Comments on: Natural Flu Treatment Helped Me Return to Work in 2 Days Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:22:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joann I have the j-pouch since 2000, and currently suffer from severe bloating due to sibo. Any advice on how to stay healthy this flu season while getting my bloating under control?

By: Brad Shapiro I agree with the supplement suggestions but I have a very important tweek. Since Vitamin C only works for about 30 minutes in the body, I use the multiple ascorbate forms which stay active (about) 4X longer. I also take them spread out every 2 hours. Finding a brand that is affordable is important since this form of Vit C is much more expensive.

By: sophie v andaele I look very well to what I EAT SINCE THREE YEARS and I’m getting a lot better now !

but one thing I must comment, some people are really stuck into stresslifes, with adhd children, nothelping husbands, while you are as hell as sick and need to rest ??

A friend of me sits in this situation as I was before, but she feels unable the turn over the situation, and then , it’s hard to get well , very hard !

By: Maria Bear Thank you so much for this. Especially for detailing the risk of not getting the flu vaccine- now I don’t feel so guilty about not getting it !
