Comments on: Why Paleo FX Rekindled My Commitment to Health Solutions for sensitive people with gut health issues. Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:21:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Evan Brand You rock Steve, I appreciate the shout out. I plan to keep you and Jordan as friends in this movement for years to come.

Not sure if your comments allow links, but here’s the interview you mentioned below.

Take care,

By: Steven Wright In reply to Nestor Leal.

@Nestor – Thanks so much for introducing yourself to us, we were so happy to hear your results, honestly the pleasure was seriously all ours.

By: Nestor Leal It was really nice to meet you both in person. As I mentioned you, I got your book and follow your podcast from Mexico. You both have helped me a ton and right now I am just fine tuning. Thanks to you I had access to supplements I have never heard about, awesome lifestyle tips and information so valuable that only with your guests on the podcast I have been able to learn about. I am grateful that I had the chance to say thanks in person to you both. Thanks to all the Paleo fx organizers for this opportunity.

By: Corben I am honored that you would mention me. I had a great time hanging out with you, Jordan, and Ben at Wholly Cow. My abs were sore the next day from all the laughing. I can’t wait to start working with you and getting some of my health issues taken care of. Your knowledge, sincerity, and sense of humor are what sets you guys apart from the rest.
