Comments on: Starch: Pure Evil or Evolutionary Gold? Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:21:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa In reply to Shahar Geffen.

I think yiu got a bacteria from,the chicken. Go to your doctor sounds like Carbinovactor virus. Think its misspelled but get yourself checked out, could be life threatening.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to David.

Hi David – the SCD diet aims to eliminate complex carboydrates, as they are harder to digest and break down and therefore can become food for potentially pathogenic bacteria. Thus, simple sugars are easier to digest and are allowed. I hope that helps!

By: David Why is it that starchy vegetables (with starch that breaks down into glucose) is preferable over fruit sources that are mostly just the simple sugars? Or how about dextrose itself? Seems like in theory dextrose powder should be completely fine on the SCD and cause the least strain on the GI tract since it doesn’t have to be broken down.

My experience on the SCD was good, but I found the same issue if I added a lot of honey or a lot of fruit or a lot of dextrose….each caused my BMs to go from 4s to 5+ on the bristol stool chart. I never experimented with potatoes or any starches as I figured they were forbidden or only allowed when I was feeling great again.

By: Lori Jo Berg In reply to Misty.

HI Misty! Your body is going through a ton of changes and the fact that you’re still having a period is good news:) Testing out some starch is totally fine and jst continue to see how your body reacts with it. Calories can play a large role in whether or not our hormones are working correctly, so try adding in some more healthy fat like coconut oil and avocados as well.

By: Misty Maybe Mariel can help. I am 37 years old, I have Crohn’s disease of the ileum. I have been thinking of adding brown rice or sweet potato back into my diet. I have been SCD compliant for 4 months. In that time, I have lost 30 pounds. A bit too much.
I feel so much better, except my last 2 menstrual cycles have come early(like, 12 days) and are extremely light. My normal periods have been 25-30 day cycles and 5-7 days long all my life.
And this is causing me added stress, wondering if I am harming my body. Am I not getting enough calories, fat, carbs? What?
Can you help me at all?

By: James Clark In reply to Amber.

I had the same problem for years and discovered I was overly restricting carbs. I don’t want to diss this guys diet but I highly suggest looking into the work of Dr. John McDougall. Just put his name in a google or YouTube search bar and you’re set.
Good luck

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Domenic.

Hi Domenic – we encourage you to give it a try (as well as other safe starches mentioned in this article) now that you’re feeling good. We can’t promise it will or won’t work for you – the only way to find out is to test it out!

By: Domenic Hello ,

I have been on scd for 7 months to help come off a horrible flare of UC.. Despite lingering symptoms I feel much better. I am wondering if green banana flour is a safe starch I can test ? I really want to try and make some baked goods or protein bars for when I’m on the go . Than you 🙂

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to Belle.

Hi Belle, thanks for reaching out to us 🙂

It is important to eat enough when you’re pregnant and we encourage you to listen o your body and talk with your doctor about this as well.

In general, we think the safest starches to increase are white and sweet potatoes, plantains (my favorite!!) starchy veggies like carrots and squash, tapioca, and even beans if you soak them before cooking.

By: Belle I’ve been following you guys for a few years since my UC flared up after the birth of my son. Prior to that I only ever had one flare then went into remission for 10 years. Three years ago I started scd. It helped me see quick results but I have not been 100% since. I would cheat a bit then try experimenting with other diets, paleo, gaps, fodmaps, but always came back to scd. Now I am 17 weeks pregnant and although I flared in my first trimester, I am quite symptom free for now. My trouble is I am so hungry and have an aversion to meat so I’ve been eating a good amount of rice and in the last two days pizza with a tapioca crust. I’m not sure how well I would have tolerated these before pregnancy since I barely ate them. I haven’t noticed an increase in symptoms but am concerned that is attributed to the fact I am pregnant. I don’t want to indulge while I’m pregnant then have the flare of all flares after birth. How do I take precaution while I’m pregnant but still satisfy my cravings for carbs? Thanks in advance for any insight.

By: erbua In reply to Mariel Heiss.

I SO appreciate your response! As I mentioned, I’ve read so much about how “even cheating slightly” on SCD can mean never healing and having to start the diet completely over for any hope of success. So I find this view very refreshing and hopeful to know that I can possibly customize this to work for me and still heal — using it more as a guide and less as dogma. I hope more people start looking into this and share.
Anyway, I’ve sent you an email. Thanks so much again.

By: Mariel Heiss In reply to erbua.

Hi Eruba – thanks for taking the time to comment.

We think starches have a lot of benefits for many people and we think you should eat the widest variety of foods you can that promote health for YOU.

If you email us at we can give you all our resources for vegetarians

Eating enough is critical for success on SCD no matter what. We recommend tracing your calories to be sure you’re eating enough now as you continue experimenting with adding in more new foods.

By: erbua I really appreciate you guys looking at diet for treating gut issues as something that should to be customized for each individual body and not a matter of just “illegal” and “legal”. It scares me some, because I’ve read so much about how “cheating” on SCD etc leads to failure to ever recover… Which is why I have strictly followed SCD even as a strict lacto vegetarian for 2.5 months now (I’ve been totally meatless for 15+ years), despite losing energy and muscle and having people who love me tell me they’re worried I’m becoming malnourished etc (although one interesting note is that I’ve lost no weight).

I’ve already read (I think) all your views on vegetarianism on previous posts, but my question is could an active, strict vegetarian be a candidate for the “need more starches” category?

I’ve viewed the carb issue as a lose-lose. I either deprive myself, hoping to get better eventually but losing strength and possibly creating long-term issues (because I’m not sure but I’d think a diet that restrictive forever would not be good, plus SCD is supposed to be followed for a significant amount of time) or I eat carbs and never actually get better.

PS if you have any resources for someone in my situation(ie strict, committed vegetarian), I’d be so grateful (btw I’m dealing with leaky gut, ibs-d, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, what I believe is SIBO, and what mainstream doctors suspect is IBD but I’ve avoided colonoscopies).

thanks so much.

By: Marria It will be interesting in the next few years to see how funny all this speculation will prove to be about what humans were programmed to eat. All the new research on bacteria over growth and lack of bacteria in the gut is pointing to the fact that somewhere along the way be it over use of antibiotics, GMO eating away at us or just a plain bad diet to full of sugar and processed foods has somehow offset the balance of our bacteria in our bodies and we can no longer digest certain foods. It will be exciting to watch as science is able to pinpoint the little bugs in a healthy gut to be able to replace them in compromised ones. It all comes down to common sense, we were not too long ago able to eat these foods and thrive , ( I am implying a moderate healthy diet with a good balance) let us figure what has caused the change. Remember the writer of the book just gave her opinion as to why a carbohydrate free diet was working, she may have been correct and we will hopefully have an answer soon.

By: Melissa In reply to Chris.

I’m wondering this, too, Chris. My son has “mild” indeterminate colitis (presents like Crohn’s). He’s doing great on SCD so far, but he’s going to hit puberty soon, and needs to gain weight. I know we’re not anywhere close to introducing starches (we’ve only been on SCD for a little over a month), but would love to know at what point we can start.

I’m guessing it’s when you’ve been symptom free for a while. Maybe a year?

By: Jan Zigbe In reply to Sean.

Try quail eggs. Worked wonders for me.

By: Peta fulton I suffer from gluten and lactose intolerances so I restrict my diet to gluten free and lactose free foods. I am currently trying a FODMAPS elimination diet under the supervision of a nutritionist. I have also reduced my carbohydrate and grain intake. My. intolerance manifests as a severe itchy skin rash or dermatitis. However my stools are generally very healthy and regular. Do you think my intestinal gut and the vili are affected or damaged by the gluten intolerance? I do not wish to have an endoscopy which I am told is the best way to determine Celiac disease.

By: Michael “So what should we make of this starch paradox?”

Meal frequency. Here’s a comment I posted on Kresser’s website:

The Kitavans basically eat one big meal per day. That’s something most people who say that starch/sugars/carbs aren’t a problem because of the Kitavans’ diet carbohydrates % seem to constantly forget. When you eat one big dinner and not much else you can get away with eating pretty much what you want (on that island) and not get fat and sick, especially if your whole lineage going back thousands of years has never been touched by dirty 20th century industrial food products. These people have been on the equivalent of Ori Hofmekler’s Warriot Diet since the beginning of time.

So you can’t simply look at the Kitavans’ (or any other primtive peoples’) macronutrient ratios and compare those with the breakfast-then-lunch-then-dinner standard North American diet. What’s unhealthy in the long run is eating starch/grains/sugars all day long.

By: Jonny Hey just a question. I’ve had roast potatoes twice this week with no effect. Is this safe to say I can tolerate them?

Also a few weeks ago I ate bread every day for a week with no symptoms. It was very good quality bread. Just wondering if you think i can tolerate bread also if I went a whole week?

Thanks so much for this website! Big fan!

Every blessing,


By: Atlas In reply to Sean.

I had the same issue until I added safe carbs like sweet potatoe. Problem solved

By: cm Hi Steven,

My GI used the hydrogen breath test and diagnosed me with SIBO a couple years ago. I stayed away from safe starches but I recently started eating safe starches (sweet potato and plantains) after my workouts. I don’t seem to have digestive issues after consuming these foods. I know you suggested a blood glucometer but would I experience any other symptoms? As far as my digestive issues, I do notice at time I don’t feel like I have a complete elimination and I struggle with my lower abs. I feel like my belly protrudes out but that can be a fitness issue. I just wonder if there could be any other GI issues. My GI also dx me with IBS but that doesn’t say much. Thank so much for your help!

By: Corey So if you have candida should you avoid low starches like carrot turnips butternut and Beets i thought Scd and Gaps promote the use of safe starches so you do not go really low carb and effect adrenal issues. Scd even mentions red lentils as a safe alternative.
i guess i am a little confused what do you guys recommend?

By: What is the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol? | Phoenix Helix […] Starches […]

By: Chris when is it best to try sweet potatoes for people with UC? a year? once you get to phase 5? any thoughts would be appreciated as I am a weightlifter and grow and recover better with the inclusion of starch in my diet.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Beth.

It’s unlikely that you have SIBO but there’s always an exception when it comes to the human body, sounds more like stomach acid issues and a different GI infection.

By: Beth In reply to Steven Wright.

Christine, you may want to look into Saccharomyces Boulardii. It’s been shown to help with candida, and a lot of my candida symptoms improved once I started taking it. I use the Jarrow brand and take 3 capsules/day.

By: Beth I am pretty sure that I have SIBO (I’m actually meeting with a gastro. today who tests for/treats it so I’ll be able to find out for sure), and I know I have a leaky gut (took the Cyrex Array 2 test). I get basketball-sized bloat after eating a lot of things, but oddly enough, safe starches don’t cause it. I have no issues with white rice, sweet potatoes, plantains, yuca or turnips. Is it possible that these starches are still feeding the SIBO even though they don’t cause the immediate reaction of bloating? They also don’t cause any other noticeable GI reactions.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Christine.

@Christine – thanks for sharing, in general my experience has been over and over you cannot starve candida it must be killed.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Sean.

@Sean – Could help, without seeing a food journal I wouldn’t know for sure. Seems like some adrenal/sex hormone testing would be well worth the money to see if something is out of balance there.

By: Christine I have been doing an SCD based diet for one year 5 months, but after about 10 months I had to add in more carbs, as my muscles were very weak & I could hardly stand. I believe that was because I wasn’t getting enough glucose for them. Glucose is also needed for the immune system & although SCD helps dysbiosis, it doesn’t really help candida a lot which needs glucose to strengthen the immune system against it. I found that I was eating a lot of fruit & honey, but they have a lot of fructose in & not so much glucose. They were also feeding my candida, along with the starchy vegetables, such as carrots & peas. I couldn’t get on with sweet potatoes or parsnips, so I added in some ordinary potatoes (with skins) & brown basmati rice initially & felt much better & stronger. Now I don’t eat either of those, but eat millet, amaranth & sorghum instead, because they are probably better for candida than potatoes and rice. I certainly feel much better eating more carbs though.

By: Amber I feel listless and foggy-brained when I don’t eat starches. When I was doing full SCD I felt like I could hardly get out of bed…not good. So, on the advice of my nutritionist, I introduced sweet potatoes and white rice. I felt better. I started eating mung beans, quinoa and barley after seeing an ayurveda practitioner, and boom! Energy power punch…unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how to balance my grain intake so that I don’t end up with a whole lot of extra nervous energy (and extra calories).

By: Sean I CrossFits and lift weights, I’m in the box about 5-6 days a week, 2 hour sessions. I eat a fairly clean diet. Ive been experiencing erectile dysfunction for the past year or so. My mood and stuff is all good. My testosterone is actually high. I am young. My libidido is close to gone. My lifts have gone up and I feel strong. The only problem is getting and erection and maintaining it. Could carb consumption be beneficial? I consume carbs…but more?! Thanks

By: Annie You mention white rice in the safe list, what about brown rice?

By: Chris I am experimenting with white rice. I tried a strict SCD for 6 month and only saw improvement initially, after that my symptoms stayed the same. I am loosening my dogmatic approach to scd and am experimenting with some starches… white rice seems to be ok so far.

By: Karen I have been on the SCD for over 2 years now and feeling great. I have introduced potatoes, and very occasionally I eat rice. I’ve had no problems. This is the 2nd time I’m on the SCD. The first time I gradually added more foods until I was eating everything and proceeded to flare. I think the key this time is that I avoid wheat and sugar. I have on rare occasion tried spelt flour with no ill effects. I also take SCD yogurt, probiotics, fish oil, calcium and vitamin D. Avoiding (or handling) stress is also key.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Shahar Geffen.

@Shahar – This article talks nothing of how well UC people benefit from SCD. I think you need to spend some more time on the site reading all the success stories from people who have UC as they do very well on it. SCD is but one aspect of a treatment plan. Those coming off prednisone (an extremely powerful drug) typically need adrenal support and other supplements in addition to SCD.

By: Steven Wright In reply to Dr Tim Brown.

@Dr Tim – Not familiar with the Fast tract diet but if they are describing fermentation of the starch in the small intestine… SIBO or yeast overgrowth is likely the issue which I stated above those who have these problems should avoid starch. Is that on the same track?

By: Dr Tim Brown What about using the Fermentation Potential such as described in the Fast Tract Diet?

Great work guys, Thank you!

Dr TBrown

By: Shahar Geffen Hi Steven, according to your article, people who have UC will not benefit from the SCD diet.
I’ve got UC, and on the fourth day of the Intro diet.
I came off Predisolone four weeks ago, my BM where solid until a week ago when I started seen a bit of blood on the stools (I’m eating only SCD legal food, but didn’t start with the intro), so four days ago I started the intro, and for four days I’m eating ONLY the chicken soup with carrots (your way of doing it).
The problem is that I don’t have normal and solid stools (I have small mucusie with blood in it), any longer, and I’m going to the toilet more often, and the blood is getting worse.
If you have any idea to help me, I’ll appreciate it very much.
