Comments on: The Difference Between Good and Great Practitioners (It Saved My Life) Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:07:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: C. Barto Greetings,
In response to your comment about “great practitioners” not needing to be involved with managed care, I offer my own experience. I am a psychotherapist currently working in the Medi-Cal system in California. If I did not take insurance, I would be limiting access to quality mental health care. My services would only be available to wealthy individuals, which contradicts my sense of morality, ethics and social justice. I completely understand why some practitioners choose not to accept insurance, especially Medicaid, but it leaves the poor without high quality care.
Christine Barto, MA, MFTI

By: Vanessa I am glad that you were able to get the resources to pay for the $30,000. I have my credit cards maxed out and can’t even pay the basic monthly charge. I have spent $20,000 of my mother’s money with nothing to show for it. I have recently found out how many of my symptoms are adrenal fatigue/exhaustion but now have no means to get well. Add that to the fact that my adrenals have hardened (according to my doctor) and even healthy supplements are making me sick. It then takes days for me to recover when I get sick from them. I would love to at least have someone that I could turn to even though they can’t help me but I can’t afford even that. I was so tempted to call one of these practitioners but I cant do that to my family anymore. Sometimes we have to accept where we are.

Thanks for your hard work in getting these practitioners.

