazing things for ms and many other diseases.

By: Maureen Thank you so much for this great article. Can’t wait for more to come. Too bad doctors dont ‘get it’ when we tell them that gluten free works for them but there could be another missing link. However, eating gluten free has dramatically changed my life for the better – I don’t mind the once in awhile episodes, it is better than everyday!

By: ryan bowley It should be made more clear that this research and your opinions at this point in time are not facts and much more research is needed before it should be presented in such a way. I really think overall what you guys are doing is great however sometimes it boarderlines on misinformation.

By: Pawan Thank you for your blog post. This makes so much sense. From my own experience of being gluten free for 4 yrs, I’ve realized that I am just doing patch-work and that the disease underlying is not being healed (as evidenced by a new auto-immune disease). Your blog post helps me understand my own experience much better. Thanks a lot for this excellent explanation! Thank you! Thank you!! Can’t wait for your next blog post….

By: Jordan Reasoner In reply to Jamie.

Thanks Jamie 馃檪

You rock!


By: Jamie Thank you thank you. I wish I could give you a big hug and a kiss. I am so sick of people and doctors thinking that a gluten free diet is good enough. Well it’s NOT enough!!! Thanks and eagerly awaiting next post ! :O
