Comments on: The Biggest Myth of Change and What to Do About It Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:11:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Healthy Arms Such an inspirational and encouraging post! I couldn’t agree more. Every little step that we take each day really counts for a lot at the end of the road. I have suffered gravely from arm pain for a very very long time and was struggling with therapy. Along the way to recovery, I lost all motivation and focus. I lacked the drive to continue what I have started. Posts like this really help a lot. Thank you so much. – Kevin

By: Elke Thanks SO MUCH for your encouragement. The work that you do helps others tremendously. Your website is a treasure of information. Keep it going, you guys!

By: Cindy Blase My son Jerod, 25 yrs old, was diagnosed with UC about a month ago. Luckily (answered prayers), we immediately found Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall. Jerod was the worst case our GI doctor had seen in years, with a colonoscopy looking like a shredded tire. Bloody diahrrea 20x a day, and needing a blood transfusion less than a week ago. He has lost 45 pounds, starting at 6’0 175 lbs down to 137 and holding. He is on a declining dose of prednisone, And Lialda. We started the SCD diet imeadiately, stumbling through it until we found SCD Lifestyle. We have adhered strictly to the diet. Still in phase 1, adding new foods every 4 days, with great success. We have supplemented with a multivitamin, VSL #3 prozymes, iron 25mg and magnesium. Our GI doctor gives no creadience to the diet. He strongly recommends Humira. We feel that we are doing so well that we are reluctant to add an immune suppressing drug to his routine, against the doctors advice. Jerod has gone back to work, and finishing school and says he feels better than before he got sick. He still looks gaunt from the rapid weight loss, but is doen to intermittent perfect stools and diahrrea only 2 to 3 times a day. We are very encouraged by his progress. We know the diet is working!

By: Payton Another great post. I don’t know if you remember meeting at paleo fx but if you want to connect my email is
